
Don't Deny

What happens if fate decided to play with the "Bad" popular boy and the "Innocent" Nerd of Estelle High? Will they tell everyone about their biggest secrets? With their trust issues, will they be able to fall for someone? Will they still be in denial? Or...

kaiicankillu_ · Teen
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7 Chs

Chapter 2, He is Now My Classmate

//Xy's PoV//

It is now Monday which means we're going back to school again. If I'm being honest, school isn't really a problem to me. Others hate going to school and others also likes going to school. For me, It's in the middle. I like going to school but sometimes I don't. I am now currently wearing my school uniform and have been using my phone for a while. I realize that my younger brother is still sleeping so I decided to wake him up. I opened his door and I'm not even surprise. My younger brother is still sleeping with all his pillows scattered all over the floor.

"Zen, wake up." I said as I shake his body. Still sound asleep eh?

"Zen, wake the f*ck up."

I swear. If he's not gonna wake up, I'm going to be super pissed.

"5 more minutes please... " He mumbles. That's it I've had enough.

"Zen Maico! Wake your lazy a** up! Jeez!"

"Okay fine. I'll just get ready. Have you cooked breakfast yet?"

"Yes. Yes I have."

I know it was 5:30 in the morning but I can't help it. I have to cook our own breakfast because I'm scared if THAT woman is actually the one who is going to make us breakfast. I also have to deal with her cooks. I don't really trust them so I decided to wake up early and don't let anyone cook breakfast for us both.

"After we eat breakfast, I'm going to drive you to school, okay?"

"Hmm. Okay."


Me and Zen finished eating and getting ready. The woman is still sleeping and we are now in the car, on the way to my brother's school, Eleanor Elementary. In just a few minutes, we arrived there and I'm now heading to our school.


In just a few minutes, I have now arrived at my school, Estelle High. I parked my car and from a distance, I can see my two bestfriends waving at me. Meet Jillienne Harper and Heiden Mendes. We have been bestfriends since school started. They were the first to came up to me so we became the best of friends. I walked to the entrance gate of our school and checked in by scanning my ID. The two hugged me and they dragged me at the cafeteria. At this point, I was used to this routine that I don't even care anymore. We ordered some cookies and three milk cartons for each of us.

"So, how's it going living with your aunt?"

Heiden asked.

"To be honest, it's not that bad if you always stay in your room. I mean, who would want to go out of their room if you're always gonna see a b*tch in front of you? But sometimes, I have to actually go out of my room because I have to raid the kitchen and the pantry." I answered.

"That's my girl!" Jillienne said and then we all laughed.

We finished eating and then we head out to our lockers. I grabbed my English textbook and head to class with my bestfriends. We just sat there and waited for our teacher and the class. We were the only people there in the classroom. The bell haven't ring yet so our classmates are probably hanging out in the cafeteria, courtyard or maybe walking around the campus. I looked outside of the window and can see the leaves swaying with the wind. I wonder, if Heiden and Jill found out about me being a member of the delinquents that always got into fights with other people from different schools, would they still be friends with me or will they actually leave me? What if they found out? Everyone is scared of them and I don't want my friends to leave me because they fear me especially Heiden. Heiden has encountered a delinquent from another school and he was beaten up. They even threatened him with a pocket knife. I wouldn't be surprise if they will choose to leave me if they found out my biggest secret. Behind these glasses is a monster. I hurt people but I have a reason for that. I hate how people can't accept me for who I am but I have to be looking like this, a harmless looking innocent 'nerd' so that I can gain friends.

"Why didn't you tell us that you're part of the delinquents?"

"Why are you keeping secret, Xy? And WTF! You're a delinquent? You have got to be kidding me right? My bestfriend can't be a delinquent that hurts people. I mean, you have known about me getting beaten up by some delinquents. You can't be like them."

"Xy, I'm sorry but we can't be friends anymore. You're going to get us in danger. Bye"

I wouldn't be that surprise if our conversation will actually be like that.

"Ehem! Miss Maico!"

What the- I didn't even realized that the whole class is here. Why didn't I heard the bell? Maybe because I was thinking too much.

"S-sorry ma'am."

Now that I stuttered, I look like a complete loser.

"Okay. Again, Good morning class."

"Good morning ma'am."

"Okay you can take your seats. Sorry for informing you all the last minute but somebody's going to move to our class. You might know them since that they're pretty popular. You may introduce yourselves."

As they walked in front of the class, everyone was shocked and started screaming.

"We don't even need self introduction anymore since we're popular enough that everyone in the campus know us. But it would be so rude so, this is Dylan Jaden."

"And I'm Xander Carter. You probably know what group we are in so no further explanations."

They're now sitting in the back and everyone was trying to grab these two but the teacher told our class to give them some personal private space. They're not even that popular and why do they feel like they're as popular as other celebrities? In fact, Who even are they- Nah I'm just kidding. I know them. Dylan Jaden, a member of The Red Sabers. The cold and introverted guy in the group. He may look like he doesn't give a f*ck, yes. He really DOESN'T give a f*ck but if you did something that made him angry, him just staring at you feels like you're gonna die soon. He's really rebellious and he hates being ignored. Moving on to Xander Carter. He's the charming one in the group. He's very popular among the ladies. Cute, handsome but a playboy. He has dated a few girls but then decided to break up with them. What he does is he flirts with you until you fall for him and breaks your heart into pieces. The group contains 7 members and two of them is Xander and Dylan. The other boys are in different classes and some of them are seniors.

"Okay class, Now open your books to page 72. Read the paragraph and answer the questions below."

As I was reading, someone threw a paper at me. I picked it up and read it. It says:

"Aren't you the girl that bump into me and spilled milk all over my uniform? "
