
Don't Drag Me Down

A red gate appear. Bring tens of thousands of demon. The last of the Demon King tired and done fighting other demon. Wish to rest and heal his heart. Came to this new world fill with humans. One night and a day change his mind. The king of all demon called a matchmaker. He wanted a bride. Just for them to stop the nagging. The strongest Demon can’t say no to one alone human woman. She was the worst woman to demons. All the demons that she dated ran away. And why was that. They did not say. They just wish to not see her again. She was fed up with them. One night was all it took. “I just want one man even it is a demon to love me for who I am.” She was desperate. “Can they love you? I must say. I don;t think they can.” He eyes fell on her.

NineTailedFox80 · Fantasy
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4 Chs

A Bride

Thirty years have passed and the whole world turn upside down. You might say that the Demon King change the world for the better. With magic around both races live in comfort. Magic changed the world. Each day there was something new to add. The Demon King work side by side with humanity to make it better.

Even if there is fear of him and what he can do to the world. Now time have change for him. He looked out from his office window. Nothing he can do until it is done. He finds new meaning in life by working. To change the world that it should be. His wisdom of leadership helped in many ways.

His life has been a bloody battle. He living day to day fighting against others demons. His father before him did the same. His mother work to in and out of the castle. Keeping the family's well being together. Making sure they had everything they needed for the battles to come. The three of them never had a moment of peace.

He learned to fight at a very young age. He was a swordmen at the age of eight. A horse men at nine. Learned all magic spells at ten. He even became a Demon King at twelve. His father died in the last month he turn twelve. If there is thing thing that change it would be the demon woman he found on the bloody battlefield. The one that turn his heart to stone.

This demon, this woman was his one beloved. His heart and soul. His beloved treasure. He couldn't breathe without her. Than she betrayed him. Turn his world to ash. One minute she love him, the next minute she hated him. Since than he never let another woman come near him.

All this time he kept to him self. Thinking it time to change his life. Not just for himself but for his people. They wish for him to have an heir to his new kingdom. No demon, no woman wants a broken man. As the sun set, Demon King Daraes stare out of the window. A penny for his thoughts, some would say. Time will only tell.


Jennie MacNeil, she is a woman that no demon or human wants as a bride. Her parents kept pushing her to get married.They wanted grandchildren. To their mismay, Their daughter wanted nothing to do with marriage. She chased all her wannbe partners away.

Its was time to pull out the big guns. A matchmaker was called to the MacNeil's house. If their daughter wish to have no marriage then they have to change the plans. They heard the Demon King is looking for a bride, so they sign her up to be one of them. Jennie walked in on her parents talking to the matchmaker.

Sara MacNeil was ten years younger then her husband. Her beauty has not diminished in the her late forty. Her brown hair with a slight hint of gray, to her brown eyes. She was slight pump, they say happiness came her way to make her look good. She kept the peace in the family.

She look to her husband of thirty year. Michael MacNeil salt and pepper hair, light blue eyes. Was a sturdy man to come so late to aged. Handsome and sexy still in his late fifties. He looked more to early forty than fifty. A guilty look pass between them. Jennie know she walked in at the wrong time.

The guilty look of her parents said it all. Her parents knew that Jennie was subborn and that she will do anything to get out of a marriage that she did not want. Ms. MacNeil knew her daughter will do anything for them but this was a whole new level for them. She put them off on the whole affair with marrying a man to make them happy. They fear if they leave this world without some one to look out for her. She'll be alone without them.

They just want to make sure Jennie has happy and healthy. Years before Jennie was born. The MacNeils were childless for years they tried different methods to get pregnant. But no matter what they tried it was hopeless. Until the Demon King came in the picture. He changed the way in the medical world by using magic. Its was one of his many projects that he made.

She was only twenty three years old. And her parents keep giving her headaches. Now she have to take care of their mess. The matchmaker was a woman of her late thirties. Dark brown hair. She brown eyes shined went her looked at her. The matchmaker like what she see. This girl had everything the King was looking for.

"Its all set. I will have two people to come and pick her up. The Demon King has many girls coming. The choosing will take place in one month time. So she will have to wait with all of the other girls. And if she is chosen the Demon King will take her as his wife. We will have to see. Make sure she is ready to go." The matchmaker got up from the sofa and turn to see Jennie in the door way.

"My dear. It was good to see you. I have hope you will be the one King chooses as his wife. Until then I will see next month."

"Baby girl?"

Both of her parents shock to see her standing there. She move out five years ago. She still come to see her parents every now and then. Her parents were going to call her and tell her the good new. Jennie was fuming.

"GET OUT!!" The matchmaker did not move. She looked at Jennie and smiled. She nodded her head. She like what she see.

"She will make a good wife for the Demon King." And with that she walked up to Jennie.

"Make sure you will be here tomorrow morning with all of your things."

"And if I am not here?"

"Than I will have the King's elite man come to find you. We don't want that now. Demons have a bad reputation to humans. Demon King wish to change that. By making a sample to the human race."

"There is no way in hell I will go. And you can't make me go."

"Child there is a way to make you. It just I want you to do it on your own free will." The matchmaker walked out the door. Jennie turn to her parents. She looked at them. Are they really her parents? Jennie was so mad. She turn around and headed to the door.

"Jennie stop right there." She stop in front of the door. She had her hand on the door nob.

"We only want what best for you." Jennie shook. Pull the door and walked out. She slam it behind her.


A years ago. Jennie broke up with her long time boyfriend. They date through high school than college. Half way through college she find him with another woman. Jennie was going to celebrate with Sam. This the day that she was planning to go all the way with him.

He waited for years for her. She thinks it time to give him the one thing she have to him and that is her body. All her friends kept saying that she was old fashion. If he was the right that he wait until she was ready. He couldn't wait.

"Jennie don't be mad. You never let me touch you. I can't wait until we are married. My sister help me were you can't. This whole time I was with her. I fell in love with her. I was going to tell you, it's just that I was looking for the right time to tell you but it never came up." The woman in his arms was his own step sister. His father married a woman with a child. They grew up together. They both met went he was seven and she was eight. Their love grew went they were in high school.

They tried to forget about each other and started date different people. Sam date Jennie while his sister date different guys. He didn't want to go through the trouble of dating different girls. So Jennie was the one he thought would be a good choice. Only to find out that she was holding out on him. Told him that she was not ready to go beyond kissing. Not even second base. He was getting frustrated with her.

He was so frustrated even his sister find out why. She laughed at him. Told him, he was stupid in pick her. In his mad dash in trying to grab her. They both tipped and fell on one another. The next instant they were kissing. Sam started to move his hand down her body. Pulling on her clothes. She didn't stop him. That was a start to a whole new level to second base.

But they couldn't finish. Their parents show up to find them on the floor. Think they were wrestling like they were little kids. Sam didn't want their parents finding out about them. So his sister and him a little cool off. A week later they were at it. But this time he took her to Jennie apartment for she work after her classes. It was a perfect place for them . Had the key just in case Jennie was sick or she had forgot somethng that in had to pick up.

And here she find them in her bed and naked. They both were so happy about it. What the hell are they doing in her bed. Jennie nodded her head. Turned to the closet. Gabbing the shoe box in the corner of the closet. Put off the lid. There a silver 45 gun and a clip full of billets. Pulling out the gun and loadied it. There was one thing that Jennie never told Sam about. She was a hell a top shooter. Every week she will find time to going shooting. To take out her frustration on life. Sam and his sister seen her with the gun. They fear for they lives. Tripping over the blankets to get out to the door. Both forgot to put on their clothes. Ran butt naked out the street. Jennie didn't care about them. She pick up their clothes and threw it out the window.

Sam Banks drop out of college a month later. Him and his step sister have gotten in big trouble with their parents. Not to mention the baby on the way. She heard that Sam worked at his father company now. She knew that his father forced him to work at the company.

So her parents decided to help. Hearing good things about matchmakers from their friends and co-works. They did not expect to hear that the Demon King was looking for a bride. All the matchmakers looking for the ones that the Demon King was interested in. Jennie so happens to fit the criteria.

Jennie had her mother brown hair but her eyes were green. Her father said her eyes come from her grandmother. She pass way went her father was twelve. A far as she knew her beauty came from both side of her family.

Jennie was still angry with her parents. She knew they meant well but right now she has no interest in men. She phone kept ringing. Knowing full well that her parents are trying to get a hold of her.

The very next day Jennie went to work. She was a secretary to a large insurance company. E's insurance company was the third largest in the world. Her Inter ship end next month. She had no time for romance. She was not going to miss a day of work for a man. And not just any man the Demon King. Why go though that kind of hassle.