
Don't Divorce Me, My Dear HUSBAND

"I Love You Amyra," he said while cupping her cheeks. "But I hate you, and Don't you even dare to touch me," she said after swatting his hands away rudely. "I am your husband Amyra," he said feeling hurt. "Yes, but I will never accept you as my husband," Amyra said and left the room while Zayn dropped onto the sofa with tears in his eyes as his heart shattered into million pieces. "I accept that I am mistaken, but please forgive me, Daddy," Amyra said pleadingly, "Don't you even dare to call me daddy," Nazeer Ahmed said with hatred in his voice. "You never loved and you will never be, then what is the use of staying with each other under one roof. So I decided we will file divorce in court, I already signed it and now it's your turn. Sign tandend this so called show off relationship" Zayn said to Amyra in a stern voice, then gave a file and left the room with no emotion on his face. While Amyra slided to the ground and felt numb as she didn't even know how to react on this. Zayn Ahmed is 27 yrs old, Handsome, fun-loving, honest, and dedicated to his work, h doe always makes others happy, he believes in LOVE but never fell in love. Amyra is 23 yrs old, a complete introvert, shy, but fun-loving, cute, she can do anything for her parents, she always spread a smile until one incident which shook her to the core, once she believed in LOVE, But now she even hates that word. The person who believes in LOVE and the person who doesn't even want to hear the word LOVE is going to be bound together for a lifetime. Will Zayn divorce Amyra? Will Amyra accept Zayn as her Husband ever? Why does Amyra hate the word LOVE? Will Zayn regret marrying Amyra? Come, let's join and witness their roller coaster journey.

Ehana · Fantasy
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10 Chs



When Amyra reached the living room with the tray of teacups and biscuits. Everyone went silent, the room became pin-drop silent, and everyone looked at Amyra. Zayn's heart is beating faster and louder and he couldn't raise his eyes to look at Amyra while Amyra's situation is worse than Zayn's.

Amyra took a deep breath to gain her confidence which is on the edge of losing due to nervousness. Nazeer Ahmed introduced her daughter to Zayn's all family members and Amyra wished everyone from elders to younger Zayn's family reciprocated Amyra with love and warmth and all the time her eyes have been looking down. She started giving teacups to their guests one by one.

Zayn was sitting in the last sofa chair, when she finally reached Zayn, he had to raise his eyes to look at Amyra and to take a cup of tea from her and he did it, Zayn's eyes met with innocent black doe eyes where he got drowned completely and he couldn't take off his eyes from hers.

He froze in his place, he couldn't move his hand forward to take his teacup from Amyra, where she is feeling uncomfortable due to his intense gaze on her. She squirmed inside and took a deep breath then tried to give the teacup.

When Zayn too felt that he was gawking at her, he came to his senses and tried to take the teacup from her hands, and both their hands collided at the same time.

And the result is, that the teacup fell from the tray and Amyra closed her eyes swiftly as if she is waiting to hear the broken sound of a teacup but didn't hear any broken sounds. And when amyra opened her eyes, she saw the teacup was held by Zayn's hand just mere inches above from floor and hot tea spilled on his shirt.

ohh GOD.what the hell did just happen!!

Amyra widened her eyes and was freaking out from inside but again she gathered herself and took a deep breath. Amyra took a cup from Zayn's hand. "I-I'm so-sorry, I-I'm really so-sorry. I-I didn't mean t-to do th-that, it was un-unintentional, I'm extremely sorry" Amyra stuttered while apologizing to Zayn. "Please don't be, I am fine, it's okay," Zayn said with an assuring smile.

Zayn is watching her every move without even blinking an eye, when she came into the living room, he felt like some angel came into the room. When she was coming near to them, Zayn's heart has been beating rapidly but when he heard her voice slowly his heart calmed a bit like her voice is soothing his heart. Zayn couldn't able to understand what was that feeling! But he thoroughly enjoyed it.

"Ohh, God! Amyra, take Zayn to your room. So that he can clean his shirt." Nazeer Ahmed said with a panicked voice while Aziz Ahmed said, "It's okay Amyra dear, no need to get tense sometimes it happens." and patted her head lovingly. Amyra felt relieved after hearing Aziz Ahmed's words and said "Okay Daddy and Thank you, Uncle, I will take him to my room." and gave a nervous smile to Aziz Ahmed.

Amyra showed a hand as if she is telling Zayn to follow her and Zayn followed Amyra with a smile on his face. When they reached her room, Amyra showed the washroom door with her hand and Zayn quickly went into the washroom, while he is cleaning his shirt, outside of the washroom door Amyra is being restless and tense.

In the washroom, Zayn is cleaning his shirt with a stupid smile on his face like a teenager, he was looking at himself in a mirror and smiling like an idiot. He felt butterflies dancing in his stomach. Whenever he closes his eyes, only Amyra's face is appearing to Zayn. He smiled to himself at his thoughts and left the washroom.

what will they think about me! Can't she even handle a teacup! These words are running in Amyra's mind. She is deadly worried and tense, she didn't want them to insult her parents just because of her stupidity. Within no time, Zayn came out with a smile on his face, his shirt is looking much better now, but still, she felt sorry for being messy towards Zayn but couldn't express it.

" ....." Amyra couldn't say anything but just looked down. "It's okay, It's not your mistake." Zayn said with an assuring smile and nodded his head while Amyra got shocked and asked "What!!" how the hell did he get to know what she was feeling in her heart. "I know, I can understand by looking into your expressive eyes," Zayn said lovingly while looking straight into Amyra's eyes.

Amyra couldn't able to analyze what just happened right there!! Did he just read my mind, but how is it even possible! she didn't blurt it out right! Then how the hell did he get what I thought inside my heart. When Amyra is in her deep thoughts, suddenly a knock on the door startled her and even Zayn too. As they turned their head only to see Zareena come into the room. "Have you done with your r shirt cleaning Zayn?" Zareena Begum asked Zayn. "Yeah, now I'm all good," Zayn said while looking at his shirt.

Zareena Begum smiled at him sweetly and tilted her head to see Amyra and said "Amyra, Mummy kept a tray of biscuits with two cups of tea in the garden area. So both of you can go to the garden, have a talk, enjoy your time. I will come back to you when Lunch will be ready." by this Zareena sweetly smiled at Amyra and nodded her head at Zayn as she is excusing herself and she left the room.

While Amyra is fiddling with her fingers nervously nodded to Zayn and Showed a sign with her hand as to follow her. She quietly left with Zayn from the room and reached Garden.

Zayn and Amyra both were sitting in the garden, it's been five minutes, and no one uttered a single word.

Cool air is making amyra's hair bounce as a wave in the air, Amyra is looking down with a tense face, furrowed eyebrows, and last but not least biting her pink plump lips which are making Zayn go even crazier. But Zayn felt something different when he is looking at her. it's not crush, not lust for sure but something different something so strong, but he couldn't say it out. He took a deep breath closed his eyes for a while and prayed to GOD for an answer or a hint and he got it.

And suddenly out of nowhere, Zayn asked something which shocked Amyra to the core and knocked her breath out of her lungs. "I want to marry you. Will you Marry me..??" these are the exact words said by Zayn to Amyra. "...huh..erm...I...umm"

Amyra is stuttering like hell, she doesn't know how to answer Zayn's question and the main fact is she couldn't even digest whether what Zayn asked is true or her brain is playing some stupid games on her.

"It's okay, no force. I just said my answer. you can take your own time." Zayn said in an assuring tone but even her silence and stuttering tortured him like hell. But Zayn truly doesn't want to make her uncomfortable as he can witness her uneasiness. So he stopped himself from talking further forcibly.

Here Amyra sucked in a deep breath and worried as heck, she couldn't answer him but she knew the answer deep inside her heart and it is a big NO, but she can't say it out loud, if she says it out then surely he will let her parents know, then they will get hurt because of Amyra and she doesn't want that to happen.

She said YES to her family for this marriage alliance but not wholeheartedly. She never wants to get married but unfortunately, she doesn't want to hurt her family but now she got an option that is risky but can do, she can say to him what she actually feels about this relationship and can say NO to this. But what about her parents! then what about her! Her mind completely got clouded with her own thoughts.

Finally, She sighed a deep breath and tried to be confident. She looked into Zayn's eyes, she know this will hurt her and her family both, but still, she have to do it. Here Zayn doesn't know how to react, he really felt hurt because he didn't get the answer that he expected. But he had to say that because it is important to him, he won't want to lose her. Amyra closed her eyes for a while and then said..!!

[To be continued]...