
Don't Compare me to a Hero

Reincarnation is a good thing for everyone as it gives people a second chance, I hoped for such a thing. Being Bullied has it's limits 16 and Above I will be posting this story on RoyalRoad.com as well

MrWriter · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Chapter 4 Why do you Think I'm a Hero


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This story will get messier due to me needing to change writing styles but any suggestions to improve the story will be taken into consideration.


Four Figures were walking back to the town to collect their prize and when they arrived, the town was destroyed.

The town was nothing but ruins and the damage looked recent but not at the same time showing that there is a possibility of someone with Time Magic attacking the town.

Lotus was annoyed that such a bad thing happened after they left the town but they wanted to check if there was anyone injured and needs help.

The four went into the ruined town to look for survivors but Kaito used a skill called Aura Check, This skill can show the auras of anything living or non-living.

Kaito used the skill but to Everybody's surprise, he couldn't find a single aura but he spotted a very weak aura underneath some rubble and called the three to help him.

The four picked up the rubble and tossed them away and found a teen that looked similar to Kaito but his eyes were different colours.

His right eye was Red while his other eye was White and his clothes reflected the same, Kaito was the opposite of those colours with red and black eyes and clothing.

The Teen woke up and immediately saw Kaito and hugged him immediately crying and holding him even tighter than before.

"Where have you been, Brother," The boy that was 17 years old said to kaito who hugged back but he still did not feel any emotion sadly but they could see what he wanted to do

"I never expected to see you here, Ryuga," Kaito said squeezing Him as well with a monster hug

" We didn't know you had such a brother, "The Two Girls said shocked while Sinbad stood there as the lonely bystander.

" Seems like I failed at killing your brother but I can kill you and the others though, "A mysterious figure said laughing like a maniac

Kaito shielded his brother summoning a divine weapon that emitted a light brighter than the sun itself but the mysterious figure was not fazed and disappeared and reappeared in front of Kaito.

He punched Kaito but he was blocked by his sword and Kaito used the skill, Lightspeed Slash, to hit the mysterious person but the mysterious figure used a skill called Ghostify that allowed him to faze through the attacks.

The figure tried to punch Kaito in the gut but two giant dragons appeared out of nowhere and managed to attack the mysterious figure and managed to crack his mask.

Kaito looked behind to see his brother levitating and having red and black lines on his face and hands and his eyes were glowing a crimson red and a pitch-black colour.

The mysterious figure had green eyes but a gas mask appeared that confused most of the others but Kaito immediately knew that had masks like those belonging to users.

The user disappeared but Ryuga was still in his Unleashed form and saw Lotus, Paimon and Sinbad and the twin dragons flew towards them.

Kaito dashed in front of them and summoned a dragon of his own but this dragon didn't have qualities of any element but had clocks on its bodies and circling around it.

The twin dragons flew towards the clock dragon but suddenly froze in the air as the clock dragon smacked the twin dragons unconscious with its clock hand tail

Kaito dashed towards his brother and knocked him out and the dark aura surrounding him disappeared and Kaito realised he was a user but he figured us what was the price.

Ryuga has the unleashed form which was considered a god-type ability but can only be used for a few minutes unless you are trained to handle the strength of an unleashed form.

Kaito could use it infinitely but he lost his ability to control the form sadly but he could use the abilities of his dragon in normal form.

Kaito realised that it would take a long time to get back and teleported all of them to his house and saw the trio interacting with each other and Kaito forced himself to smile.

Kaito suddenly felt really tired and started stumbling causing the trio to look at him worried but Kaito said he was fine before collapsing on something soft on Lotus.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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