
Don't Divorce Me, My Dear HUSBAND

"I Love You Amyra," he said while cupping her cheeks. "But I hate you, and Don't you even dare to touch me," she said after swatting his hands away rudely. "I am your husband Amyra," he said feeling hurt. "Yes, but I will never accept you as my husband," Amyra said and left the room while Zayn dropped onto the sofa with tears in his eyes as his heart shattered into million pieces. "I accept that I am mistaken, but please forgive me, Daddy," Amyra said pleadingly, "Don't you even dare to call me daddy," Nazeer Ahmed said with hatred in his voice. "You never loved and you will never be, then what is the use of staying with each other under one roof. So I decided we will file divorce in court, I already signed it and now it's your turn. Sign tandend this so called show off relationship" Zayn said to Amyra in a stern voice, then gave a file and left the room with no emotion on his face. While Amyra slided to the ground and felt numb as she didn't even know how to react on this. Zayn Ahmed is 27 yrs old, Handsome, fun-loving, honest, and dedicated to his work, h doe always makes others happy, he believes in LOVE but never fell in love. Amyra is 23 yrs old, a complete introvert, shy, but fun-loving, cute, she can do anything for her parents, she always spread a smile until one incident which shook her to the core, once she believed in LOVE, But now she even hates that word. The person who believes in LOVE and the person who doesn't even want to hear the word LOVE is going to be bound together for a lifetime. Will Zayn divorce Amyra? Will Amyra accept Zayn as her Husband ever? Why does Amyra hate the word LOVE? Will Zayn regret marrying Amyra? Come, let's join and witness their roller coaster journey.

Ehana · Fantasy
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10 Chs



"So, tell me, Sweetie. What is your answer?" Daddy and mummy both asked me with a hopeful look in their eyes, "N-No Daddy, I-" I said with great difficulty. and everyone got stuck by hearing it. I shooked myself to stop being emotional myself and took a deep breath.

"N-No Daddy, I don't ha-have any issue with this pro-proposal and my and-answer is Y-YES Daddy" I completed with great difficulty as someone knocked out air from my lungs. everyone's intense gaze is piercing into my soul.

"You all liked him and his family, I respect and trust your choice Daddy." I took a deep breath and said it again without stuttering because I have nothing to lose now.

Mummy stood up and hugged me with tears in her eyes, sissy fed me, sweets, and all congratulated me.

Sohel brother-in-law and Daddy hugged each other with happiness everyone was so happy. "I will call them and will tell them our decision, if they were positive too, towards this alliance then I will call them tomorrow for lunch as we can decide about engagement and wedding dates," Daddy said with happy tears in his eyes and a wide smile on his lips.

Daddy left the dining room with a phone in his hand, Sohel went to talk with a business client as he got a call, Mummy and Sissy are discussing about shopping and all, and Mummy went to the kitchen to make a list of groceries so that she can give it to Daddy by morning and he can buy whatever is needed for tomorrow's guests.

I sighed a deep breath, everyone is busy with their work so I slowly got up from the sofa chair and left the living room, I went to my room balcony where I have cried, screamed my heart out. If I got married, I have to leave mummy, daddy, zareena sissy, Sohel Brother-in-law, my home, my room balcony forever and that thought itself made me lose my control and I started crying my heart out. when I was crying someone hugged me from behind and I stilled, immediately I wiped away my tears and turned to see the person and it is none other than my Zareena sissy who has always been in my thick and thin.

"Are you happy with this proposal Amyra?? If not please tell me amyra, don't cry like a small baby, I am with you Amyra. I will talk with Daddy and I will make sure they don't for-" Zareena sissy easily understands me and it has been always difficult for me to put up an act in front of her and this time I don't want the same thing to happen again. So, I interrupted her by holding her hand and looking into her eyes.

"Trust me, sissy, I am fine and happy sissy. It's just that I don't want to leave you all, our home and my room balcony, I will miss everything and everyone, I don't know how to handle all these feelings, that's it Sissy" I said while trying to act as normal as I can, By listening to me she smiled wholeheartedly, only if she knows I lied to her while looking straight into her eyes. I feel disgusted about myself for lying to her. Yes, I am neither fine nor happy. But I can't say it out loud, they did soo much for me and this is the least I can give back to them.


I am hell nervous and excited too as time is running. I had some work and also want to meet my crazy bestie brat Ayaan to inform this news personally, so I went to the office to conclude my work before lunch so that I can go home and join my family and then go to my future in-law's house.

I was working on some files. When someone barged into my room, I knew that it was him again.

Ughh, how should I deal with this my bestie brat Ayaan? "I am hurt, you didn't say to me that You're going to see my future sister-in-law, and not only that you already said yes to marrying her yesterday itself." while telling this he is acting like wiping his fake tears, crazy shithead fellow.

Making weird faces he sat in front of me as if waiting for my explanation. I shooked my head at his crazy antics, I sighed and said everything that happened yesterday. "I know you will come to the office so I didn't call you to tell, also I had a little work. So, I came here, and last but not least I know Mom and Dad had already called you for lunch at my future in-law's house as you are also my family.

"Aww... Zaynieee..." Ayaan came and hugged me forcibly. "Ohh stop it now. Let's go or else we will be late," said me to Ayaan.

Ayaan had no one apart from me and my family, his parents met with an accident and died in his childhood, he had no siblings, and his relatives just disappeared when the time came to take his responsibility, so he was an orphan when I met him before 20 Years. But after that he was never an orphan, he is my buddy, my best friend, my brother, my mate, my crime partner what not!

He stayed in our home, in my room along with me for the past 20 years. Studied in the same college, same class, same bench, Until he turned 25. He started his own company with his skills he achieved a lot, he bought a new house but never stayed in that house as he feels like he belongs to our home. So he always stayed in our house. But recently due to heavy work, he started coming late night to home and going to office early in the morning, Completely odd timings and he doesn't want to disturb the whole family because of his timings so he shifted to his own house for a while until the heavy work goes down.

But the whole family started missing him like anything because he is one of the pieces of our heart and Mom, Saira ordered him to get back home, so very soon he will be back to us, to his own home. Even though he had a business and busy schedule still he takes the time to come and meet me. Without talking to me his day will never end. Even though sometimes this crazy shithead irks me a lot still I love him so much.

I was in deep thinking when Ayaan patted my shoulder. Ohh, we already reached our home. "Ayaan son, I missed u son," Mom said with teary eyes. "But I am back Mom, home.. sweet home.. let's go. I want to see my future sister-in-law." As everyone laughed at his excitement and we all started from home. While driving I was feeling excited and also hella nervous that I don't know why, but I just hope everything goes fine.

Finally, we reached their home. everyone left the car and went inside the house. where I am smiling to myself thinking about AMYRA.



I am so nervous and scared, I don't know how they would behave? what do they look like? how do they react when they see me? what will they ask me? It's not like I want to impress them. It's just that I don't want anyone to point out my parents for any kind of my stupid mistakes.

I was in my deep thoughts when someone shouted in my ear and I suddenly started screaming in fear. GREAT, my sissy will never change, "Stop thinking much sweetie,

Everything would be fine, Trust me, now go and get ready. They will be here within no time. I will handle this remaining work, you go and take bathing and wait for me, I will dress you up today" Zareena sissy said to me in an exciting tone. " Okay sissy," I said.

I left to my room, took bathing, and dressed up in a green salwar suit with ornaments and loose hair. when I was dressing up myself, Zareena sissy came and started putting makeup on me. I said no to it, as I don't like it.

Mummy came to my room called us down and said "Zareena, They are already here." my heart is beating so fast and loud, I was feeling so nervous. I Don't know how to react in front of them, I am completely clueless that how they will receive me, I was in my deep thoughts when someone shooked me and it is my mummy. "Amyra dear, Are you ready?" mummy asked me. they came, OH MY GOD!!

What should I do? I stilled in my place and my eyes bulged out due to the tension which is building in my heart but I tried to calm myself and said "Yes, mummy."

"Zareena, I am going downstairs towards the kitchen. I will prepare tea snacks for them, in the meanwhile, you bring sweetie downstairs. Hurry up, don't be late." with this Mummy left after patting my cheeks lovingly.

Sissy looked at me up and down then hugged me with tears in her eyes and I too reciprocated the same, finally, I and Sissy came down and went directly into the kitchen. Mummy gave me a tray of teacups and biscuits, I took it into my hand and slowly started walking to the living room. When I reached the living room. The room is echoing with everyone's waves of laughter and then after my appearance suddenly the room went into pin-drop silence.

[To be continued]...