
Don't Compare me to a Hero

Reincarnation is a good thing for everyone as it gives people a second chance, I hoped for such a thing. Being Bullied has it's limits 16 and Above I will be posting this story on RoyalRoad.com as well

MrWriter · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Chapter 7 Why do you keep calling me a Hero

The Girl yelled Pervert and threw multiple things at me and He luckily didn't have a nosebleed or else it would hinder him.

He walked in front and tripped accidentally and Fell on her while they were lying on the bed and them accidentally kissed and Kaito used a spell he has never used before.


Both of them had a rough making out session until a bunch of guards and the Second in command a ginger-haired girl wearing red and white came in.

The guards started having nosebleeds while the SIC blushed like a tomato and ordered all the guards to move out and the guards did that looking for the intruder.

Arthur who was still under the effects of Affection commanded Asuna to join in and Asuna nodded blushing and joined in.

Kaito, Asuna and Arthur had an accidental threesome that lasted late into the night and Kaito woke up and looked beside him as he felt two hands on him but they belonged to two people.

Kaito looked beside him and saw Arthur naked and looked beside him again to see Asuna naked beside him holding his hand.

Kaito realised he was also naked and quickly dressed and realised that Arthur was stirring up and he saw Arthur awake and smiling.

She stood up and hugged kaito naked and Kaito didn't know why she was hugging him and smiling as affection had already worn off.

"Last night was the best night I ever had, "Arthur said letting go of Kaito and immediately changing into her costume

" Why was it, Arthur"Kaito said plainly while adjusting his sword while Asuna was stirring awake

"It's Artoria Pendragon but you can call me Saber," Saber said and hugged him while Asuna was awake and rubbing her eyes

"Can you be my husband?" Saber said shocking Asuna while Kaito nodded but suddenly Saber said something else.

"May we join you on your adventures?" Saber said while talking about the whole city and that was almost enough to confuse a normal person

Kaito wasn't a normal person though and knew what she was talking about and nodded and suddenly a scarlet haired girl with bandages on her came into the room.

"She is my other second in command, Erza Scarlet and she will assist you," Saber said smiling

Kaito decided to teleport his friends to the castle as he didn't want to lure attention and when he did, Ryuga was making something like a gun while the two girls were fighting.

Sinbad was fighting with a black-haired girl who had two swords on her back and had a black cloak on her.

The fight was just an argument with mostly insults about each other until so bad crossed the line and got beaten up for it by calling her washboard chest.

The girl saw Asuna and ran over to hug her and Asuna was squeezed by the black-haired girl and both squeezed each other

"It's good to see you Kirito," Asuna said hugging back harder and shocking most of them except kaito, erza and Saber

"You know that crazy girl," Most of them said and Lotus saw Kaito and smiled

"Hi Kaito" Lotus said cheerfully still tugging Paimon's Hair

"Why do you keep calling me a Hero," Kaito said standing in a corner depressed wasting a bunch of his mana but not enough for him to fall unconscious or Lose a level but make him more tired

Kaito suddenly felt the ground shake and saw the others look out the window and saw that all of them were suddenly moving and the sanctum was moveable.

Kaito was still tired and fell on the bed and the girls just hugged him to sleep

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