
Don't Complicate Love

What happens when Chat Noir starts visiting Marinette every night? After a few months, Marinette starts developing feelings for him, but she keeps telling herself that she likes Adrien. Chat Noir also develops feelings for Marinette, but he keeps telling himself that he likes Ladybug. Tikki and Plagg are suffering from their obliviousness... Marinette can't choose between Adrien or Chat Noir. Chat Noir can't choose between Ladybug and Marinette. Why is Love so complicated? Read to find out! (None of these characters are mine. All credits for this show and its characters go to Thomas Astruc and Jeremy Zag)

Nemoreem · TV
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3 Chs

The Secret

Third P.O.V

It was a Wednesday night, and Marinette was trying to get her homework done. It had been 3 days ever since she moved on from loving Adrien. She loves Chat Noir now, but she was the only one who knew. Not even Alya knew that. Marinette wanted to tell Alya tomorrow in school.

Marinette was having trouble with her Math homework. At that moment, she heard a knock on her hatch door. "Chat Noir? You can come in!" Said Marinette. The person went into the room and stated, "Chat Noir? I'm not Chat Noir. I'm Anti-Bug!" Said the person. "WHAT?!" Marinette shouted. Anti-Bug used her yo-yo to try and grab Marinette. "Why are you chasing me, Chloe?!" Asked Marinette, trying to dodge the yo-yo. "MY NAME IS ANTI-BUG! Anyway, I'm chasing you because you're stealing my future husband ADRIEN!" Anti-Bug shouted.

"What?! I like someone else, now!" Marinette confessed. "You're such a liar! If you really like someone else, then tell me who it is!" Marinette looked worried. She didn't want to tell Chloe because she knew that Chloe would blurt it out in front of the entire school. She only wanted Alya to know. "I-I can't tell you!" Marinette said. "Why not?!" Anti-Bug shouted. "I have my reasons," Marinette exclaimed. Anti-Bug glared at her. "I won't tell anyone," Anti-Bug lied. "You're lying. You are a very obvious liar," Marinette called out. "The only liars in school are you and Lila. Why don't you guys become best friends since you have so much in common?" Anti-Big sarcastically stated. "I-" Marinette said before someone entered her room using the small hatch door.

"Marinette?! Who is this?" Asked the person who entered her room. Marinette looked at him, then her face lit up. "Chat Noir! She's Chloe, but she's akumatized into Anti-Bug!" Marinette informed. He nodded. He speedily grabbed the akumatized object and broke it. "But, Ladybug isn't here!" Marinette said. "I know. CATACLYSM!" He shouted as black bubbles appeared on his hand. He destroyed the akuma with his lethal hand. Chloe's villainous outfit disappeared and they turned into her normal outfit. "Thanks," Marinette said. "Your welcome, princess," He said. "Princess? Whatever. You! Catboy! Take me to my house! I want to get out of this filthy place! It's ridiculous, utterly ridiculous!" Chloe said. Marinette and Chat Noir looked at each other and they both grinned. "Yup. She's Chloe, all right..." Marinette said as she and Chat began laughing. "Um, hello!? I want to get out of this grimy house. COME ON!" Chloe shouted.

Chat Noir nodded. "Bye, princess. I'll be back!" He said as he kissed her cheek. She smiled. He grabbed Chloe and took her to her house. "AaAaH! WhAt iS tHiS! hELp mE!" She yelled as her voice disappeared into the distance. Marinette giggled at Chloe's weirdness. She sat down at her table, remembering that she still has homework to finish. Tikki came out of Marinette's bag after hiding for about 30 minutes. The kwami yawned. "Hi, Marinette. Sorry I couldn't help you. At least, your crush helped you!" Tikki enthusiastically said. "It's okay, Tikki. How did you know I like him?" Marinette asked as she turned her head to face the kwami. "I told you, I know love when I see it!" Tikki reminded. "Oh yeah... Heh heh," Marinette awkwardly laughed.

Chat Noir returned to Marinette's house and opened the hatch door. "Hey, princess," He said. Tikki hid in Marinette's bag. "Hi, Chat," Marinette replied, still focused on her math homework. "Need some help?" He asked. "Marinette! Do you want to eat?" Her mother shouted from downstairs. "No! The fridge is on the ceiling!" Sabine was confused. "What? Is this a joke you high schoolers use?" Asked Sabine, still downstairs. "No! My teeth itch..." Marinette mumbled. "Marinette, are you okay?" Asked Chat Noir, feeling concerned. She looked at him. "What? Yeah, I'm fine," She said. "Good. For a second, I thought you needed a doctor or something. Are you pregnant?" He asked. "WHAT?! NO!!!" She shouted. "Mari, are you sure yo-" "Yes, Mom! I'm fine!" Marinette interrupted. "Anyway, why did you ask if I'm pregnant!?" She whisper-shouted. "I don't know, just checking," He said. Marinette facepalmed.

"I'm 16. How would I be pregnant?" She asked. "Can we just move on? It's embarrassing," Chat asked, hoping she'd say yes. "Fine..." She mumbled. Chat Noir asked, "Do you need help?" Marinette replied, "Sure. I have trouble with this kind of math. I love algebra but I hate it at the same time..." Marinette informed. Chat smirked. When Marinette was talking to him, she wasn't looking at him, she was still staring at her worksheet. "Chat?" Marinette said as she turned around. "AAAH! Oh my God! Are you wearing my clothes?!" Shouted Marinette. Indeed, Chat was wearing one of Marinette's outfits, though, his catsuit was still under. He wore her outfit over his clothes.

"It's so tight! Why are mew so paw-credibly small?" He asked. "I don't know. Chat, get out of my outfit before you ruin it!" Marinette yelled. "Okay, fine," He mumbled as he tried to take it off. Marinette helped him. By the time they removed it, they noticed how close they were to each other. How close their faces' were. Their faces' were only inches away. They were slowly leaning in. Both wanting to kiss each other. They leaned more. It was as if they were the only people in the world, floating in their own bubble. Now, they were centimeters away from each other. Their eyes' closed as they got closer to each other. They leaned in even more.

"Marinette! Do you want to eat!?" Shouted Sabine from downstairs, startling them. Chat backed away. Marinette frowned. 'Way to ruin the moment...' She thought. "Chat, do you want to eat?" Marinette asked quietly. "Sure. I'm a bit hungry," He told her. Marinette smiled. "Okay, Mom! I'll come downstairs to get the food!" Marinette said. Marinette walked downstairs, grabbed a few macaroons and croissants, put them on a plate, and went back upstairs. "Wow. She seems very hungry. Why don't we feed her, enough?" Asked Tom. Sabine shrugged.

"I'm back with macaroons and croissants!" Marinette exclaimed. "Yay!" Chat shouted, being careful to shout not too loud. "I have a question," He said. She motioned for him to continue. "Before your Mom called for you, w-we were about to kiss... If you like Adrien, then why were you leaning in?" Marinette asked, "I-I don't know. Why were you leaning in?" Asked Marinette. "I thought you liked Ladybug..." She knew he didn't like Ladybug, but she didn't want him knowing that she knew about that, because he would figure out that she's Ladybug. He can't know she's Ladybug, even if she likes him.

Chat began devouring the croissants. Marinette raised her eyebrow. She grabbed a macaroon and took a bite out of it. "You take bites? That thing is as small as your thumb..." He said with food in his mouth. Marinette swallowed. "Well, it's the more mature way to eat it," Marinette informed (and showed off). "I'm not mature and I'm proud of it!" He shouted. Marinette giggled. He began flexing his muscles, Marinette gagged. "You call those muscles?" She asked. Even though he was very muscular. And by very, I mean extremely. "What? I exercise every day! Do you even exe-" "Ew, stop!" She grimaced. He chuckled.

"Okay, that's enough eating. You'll become fat," Marinette said as she pulled the plate away from him, stuffing one more macaroon in her mouth. "Hey! I was eating that! And, whatever happened to the 'more mature way of eating'?" He asked. She shrugged. He facepalmed. "Come on. Want to watch a movie?" She asked as she placed the tray of pastries on her desk behind Marinette's purse, indicating that Tikki can eat the leftovers. Tikki secretly mouthed a 'Thank you' to Marinette. Marinette smiled.

"Why do we always just watch movies? Can't we do something else?" He questioned, slightly bored. He had never been bored in Marinette's house. "Want to play Truth or dare, then?" She asked. "Sure!" He exclaimed. They sat on Marinette's bed in the criss-cross apple sauce position. (A/N: I dk what they call it, honestly)

"So, Marinette. Truth or dare?" She looked at him as she thought about what she wanted. "Truth," She finally answered. He mischievously smirked. "Do you like me as... More than just a friend?" He asked her. Her eyes widened. "N-no...?" She responded. "Come on! Tell the truth! I need to know!" He shouted as he shook her crazily. "Okay! Okay! Fine..." She mumbled. 'Do I tell him?? I don't know! UGH... Why is love so complicated?!' Marinette shouted in her head. "Hello? Marinette? Earth to Marinette?" Chat Noir waved his hands in front of her face, snapping her out of her thoughts.

"I-I-- I don't..." She lied. "I like you as just a friend. Nothing more than that," She fibbed. 'NO! STUPID MARINETTE! You actually had the chance of telling him that you like him!!!!!' She screamed in her messed-up brain. Chat Noir's lips parted, then formed into an unfortunate frown. "Of course, you don't. I'm just a pathetic doofus. Nobody likes me. Not you... Not Ladybug... I will forever be alone," Chat miserably mumbled. Marinette pitied him. "Chat, no! I-- Just... I'll talk to you, later. I need to think about some things. Can you please leave?" She asked him. "Yeah. Nobody wants me around, anyway. I'll just leave," He mumbled.

Marinette wanted so bad to crash her lips onto his, but it wasn't a good time for the lovey-dovey part of her brain to tell her what to do. (A/N: Just LISTEN to it for once! GOSH, these oblivious dorks!) "Chat, I'm sorry. I really am," She apologized. By now, he didn't care what she said.

Adrien/Chat's P.O.V

I opened the blunette's hatch door and climbed out to her balcony. I remember hearing her say something, but I didn't hear what she said. I climbed onto the balcony's railing and told her. "I don't think I'll see you, again, Marinette. So... Goodbye." A tear rolled down her cheek. "Chat, No! Please!" She shouted. I'm pretty sure her parents heard her because they came up to her room in a hurry. They saw me jump off the balcony. "What is he doing here?" Asked Tom. "Nothing," Muttered Marinette as she climbed into her room and wiped her tear away. "I want to know why you're cryi-" "Tom! Just stop! Our daughter is 16! She can deal with her personal problems by herself. If she needs us, she'll tell us," Sabine defended. "Thanks, Mom," Marinette thanked. Her mother smiled. Sabine and Tom left the room.

I began jumping on many rooftops until I reached my house. I jumped into my room, checked if the door was locked, then I transformed back into Adrien. Plagg flew out of the ring and accidentally slapped his face against the window. I chuckled. "Are you okay, kid?" Plagg asked me. "No. Marinette told me that she likes me as just a friend..." I admitted truthfully. "Well, yeah. She likes Adrien, which is YOU. Tell her that you like her as Adrien! You're so greedy, Gosh," Plagg told me. "I can do that! Thanks, Plagg!" I thanked.

Just then, I heard a knock on my window. I looked at the window. Much to my surprise, I found Ladybug hanging there. "Come in," I said with a smile. I didn't like her anymore; I liked Marinette, now. "I just wanted to give you this," Ladybug said. She gave me a note. It said:

Dear Adrien, I wanted to tell you that a while back, I was in love with you. But now, I'm in love with another boy. Yes, you were the boy I kept talking about when I reject Chat Noir every day. I'm sorry for the inconvenience, I'm sorry for the trouble, and I'm sorry for bothering you.

-- Ladybug

I gaped at the note. "I--I don't know what to say..." I expressed. She smiled. "It's okay, Adrien. Anyway, as I said, I like another boy, now," She told me. "That's fine," I assured. She smiled. "I have to go, now. Bug out!" She shouted as she swung out of my window using her yo-yo.

I sat on my bed. Plagg came out of his hiding spot. "Are you sure that you don't like her, kid?" I looked at Plagg and replied. "Yeah. I love Marinette, now. Please stop questioning me about my decision, Plagg." He rolled his eyes in response. I decided to sleep. It was hard since:

1- I wasn't with Marinette; She always calms me.

2- She doesn't love me.

Why is love so complicated?

Third P.O.V

"Aren't you glad you got that off your chest?" Tikki asked in her cute high-pitched voice as Marinette transformed back. Marinette didn't reply; She began crying into her pillow. "Marinette? Are you okay?" Tikki asked. "No! I accidentally told Chat that I didn't love him! I'm such a nincompoop!" Marinette shouted into her pillow. "It's okay, Marinette. Tell him that you love him, tomorrow," Tikki assured. "I can't! He said that today was the last time I would see him. Or at least, the last time he'd visit me!" Marinette whined into her pillow.

"I'll talk to him..." Tikki said. "What? How?" Marinette asked as she sat up, her face full of smudged, wet make-up. "You'll see. Just... Don't follow me, or else, you'll know Chat's identity, and you'll have to give your miraculous to Master Fu," Tikki proudly said. Marinette nodded. The blunette laid her head on her pillow. She put the blanket on her and slept. She missed Chat's warm embrace when she slept. Every time she was cold, he'd cuddle with her. Every time she was sad, he would comfort her. 'I miss you, Chat' Marinette thought. She unhappily shut her eyes, falling asleep.

"I like you as just a friend, Chat," Marinette lied. "Oh. Okay," Chat mumbled as he left and climbed outside onto her balcony, a tear rolling down his cheek. "I-I don't know what to say. I'm speechless... You're just... Not my princess anymore," Chat told her. "Chat, no! Please!" Marinette shouted.

At that very moment, an akuma flew into Chat's ring. "Chat Blanc," A dark voice said to the young hero, a purple butterfly mask appeared on Chat's face. "Chat Noir! NO! Don't listen to HawkMoth!!" Marinette shouted to Chat Noir. Chat fell on the balcony's floor. "Listen to me. You have the power of ultimate and infinite destruction," The voice said. "I will never listen to you!" Chat shouted. "You also have the power to make the love of your life — Marinette — love you. All I need in return are Ladybug and your miraculous..." HawkMoth convinced. Chat thought for a while. "Okay! I'll do it!" Chat approved as he allowed the black/purple spots to cover him as his suit turned white. His mask was also white. His electrifying green eyes turned into ocean blue eyes.

Marinette gasped. "Chat Noir?" He glared at her. "It's Chat Blanc," He corrected. Marinette's eyes teared up. "Please, Chat. Go back to normal!" She shouted. "Never!" He screamed. He crashed his lips against hers. He received a surprised yelp from Marinette. She pushed him away. "Get away from me, you creep! I love Chat Noir, and only him. Not Chat Blanc. Chat, please. I know you're in there. Just listen to me!" She yelled.

"I-I" He stuttered. "WHERE'S LADYBUG?!" HawkMoth shouted. "I don't know, mothie boy!" Chat shouted back. "OH GOSH, YOU IDIOTS, HOW DO YOU NOT KNOW MY NAME?!?!?!" HawkMoth squawked. Chat hated Marinette, now. He despised her. "How dare you call me a creep!" He called out, "CATACLYSM!" His hand was now destructive.

He was slowly moving his destructive hand near Marinette. Seconds later, he destroyed her... HawkMoth felt weaker. Then, he realized... "NOOOO! YOU IDIOT! SHE WAS LADYBUG!!!!!" The Ladybug earrings fell to the ground as Marinette's turned to ashes. The wind blew the ashes away, leaving Chat Blanc all alone on Marinette's balcony. "The love of my life was the love of my life? How is that possible?" Chat Blanc mumbled.

"AAH!" Marinette sat up in her bed. "You're finally awake! It's the morning, now. You had a nightmare. I tried to wake you up all night to snap you out of your nightmare, but you wouldn't wake up!" Tikki said. Marinette was hyperventilating. "It's okay, princess," Marinette's eyes widened. She looked around, but Chat wasn't there. "Did you hear that, too?" Marinette asked her kwami. "Hear what?" Tikki asked. "I-I... I don't know,"

Marinette decided to wear clothes and just go to school, since she had school, now. She wore a cat-themed outfit. She wore a canary-yellow and black/dark brown shirt with cat paws on it. White jeans and a knee-high pair of black boots. Along with those, she wore a cat ear headband. She wore her long, pink purse with Tikki inside.

(A/N: Credit does not go to me. I found this on Pinterest)

Marinette ran out of the bakery without even saying 'Good Morning' to her parents. They were stunned. "W-Wha...? What just happened? J--Wha...?" Tom stuttered. Sabine went back to doing the pastries. Tom ignored his daughter's sudden move.

Marinette sprinted until she arrived at school. She panted for 2 minutes straight. Alya walked over to her. "Hey, girl!" Alya greeted. "H-Hi, Alya," Marinette replied. "I need to tell you something!" Marinette admitted. Alya was confused. "Sure?"

Marinette took Alya to a private corner. "So, don't freak out. I've moved on from Adrien... I'm in love with-" "WHAT?! YOU WHAT?!?! IS THAT GOOD OR BAD!?" Alya shouted. "Sorry, I overreacted," Alya apologized. Marinette smiled as she replied, "It's good. Anyway, as I was saying, I'm in love with... Chat Noir," Marinette said. She shielded her face from the shocked girl in front of her. "What? Is this some joke?" Alya asked. "No. Just... Keep it a secret," Marinette told her as she lowered her hands. Alya rolled her eyes. "Fine. When will you tell him?" She asked. Marinette shrugged and frowned.

Marinette's P.O.V

I frowned at the thought of telling Chat Noir my feelings. I had the chance to do it, yesterday, but I chickened out...

Chat Noir climbed out of my room and onto my balcony. He ascended onto the railings. "I don't think I'll see you, again, Marinette. So... Goodbye," He expressed as a tear rolled down my cheek. "Chat, No! Please!" I shouted. My parents heard my shouts because they came up to my room expeditiously. They got a good look at Chat Noir as he leaped off my balcony. He didn't even give me a kiss goodnight like he always does(Kiss on the cheek). I guess this really is the end.

Snapping me out of my gloomy thoughts, my Dad said, "What is he doing here?" I sniffled. "Nothing," I muttered as I climbed into my room and wiped the tear away. "I want to know why you're cryi-" "Tom! Just stop! Our daughter is 16! She can deal with her personal problems by herself. If she needs us, she'll tell us," Mom defended. "Thanks, Mom," I thanked. My Mom smiled. My parents left the room. I cried into my pillow as Tikki asked me loads of questions. I just ignored them. "He doesn't deserve you, Marinette!" Tikki said. "Yes, he does!" I shouted back. "I love him!" I yelled.

"Marinette! Snap out of it! Hello?!" Alya shouted. "What? Huh? What happened?" I asked as I shook my head to rid my thoughts. "You were lost in your thoughts," Alya replied. "Anyway, Adrien wants to talk to you. Give him a chance, he might like you!" Alya whisper-shouted. I rolled my eyes at her silliness. He would never like me. If he does, I'd just let him down slowly and tell him I love another boy. He walked over to me and there was some awkward silence.

"So..." He broke the silence. "I wanted to tell you... I'm in love with you, Marinette..." He confessed. To me? "Me?" I asked. He nodded confidently. "I-I'm sorry, Adrien. I love someone else," I told him. "Wait, what? Who?" He asked as he frowned. "C-Can you keep a secret?" I questioned him. He smiled and nodded. "I-I... I love... Chat Noir..." I admitted. "What!? You do?!" He whisper-shouted. For some reason, he seemed kind of excited. "Um, yeah. Please keep it a secret," I told him. "Can I tell Chat? He's... One of my close friends," He asked. "N-no. I want to be the one confessing to him," I told him. He nodded.

The school bell rang, signaling that all the students should be inside. They all walked inside.


The final school bell rang, we had to go home, now. I grabbed my school backpack and put my Math textbook inside. "Mari-" "No time! I need to go home!" I interrupted. "Wait! Why do you need to go in such a hurry? Do you need the bathroom?" Alya asked as she ran after me. "No. I want to see if maybe-- Wait. No. I'm stupid. Nevermind," I said. Alya was confused. She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "I--Just... I'm going through a hard time, now," I told her. "What's wrong?" She asked, walking behind me. "Chat Noir and I played Truth or Dare, yesterday a-" Alya interrupted me, "How did you p-" I chimed in. "Long story. Anyway, he asked me if I liked him as more than a friend. I wanted to say that I did, but I chickened out and said that I didn't like him as more," I explained.

Alya gasped. "Then, he became sad and climbed up to my balcony. He told me, 'I don't think I'll see you again.' And I began crying..." I quoted his words. "He's not the right one for you," Alya said. "Yes, he is!" I shouted. "S-Sorry. I get sensitive when people talk like that about him," I apologized. Alya smiled. "If he got sad, then that must mean... He likes you!" Alya informed. "No, I don't think that's true," I mumbled sadly. "No! Marinette! We are not giving up!" Alya motivated. I grinned. "You're right!" I shouted. "I'm always right," Alya showed off. I rolled my eyes playfully. We both began laughing.


Alya and I were sitting in my room on my bed at 6:00 PM.

Ring Ring!

Alya realized it was her phone, and she answered it. "Hi, Mom," Alya greeted. "Yeah. Oh. Okay, fine..." Alya woefully said. Alya hung up and told me, "My Mom says I have to go. I have to help her make dinner, tonight," I hugged Alya. "Thanks for being a good friend. And, for keeping the Chat Noir crush a secret," She smiled. "You're welcome, Marinette," She said.

We both walked to the front door. "Want me to walk you home?" Marinette asked. "No. It's fine," Alya assured. She started her journey home. I smiled to myself and walked back to my room. As I sat on my bed, Tikki came out of my purse (That was on my desk). "You told her?" Tikki asked. I nodded. "Okay. I trust your decisions, Marinette. But, trust me, you have to tell Chat about your feelings," She told me. I remembered something. "What about your plan. Last night, you told me you had a plan," I asked her. "I'm sorry, it couldn't really work. I had to think of the consequences of the plan," Tikki explained. "Oh..." I mumbled.

A while later, I heard a knock on my hatch door. "See, Tikki! I'm hearing those sounds, again!" I told her. "No, no! I heard that, too!" She said. She hid in my purse as I opened my hatch. "Chat? W-What are you doing here? I thought you said-" "Forget what I said. I'm sorry, I misunderstood. I respect your opinion about me being just a friend to you," He told me.

Third P.O.V

Chat was lying. Since he was Adrien, he knew that Marinette did like Chat Noir. He had to lie so that he doesn't reveal his identity. "Chat, no. It's time I told you..." She said to him. Chat acted confused. Marinette chickened out yet again. "... That I like... Charades! Oh, darn it!" Marinette lied. She screamed into her pillow. "Princess? Are you okay?" Chat asked, concerned. "No, I'm not!" She shouted into her pillow. He pulled her off of the pillow and she sat up. He sat in front of her on the bed.

"You don't need to tell me, princess. If it makes you uncomfortable, just... Don't tell me," He reassured her. She hugged him tightly. He hugged her back. "Thanks, Chat," She thanked. "You're welcome, princess," He said. After a while, they pulled back. He didn't have the heart to tell her that he knew what she was going to say. She would think that Adrien told Chat and disobeyed Marinette. Or, she would connect the dots and know that Chat Noir and Adrien are the same person.

Marinette and Chat sat under the blankets. It was now 8:00 PM. They talked for a long time, that's how 2 hours passed so quickly. Unaware, Marinette fell asleep in Chat Noir's arms. He smiled. 'Just like old times' He thought. He rested his head on her head. They were best friends, but they acted as if they were a couple. He thought she was cute. He closed his eyes in comfort. She felt safe in his embrace.

He loved Marinette...

She loved Chat...

They were too oblivious to know it...

Hello! I finished chapter 3!! Yay! It was a bit sad to write. Overall, I wrote 4,301 words. They are so oblivious, Gosh! Anyway, I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter :)

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Have a great day/afternoon/evening/night! Goodbye!