
The Truth

"Why isn't my spell working on either of you!" Veritas, the goddess of truth screamed at you and Sam. Both you and Dean were staring Sam's way, wondering the same thing. 

"Well, you see, I used to be a Reaper. So that's probably the reason." You said calmly, but it only pissed her off more.

Sighing, you thought back to the last couple of days. Ever since Sam and his grandpa had saved Dean from becoming a Vampire, things had not stopped spiraling down. Catching wind of another hunt, Dean had jumped on it, while keeping a careful eye on his brother. Now, here you were, tied up by a Goddess, who wanted to cut your tongue out, and slowly munch on your body. 

"Ugh, getting sacrifices used to be so simple. People would throw their children at me. And now, there are more liars than ever. But people missing go noticed." She said, swinging her knife dangerously close to your face. "Then there's you three. Two of you don't even work against my spell!" She screamed, just as Sam rose up from his spot on the ground, tackling her in one move. 

Sitting there helplessly, you watched as Sam fought her, and Dean struggled against his ropes holding him down. Finally he was free too, and he went to help Sam, and they soon killed the Goddess. With one final hiss, her body stopped moving and Sam slumped to the ground, breathing heavily. Dean, on the other hand wasn't done, and he grabbed Sam, making him stand back up. "Damn it Sam, what the hell was that?" He growled, as you continued to struggle against your restraints. Neither man noticed, being too caught up in the fight that was begging to happen.

"I killed her! Isn't that what we wanted?" Sam answered back, letting Dean slam him against the cold, tiled wall of the Goddess' basement. 

Dean shoved him again, his face turning red with rage. "That's not what I'm talking about and you know it! Why the hell didn't her spell work on you?"

With how mad Dean was, it was even scarier at how calm Sam was in response. It didn't fit the situation, and it didn't fit the Sam you knew at all. "It didn't affect Y/N. Why aren't you shoving her up against the wall?"

Rearing his arm back, Dean let a punch fly right into Sam's jaw. Wincing as you heard his knuckles connect with skin, you waited to see what would happen next. "That's different. She was a Reaper, probably has complete different DNA than us. But you, you're human. At least you used to be. But you've been different ever since. Now, care to enlighten us?"

"Fine, it's true. I've been different since I've come back. I don't feel, hell, half the time I don't care about anything. I don't have to sleep. I don't know what's wrong with me." Sam finally admitted, and you could see the tension leave Dean's body once Sam said what Dean knew to be true all along. 

"Why didn't you tell me?" Dean asked, and Sam just shrugged.

"I don't know. It just seemed like I didn't need to." Was all he could say.

Without warning, Dean punched Sam again. "I can't believe you didn't think you needed to. You let them turn me into a vampire! You've hurt Y/N over and over again. You can't go around doing that!" 

It was then they both seemed to realize you were still in the room, and Dean came striding over to you, picking the knife up on the way. Quickly slicing through the rope, he helped you stand up, as Sam stayed off to the side, knowing that he still needed to be careful. 

"How do you want to handle this?" Sam asked, his eyes warily watching Dean's movements, as he dabbed at his bloody lip.

"I really don't know." Dean said, holding on to you tightly, even though you didn't need the support. "Sam, right now I don't even want to be in the same room with you."

Sam nodded, another movement to show you how far away from the old Sam he really was. The old Sam would have had tears in his eyes, looking like a kicked puppy. This one just seemed a little put out that things weren't running smoothly.

"Why don't we go to Bobby's?" You suggested. 

They both agreed, and soon you were on the road to Bobby's, the tension thick in the Impala. Unable to take it any longer, you slid your headphones on, leaning against the window as the dark, starry night passed by in a blur. 

You were almost asleep when Dean stopped the car in Bobby's front yard, and you stretched as you climbed out. Bobby came racing out the door, a shotgun in his hands until he noticed it was just the three of you.

"Ya idjits. Scared me to death." He grumbled, before turning and heading back inside, leaving you to follow. Dean was already walking in too, leaving Sam behind with you. He hadn't said one word to Sam since the incident in the basement, and neither had you.

"Y/N." Sam said, grabbing your arm and stopping you. 

"What Sam? I'm tired and I want nothing more than to go lay down and sleep for a while." You mumbled, but he wouldn't release your arm.

"What Dean said back there, about me hurting you. Was that true?" He asked, bringing up all sorts of painful memories.

Yanking your arm from his grasp, you turned to walk away, throwing your words over your shoulders. "Really? You want to talk about this now? Well I don't. So good night Sam."

You had only made it a couple of steps when he grabbed your shoulders, turning you around and slamming you against the wooden post of Bobby's porch hard. It stunned you, and you blinked up at Sam. "Yes, I want to talk about it now. Because for some reason, I don't feel anything. Anything at all. And that should be scary, but I don't care. Which means that I don't care that I no longer feel anything towards you."

"Sam, I don't want to talk about this!" You said, trying to brake free, but his fingers were wrapped too tightly around your upper arms, digging in and no doubt leaving bruises. 

"So, I'm sorry if my not having feelings hurt you. But not really." He said, before leaning down and pressing his lips roughly to yours.

"Sam, you're confusing me!" You said as soon as his lips left yours to travel down your neck. "You don't have feelings for me, so why are you doing this?" As the words left your lips, a moan followed, your body responding to his touches.

"Just because I don't care for you anymore doesn't mean that I don't want this." He said, before nibbling on your ear and pressing his growing erection into your belly.

You hesitated for a moment. A part of you still wanted this, to be with Sam no matter what or how. But then you knew he was just using you, and would toss you away in a second. "Sam, stop!" You yelled, trying to push him away, but he just slammed your head back into the post before roughly grabbing your breasts with one large hand. "Sam, don't do this!" You yelled, his hands too rough on your skin.

"Sam stop!" Dean yelled, rushing back through the door. Grabbing his brother roughly, he pushed him back away from you. Without Sam's arms holding you up, you fell limply to the ground, your knees and palms scraping against the rocks on the driveway. "She said no."

Sam just looked at his brother like it wasn't a big deal. "But her body was responding. It wouldn't have been to big of a deal."

"It would have been rape Sam." You said, standing up on wobbly legs.

Cussing under his breath, Dean punched his brother hard, hard enough to knock him unconscious. Both of you watch him fall to the ground, before Dean turns his attention to you. "Are you okay?" He asked you.

Wrapping your arms around yourself, you shook your head no. "No, not really. It's so hard. I'm getting used to being human, and now here comes Sam, different and hurtful. Why does he have to be like that?" You asked Dean, but he didn't have an answer for you.

"Come on Y/N, let's get you inside, along with the big blockhead here. Maybe we'll figure something out in the morning." Dean suggested, but you stared at Sam, knowing you wouldn't sleep a wink with him in the same house as you right now. "Oh don't worry." Dean told you, reading your mind. "He's going down in the panic room."