
Don't Come Home Just, Yet | Naruto x JJK

Kushina died at the end of the Third Ninja War. She should be in Pure Lands. Instead, she gets stranded in an unknown guy's house with his newborn two sons & his old father. And things just getting weird.................... in the good ways. Or Uzumaki Kushina is somehow derailed the fate of Jujutsu World by just being there. Kenjaku gonna want some refund for dealing with this shīt.

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24 Chs

Through the Death

Kurama really didn't like this situation.

Wait, scratch that though.

He absolutely Hate It.

When his Jinchuriki died in their foolish ninja war, he was supposed to be released from the seal placed on his body and be born again, free from the constraints of a weak human body. He should be free.

Then, he could easily kill the other Jinchuriki who sealed away his siblings, taking their rightful powers and deceiving them with false promises of being treated well.

However, it seems he underestimated the sealing abilities of the Uzumaki clan.

Instead of being reborn freely into the world after Kushina's death, as he should have been able to within the next 10 years, he was forcefully dragged into the afterlife alongside Kushina.

The seal placed personally by Uzumaki Mito, who was Hashirama's wife and Kushina's great-grandmother, not only bound Kurama, the Nine-Tails Fox, to Kushina's body but also bound both of them together in spirit and death.

When Kushina died, it was also the death of Kurama.

Reluctantly, Kurama slowly healed Kushina's injuries through the seal, ensuring her survival. However, even with the presence of someone who tended to Kushina's wounds, Kurama knew it wasn't enough. Despite the renowned stamina, vigour, and immense chakra of the Uzumaki clan, they were ultimately still mere humans who would meet the same fate as any other mortals.

They will die.

Soon or later.

"Such a bother," Kurama grumbled before falling asleep.

At least, with Kushina unconscious, Kurama felt some relief that its body wasn't bound by those foolish chains. If that little girl attempted to restrain him again with her chains. Kurama would make her regret her actions.


Jin is watching his mother tend to a wounded baby bird that he found after it fell from its nest in a tall tree.

This isn't the first time Jin has found a fallen baby bird. In fact, almost two to three times a week, he discovers injured baby birds near the trees where he usually plays.

His mother takes great care in treating the bird's wounds. "Mom," he calls out. His mother, still focused on the baby bird, asks,

"Yes, my dear, what is it?" Jin hesitates for a moment and then asks,

"Why did you marry Dad and not someone else?"

His question catches his mother slightly off guard.

"Why are you asking that?"

"Well, I accidentally overheard other parents picking up their kids from school talking about how Dad is completely incompatible and always mean to you." Jin thought his mother would be angry with the gossip. But instead, he saw her quietly laugh as if she had heard a joke. Jin was just confused by her reaction.

"Why are you laughing, Mom? I'm serious about this question," Jin grumbled, pouting.

"I'm sorry, my dear. I laughed because I found that bizarre rumour amusing. It makes no sense at all," she explained.

"Then why didn't you marry someone else? Dad always complains about you, Mom."

"Oh, Jin, my beloved son. Without the help of your father, you might not have been born into this world. Besides, even though your father complains a lot and can be harsh with words, he is the only person who is honest and kind to me. Despite there being many other men who are more handsome and financially stable than your father, he is the one who accepts me for who I am and always protects me from harm."

"So, Dad is Mom's hero, right?" This time, his mother burst into laughter upon hearing his words.

"Yes, Jin. Dad is Mom's hero," she said, then smiled gently and hugged Jin tightly in her embrace.

That's the memory Jin remembers from his mother before the disastrous fire engulfed their home.

"Jin, where is your mother?!" His father asked, panic evident on his face.

"Mom is still inside, dad!" Jin shouted.

Before his father could enter the house and rescue his mother, a massive explosion erupted from inside, propelling Jin and his father far away, their backs colliding with the trees. The last thing he remembers is the intense heat of the raging fire consuming their home and his father screaming his name.

"Jin, wake up."

"Jin, wake up."

"JIN, WAKE UP!" Suddenly, he jolts awake from the dream, feeling his arm burning as if on fire.

Jin quickly stood up and saw the sofa where the red-haired woman had been lying, now melting under the foaming red light that surrounded her body. The couch and the bandages wrapped around the woman's body were melting like a candle.

"FIRE!" Jin yelled in panic as he grabbed a basket filled with water from the bathroom and hastily threw it at the woman's body.

The water he poured turned into vapour as soon as it touched her. He then rushed back to the bathroom to fetch more water.

Unbeknownst to Jin, a few drops of water had entered the swirling red foam and landed on the woman's face. This caused the woman, who was initially unconscious, to awaken from her sleep.

Her violet eyes slowly opened, and she gradually stood up from where she had been lying. The woman still hadn't realized that she was emitting a red foamy light from her entire body and that she was completely naked.

Kushina woke up with blurry eyes, feeling weak and disoriented. She realized she was in a room with unfamiliar facilities.

Where was she now?

Could it be that she was kidnapped again?

Her thoughts were interrupted when she noticed a man with pink hair running towards her, holding a bucket in his hand. Instinctively, Kushina prepared herself for a fight, even in her weakened state, expecting the man to attack her.

However, to her surprise, he threw the bucket of water directly onto her face.


"You're on FIRE!" responded the man, pointing at her body.

Kushina looked down and saw that her body was covered in red, melting chakra, which was affecting the objects and even her clothes, leaving her completely naked.

"Uh, What Should I Do, Dattebane?!" she exclaimed.

"Turn off whatever is causing that BEFORE MY HOUSE CATCHES FIRE TOO!" the man yelled at Kushina. She tried to calm herself down and regain control of the red chakra, forcing it back into her body.

Jin couldn't believe his eyes as he witnessed the unbelievable sight before him. It defied all logic and reason. The redhead woman standing in front of him had woken up with severe injuries that miraculously vanished from her body in a matter of moments.

The faint red glow emitting from her body slowly dissipated into thin air. However, as Jin turned his gaze, he noticed that the sofa and the coffee table were melting like candles, and this time the fire was truly roaring in the living room.



He was about to fetch water again to douse the flames in the living room.

"WAIT, I GOT THIS! SUITON: MIST RAIN NO JUTSU!" suddenly shouted the redhead woman, causing Jin to pause his steps towards the bathroom.

Kushina only used a small amount of chakra in this jutsu because it's considered a low-level C-rank technique that even regular genin can perform. She did this to create a gentle drizzle to extinguish the flames.

However, instead of a light rain, a storm with strong winds unexpectedly erupted inside the room. The raging fire in the living room immediately went out as it was drenched by heavy rain. The rainwater slowly started filling up the room, forming a pool that quickly filled the space.

"AH, TURN IT OFF!" shouted the man.

Kushina tried, but for some reason, she couldn't control the flow of her chakra as she normally would, which meant she couldn't control the new jutsu she had just activated.






Wasuke woke up from his sleep and then heard his son and a woman yelling along with the sound of commotion in the living room. He quickly got out of bed and headed towards the living room.

There, he witnessed his son throwing water out of the room with the help of a red-haired woman whom his son had found in the park the night before, who was completely butt-ass naked. It seemed like there was a heavy rain accompanied by strong winds happening in the living room of his house.


