
Chapter 586 Loren the Pressure Master

I think.

You might have forgotten someone.

When Lanci was in the Shadow World, there was also another person who was living through hell on earth every day.

Lanci had turned off the three-week live broadcast of the Shadow World and hadn't opened it again.

Dean Loren is now calling a press conference every other day, bowing an average of five times a day, most photos of which in the newspapers show him with a sweaty forehead and a look of utter despair.

Today marks the twenty-eighth day since Lanci Welfort, a student at Ichrite Academy's Sage Academy, along with Hyperion Alansar and a seventh-order loaf of bread, entered the seventh-order Shadow World.

In the Hutton Kingdom, within the Capital City Ekrite, the Old Buri Court.

In this grand and ancient courtroom, the light filters through the high ceiling windows, dyeing everything a somber hue.

Old Buri Court was originally established near the walls of Ichrite City a century ago as a criminal court.