

"I still can't believe we left him there!" You argued, leaning forward from your spot in the back seat. Sam was glancing back at you, looking exhausted, but alive. "Especially with that Demon!"

"We had no other choice." Dean argued as he drove the Impala down the highway, far away from the mental hospital, and the Angel you called friend. "He's safer there than out here with us."

"I still don't like it. He seemed so broken. It was so hard leaving him there." You said softly, leaning back. Sure, you were glad that Sam was back, Lucifer no longer controlling him. But it still didn't seem right, leaving a part of your team behind with a Demon who could use him for nefarious purposes.

With your arms crossed, you stared out the window, wondering what would become of all of you now. Sure, the major threat of Sam dying was taken care of, but life with Sam and Dean was never dull, and Dean had explained to you about all the Leviathan. Not sure you wanted to take part in dealing with them, but you knew you wouldn't be leaving Sam and Dean any time soon. Unless Death came back like he promised he would.

Staying silent the rest of the car ride, you could see Sam occasionally glance back at you, his features uncertain, never saying anything. As soon as the car was parking at another motel, you were out of the car, walking down the sidewalk. "Y/N! Wait up!" Sam yelled, and you glanced back, seeing him talk to Dean for a minute before his long legs ate up the distance between you. "Where are you going?" He asked. Truthfully, you weren't sure, you just need to walk, and think. To come to grips with everything that had happened since your return from Purgatory.

"I just need to get away, for just a minute." You told him, moving forward again, but his hand reached over, gently grasping your wrist and stopping you.

"Please. Can I come? I won't say anything, but I just want to be by your side." He pleaded with you, and with a sigh you nodded.

Keeping his long stride even with yours, he stayed beside you, silent. With your hands in your pockets, you stayed silent, passing by businesses closed for the evening. Time passed, and soon buildings turned into a park. Leaving the sidewalk, you crossed the grass, stopping in front of a secluded picnic table. Climbing up so you were sitting on the table part, you wrapped your arms around your knees, staring across the grass to the small pond.

Sam came and sat next to you, his shoulder brushing yours, but still he was silent. You knew he probably needed to talk. He had been through so much, and it had been a long time since it had been just the two of you, no Lucifer hanging over his head.

"Sam, I'm sorry. I know I'm being selfish." You whispered, knowing that whatever you were feeling was probably nothing compared to what he was.

"Y/N, you are the least selfish person I know." He answered. "You have nothing to be sorry for. Dying and coming back from Purgatory. Having to deal not only with me, but with Death as well. I know you were always by Dean's side, making sure he didn't get too far off of the deep end."

"How can you do that?" You asked him, your eyes full of tears. "How can you always turn things away from you? You were the one being tortured by Lucifer. You almost died, and yet here you are, being there for me. Making sure I'm okay."

"I care about you. I know that I promised I wouldn't say anything. That after you came back from Purgatory I wouldn't push you. But my feelings for you haven't gone away, and my heart breaks for everything you've had to go through."

Throwing caution to the wind, you wrapped your arms around him, settling into his embrace. As soon as you were pressed against his chest, you could feel the tension start to melt away, as he pressed his cheek to the top of your head. "We're a good pair, aren't we?" You mumbled against his chest. "Both of us screwed up."

"Trials like that can only make us stronger." He replied. "You stuck with me when I was soulless, and when Lucifer had me by the short and curly's. I'm going to be here no matter what you decide. If you still want to stay away from emotions and a relationship, I will try my best to understand. But if you want to try to be together again, I am all for it. But I'm not going to push. We're both still healing, and I don't want to scare you away too fast."

"Sam, has anyone ever told you how amazing you are?" You asked him. It was true. Sam was selfless and kind, always willing to be whatever someone needed. You couldn't imagine pushing him away, not now.

You could tell you had flustered him, the way he didn't answer. But as the sky darkened with clouds, thunder rolling overhead, you tilted your head up, seeing a crooked smile on his face.

Before you knew it, the sky had opened up, a heavy rainfall soaking the two of you in seconds. Laughing heartily, Sam grabbed your hand, pulling you to the small gazebo standing beside the lake. Wrapping his arms around you, he held you tight to his chest as the thunder boomed around you. "Maybe I should call Dean, have him come pick us up." He suggested, and you nodded.

"Sounds better than walking back in this down pour." You agreed, as another crack of lightning lit up the sky. "But it was worth the walk here. Sam, I'm sorry I ever pushed you away. And I know you just went through so much. So if you ever need to talk, or a hand to hold, I'm not going to leave you. I promise!"

His phone sitting forgotten in his hand, Sam cupped your neck with his other one, pulling you even tighter to him, his lips crashing to yours.