
Don't Come Home Just, Yet | Naruto x JJK

Kushina died at the end of the Third Ninja War. She should be in Pure Lands. Instead, she gets stranded in an unknown guy's house with his newborn two sons & his old father. And things just getting weird.................... in the good ways. Or Uzumaki Kushina is somehow derailed the fate of Jujutsu World by just being there. Kenjaku gonna want some refund for dealing with this shīt.

SeruAz · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Chapter 22 : The Sadness

The Sadness

Kushina finally officially met Toji. Did everything end well?

Naoya grumbled softly in his heart when he heard Old Man Wasuke's order to help Jin lift the goods into Jin's battered SUV.

This is a job for a servant!

But then he remembered that he was no longer the heir of the Zenin Clan; he was just a ' normal' , ' amnesiac' ' orphan' living (forced adopted) with this freaky Itadori family.

How could this family not be considered freaky? For just two weeks, Naoya had witnessed all the weirdness in this house and still couldn't comprehend it completely!

There was the non-jujutsu Pink hair man who could easily lift a car with one hand, the absolute menace demon reborn babies who can't stop throwing things at him, and the red-haired woman who was clearly not part of the Jujutsu community (the hair colour is the main obvious reason cause no one in Jujutsu clans had genetic blood red hair looks like her) but also somehow she's very strong sorcerer. She had multiple techniques like making clones, making water appear out of nowhere, walk on any surface, what else? Oh yeah! He's never forget that she's also could defeat special-grade cursed spirits with ease, making them look like mere 4th-grade spirits!

How the fuck this is consider as fucking normal!

This woman Jujutsu isn't making a sense at all! Even The Famous Gojo Blessed Frick only have 2 abilities! And why the fuck the higher up of Jujutsu didn't about her, yet?!?

And He's definitely not Jealous of Her!

The only thing that seemed normal in this freaky family was Old Man Wasuke. He looked like an ordinary old man without any special abilities. And Naoya silently feeling grateful that at least, someone in this freak ass bullshit family still had a functional brain inside their thick skull.

The night before, around midnight, Pink Freak (Jin) got a phone call from Red Freak (Kushina) saying she couldn't come home because she was in the hospital. Pink Freak automatically panicked and shouted loudly, waking up everyone in the house.

Apparently, his shouting about Red Freak (Kushina) being in the hospital was heard loud enough that the next morning when the five of them were getting ready to visit Red Freak (Kushina) in the hospital, they were immediately confronted by dozens of villagers.

It seemed the village had heard the news and were now acting to express their condolences andgive things someone who's sick might need.

"Oh, dear god! I heard she's in the hospital. So I brought some soup and pain medicine!" said one neighbor, holding out a steaming bowl.

"Hey Wasuke, I just passed by and heard your daughter-in-law got sick. My wife and I decided to give you guys some of our famous family recipe congee," said another, handing over a large pot.

"Here, some of my old blankets. It's still in good condition and I just washed it yesterday!" exclaimed a third, holding up a stack of blankets.

"I made some sushi. She probably needs some Omega-3 vitamins," said a fourth, offering a plate of sushi.

"Here is my father's old wheelchair. You guys can take it," said a fifth, pushing a wheelchair forward.

With so much stuff they were getting from the neighbors, Naoya was still wondering how the old SUV managed to stand up straight and not get a flat tire!

Fortunately some neighbors didn't bring anything; they even offered to look after the babies, Yuuji and Sukuna. Meanwhile, Wasuke, Jin, and Naoya himself headed to the city to visit Kushina in the hospital. Thank God! At least those little brats wouldn't come along to the city and disturb Naoya's hearing during the trip with their crying.

"Alright, that's the last of them. Come on let's go," said Wasuke, pushing Naoya into the car with a gentle but firm nudge. Naoya rolled his eyes and muttered under his breath,

"Great, just what I needed. More stuff to carry."

"Wait, are you sure we got everything, dad? Did we turn off the light? Did we even turn off the stove?! What about medicine?!?" Jin asked, his brow furrowed with worry. Wasuke just rolled his eyes at his son.

"I've turned off all the electricity and the stove. Come on, we're burning daylight. It's almost noon. There'll be a traffic jam on the road!" He gestured to the car, his hands on his hips. Jin sighed and reluctantly got into the car.

As they finally hit the road, Naoya couldn't help but think,

' This is going to be a long day.'






" Ugh...," Yuna said, blinking her eyes and slowly waking up from her fainting.

The first thing she saw was the white wall and someone with bright blonde hair and ocean blue eyes greeted her gaze. Minato (Kushina) was standing beside her, his hands gently cradling her shoulders.

"Yuna, you're awake!" Minato (Kushina) exclaimed, his voice filled with relief. He helped her sit back, his hands supporting her body as she struggled to regain her balance.

" What happened? Where are we?" Yuna asked, still a little confused after waking up from her fainting. She looked around the hospital room, taking in the unfamiliar surroundings. Minato (Kushina) sat down beside her, his eyes filled with concern.

"We're at the hospital," Minato (Kushina) explained, his voice soft and reassuring. "I took you here after you passed out suddenly in my arms." Yuna's eyes widened in panic.

"Oh, thank God,but where's Megumi?! Where is my son, Kushina?!" She frantically scanned the room, her heart racing with worry.

Minato (Kushina) immediately calmed her down. " Woah, woah, take it easy. Megumi-chan is alright. Look right there. He's sleeping at that corner of the room," he (she) said, pointing to the hospital guest bed where Megumi was peacefully sleeping. Yuna's gaze followed his finger, and her face lit up with relief as she saw her baby.

Yuna rushed over to Megumi, tears of relief in her eyes. Minato (Kushina) stood by her side, his hands on her shoulders, offering support.

"Thank God! I was so worried something would happen to my son," Yuna said, her voice shaking. "-..Wait a minute. His blanket is supposed to be purple, not blue. Did I forget to bring any change clothes with me? Or did I?" Minato (Kushina) scratched his head and looked a little embarrassed.

"Sorry, I was going to your house last night without your knowing to bring Megumi-chan some new blanket so he doesn't get cold and your change clothes to the hospital. I'm sorry for that, Yuna-chan."

Yuna turned to him, her eyes questioning.

"Did you lock the door before you left?"

"Yes, of course. Why?"

"Thank goodness then... Hey, Kushina," Yuna said softly as she leaned against him slightly, seeking comfort.

"Yeah?" Minato (Kushina) replied, smiling back at her.

"Yesterday was supposed to be a nice outing.... Where we went around town and had fun..... But then my stupid sickness came back again.... So I wanna say that I am so sorry I am ruining everything, and making you miserable tired by looking out after me all night long. It's okay if you don't wanna be my friend anymore," Yuna said, her voice trembling.

"Don't say that!" Minato (Kushina) said firmly. "I do have fun with you! It's not your fault that your illness came back suddenly. Right now, you just need to get better. So we can do outings again in the near future, dattebane! Now, let's eat first. Nurse Chen just passed by and brought you some congee to eat. Say ' Ahh'!!"

Yuna inevitably opened her mouth and accepted the mouthful of congee from Minato (Kushina). While slowly chewing her food, Yuna just smiled as she stared softly at Kushina, who was now busy stirring the congee by mixing it with soy sauce so that it wouldn't be too bland. The aroma of the congee filled the room, and Yuna's eyes lit up with appreciation.

"Thank you," Yuna said, her voice filled with gratitude. She took another bite of the congee, savoring the taste and the warmth it brought to her.

Minato (Kushina) smiled back at her, his (her) yes filled with care.

"You're welcome," he (she) said softly. "Just rest now and get better. We'll have more fun soon."

Yuna nodded, feeling a sense of comfort wash over her. She leaned against Minato (Kushina), feeling safe and supported. Together, they sat there in silence, enjoying the quiet moment and each other's company.

Suddenly, a knocking sound broke the calm atmosphere in the room. Minato (Kushina) got up from his seat and walked over to see who was behind the door.

"Excuse me, Minato-san," said a nurse entering Yuna's ward.

"Oh, hi, Chen-san. What brings you here?" Minato (Kushina) asked, approaching the nurse.

"I'm so sorry, if I disturbed you day. I need to ask if it's okay to bring two more patients into your room. The other rooms are all full. These two are sweet little boys and won't bother you guys at all! They'll only be here for a half day!" Minato (Kushina) looked at Yuna for a moment to ask if she was okay with it. She just smiled gently and nodded her head.

"Sure, go ahead!"

"Thank you so much!"

Not long after, the door to the patient's room opened again. This time, Nurse Chen came in pushing a wheelchair with a young boy inside. Another boy followed her, holding the edge of her shirt

The boy in the wheelchair suddenly met Minato's (Kushina's) eyes and looked very excited. If it weren't for Nurse Chen's quick action, the boy might have fallen to the floor because he wanted to stand up from his wheelchair.

"Whoa, hold up there, young man! I know you're excited to meet new people, but remember what I told you to do first?"

"I s-sh-dould... int-intro-d-duce my-yself," replied the boy in the wheelchair hesitantly.

"Yup, that's right. Now tell Minato-san your name," said Nurse Chen gently while inviting the boy to speak.

"H-hello... m-my nh-ame i-is... Hamadha... Jhohn... I a-am... E-elefen... old, N-nice m-me-eet y-you..." Even though he stuttered and drooled unintentionally, the three adults in the room smiled softly at the child's hard work.

"Hi! My name is Namikaze Minato. The one beside me is my best friend, Yuna, and the little baby sleeping at the end of the room is named Megumi. You can just call me Minato, Jon-kun. Who's the other handsome boy beside you?" Minato (Kushina)'s gaze was fixed on the boy patient who was still standing beside Nurse Chen's body.

Feeling everyone's gaze in the room on him, the male patient then hid behind Nurse Chen's body while lowering his face to the floor.

"Oh My, I just remember—this other handsome boy beside me is Tanaka Akira," said Nurse Chen, introducing the name of the boy patient.

"He's m-my bh-est f-friend. He's... El-elefen... t-too,"

"Really?! That's very great, dattebane! Nice to meet you too, Akira-kun!" Minato's (Kushina) bright smile made the boy patient blush even more and cover his face by hiding behind Nurse Chen's body. Yuna just chuckled seeing their cuteness from sideline.






"Hey, Naoya, hand me that screw," Jin said, and Naoya reluctantly handed it over.

This early afternoon, the sun was beating down relentlessly, and Naoya was wearing a thick jacket to keep his identity hidden. The combination was making him grumble about his situation. Sweat dripped from his body.

" Damn it, why did we have to get a flat tire on this hot day? And why is Pink Freak taking so long to fix it?!" Naoya muttered to himself, his eyes squinting from the sun. He kicked the ground in frustration.

"...and done. Alright, we're ready to hit the road again!" Jin announced, a wide grin on his face.

Fucking finally!

Never though he will feel ever grateful for the AC inside the car that immediately cooled him down. He let out a deep sigh and leaned back in his seat, feeling the cool air on his skin. -...why did the AC stop working? Did it fucking just break?!

"Son, what happened? Why did you turn it off?" Old Man Wasuke asked.

"The car's carburetor is busted. I can't start the car. We'll need a tow truck to get it to the repair shop," The Pink Freak replied as he closed back the car hood.

"Bah, it'll take too long to wait for them! It's better for us to push the car to the repair shop. It's faster and more efficient. Naoya, come on down and help us push!" Old Man Wasuke ordered, his voice firm.

Naoya groaned, rubbing his temples.

" Ugh, this day just keeps getting worse..."







"..-AND TADAA IT'S A RABBIT!" Minato pulls a live rabbit from under the blanket.

" WHOaHh!"

The boys, some hospital patients, and a couple of nurses watching Minato's magic trick go absolutely crazy. They even try to pet the rabbit to see if it's real or fake. The patient's room, initially housing just six people, turns into a mini show. Nurses and patients from other rooms stop by to watch the commotion. Even Megumi, who had been sleeping all day, wakes up to the cheering and claps and joins the audience.

"Do you guys want to see more tricks?!"



" What the Hell is Going on! "

Nurses hear a familiar man's voice and quickly turn around to see who's behind them. As soon as they recognize him, they rush out of the room to avoid his wrath.

"Sorry, Chief!"

"Excuse me, Chief!"

" Oh shit, I forgot my phone is still in there!"

"Just leave it, you idiot!"

When everyone else finally got to the room, the man who had been called chief by the hospital staff walked inside. As soon as he saw the boys, his expression softened.

"Hello, John and Akira. How's your day?" he asked softly. The boys answered excitedly.

"W-we h-had a l-ot oo-f fun I-isn't t-that r-right, A-hkira?" John said.

"Hmm... F-fun!" Akira replied.

"Really? I'm glad you had fun, but now it's time for your blood transfusion session," the man said gently. The boys' expressions turned a little sad.

"I-hs..M-minhato-san in.. t-troub-ble?" John asked.

"Y-you.. angry?" Akira asked.

"No! No! I'm not angry at Minato-san. I just wanted to tell you guys it's time for your blood transfusion session. If you guys want to be healthy again, you must arrive on time, or the nurses will be sad. Besides, Minato-san has urgent things to do, so he can't do magic tricks for too long. He needs to go somewhere else too. Isn't that right, Minato-san?" the man said, handing Kushina a code.

"Yeah, Dattebane," Kushina replied. Seeing the boys' downcast faces, Kushina walked over to them and lowered his body to the floor to make eye contact.

"Don't worry, I promise we'll have fun again," he (she) said in a low tone.

"....P-prohm-mised?" John asked.

"I promise," Kushina said, giving each boy a warm hug before a couple of nurses came in and took the boys out of the room for their blood transfusion session. The a

tmosphere in the room turned awkward.

"Hey, I'm really sorry if what I'm doing is bothering anyone. I didn't mean to," Kushina said, his (her) words interrupted by the chief.

"I think you're misunderstanding my intentions. I wasn't mad at you. My first intention was to meet you personally to see if you are okay, especially after hearing a rumor that two of my senior staff were acting crazy by taking blood donations from someone who donated up to 2 liters, which is almost four times the normal amount!" the chief explained, looking sharply at Nurse Chen, who decided to look at the ceiling rather than see the man's angry face. Yuna's eyes widened slightly at the amount of blood Kushina had donated. That's a lot.

Way too many.

"Please don't be angry at them. I'm already giving my consent. It's fine," Kushina (Minato) said.

"Even with your consent, it's not right for my staff to do it. There are people in need of help, and you could die. Do you understand me, Minato-san?" The chief's sharp gaze made Kushina feel guilty.

"...understood," Kushina (Minato) replied.

"I'm glad you understand. Now, what I want to say is that I also want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your blood donation. It's not just about your friend's life, but also a baby's and the boy's life. I'm very grateful for what you're doing and thank you for it," the chief said, giving Minato a full-body bow with his head touching the floor. Nurse Chen and Yuna's faces turned into surprise, while Kushina (Minato) had his cheeks flushed red from embarrassment.

"Please, Chief sir, raise your head. I just do what everyone would do. And if I may ask, what disease do the boys have that they need a blood transfusion?" Kushina (Minato) asked. The chief seemed still for a moment before finally talking to him.

"I shouldn't have told you, but since the boys seem to like you and your friend very much, and you both are good men and women, I guess it's fine to tell you. The boys are hospice patients," Kushina's (Minato's) eyebrows frowned at the chief's words.

"What's a hospice?" Kushina asked, not understanding.

"It's a special place or service that provides care to people who are terminally ill," Nurse Chen explained.

"What's the difference between a hospital and a hospice? It seems the same to me," Kushina said.

"Kus-Minato... what they're meaning to say is the boys are dying... like me," Yuna finally got involved in the conversation.


"Yes, unfortunately they're both dying. Akira has Childhood Dementia, and John has Lou Gehrig's Disease, also known as Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) . Both diseases affect the brain and nerves, causing various problems in the body. The boys' brains are slowly forgetting how things work, and eventually, their brain will forget how to operate their other organs. They'll die either because their brain stops giving signals to the lungs or because their heart stops beating by itself. Additionally, they both have Thalassemia major and need blood transfusions every three months. They actually needed a transfusion last month, but they have O+, which makes it challenging to find a donor. So i thank you for donating your blood for them," the chief explained while smiling at Kushina. Meanwhile, she's blushed from hearing the praise.

"I'm glad I could help them. They are both good boys and deserve the best," Kushina (Minato) said.

"Well, that's clear. I have another duty to do. Nurse Chen, you're coming with me," the chief ordered, glaring sharply at Nurse Chen. The hair on the back of her neck was cold, seeing a look that could be interpreted as "Don't you think you can escape from what you're doing."

"...Yes, Chief."

As the chief and Nurse Chen left the room, Kushina turned to Yuna and asked, "Do you think I should have done something else?" Yuna shook her head.

"No, Kushina. You did the right thing. Sometimes, it's not about what we can do, but about what we're willing to do."








"Hey, Ryo, give me another glass!"

The bartender gave Wasuke another glass of sake. The alcoholic taste of the sake calmed his mind. When the three of them arrived at the hospital to visit Kushina and didn't find her name registered as a patient, his son panicked to find Kushina.

But thankfully, they met her accidentally in the parking lot when she went to buy something outside the hospital. And it turned out Kushina wasn't the one who was sick; it was actually her friend.

Before Jin could visit Kushina's friend, he got a call from his office and needed to go there as soon as possible. So his son left with a taxi while their car was still getting fixed. So it was only Wasuke and Naoya who finally met Kushina's sick friend.

After talking and getting to know Yuna and his son Megumi, Wasuke decided to volunteer to go out of the hospital and buy some food for them to eat dinner. While waiting for Wasuke's food order to be ready, he took the time to go to the bar to drink some sake to calm his mind.

While his son, Jin, got some supernatural strength, Wasuke got some too. Earlier this week, he heard people talking even though no one was talking to him at all. In conclusion, he can now hear what people are thinking. And it's annoying, but there are also benefits. But still, the annoying part outweighs the benefits.

That's why he's been drinking sake more frequently. The alcohol numbs his mind from hearing what people think.

He can't drink inside the house because first, there are his grandchildren + Naoya, and second, his son will definitely try to take away his sake before he can even drink it.

Usually, to get black out drunk, Wasuke needs a maximum of three glasses, but now even with these eight big glasses of sake, he still doesn't get drunk at all.

So he secretly said that he's going to Pachinko but actually went to the bar to drink some sake. So yeah, Wasuke, you could say he is a regular in this bar.

' Fucking prink still doesn't go home yet,'

When Wasuke heard Ryo's (The Bartender) thought, he thought that Ryo was talking about him. But when Wasuke directed his eyes to Ryo, Ryo's gaze was not on him but on a young man with a big muscular body who was sitting not far from where Wasuke was sitting.

Wasuke couldn't hear the man thinking because he was too far away. From the man's body movements, it seemed that he was sad about something.

As soon as the man finished his sake, he smashed the empty glass into the ground, breaking it into pieces. Thus making everyone in the bar looked at the man.

'That guy looks scary,'

'Ugh, physical drunker. I fucking hate those guys. They always cause trouble and make a mess everywhere.'

'He is probably a Yakuza member,'

'Ew, Look at his clothes; they look hand-me-down. He must be homeless.'

'Olala...He looks hot with all those big muscles; I wonder if he's also big down there?'

'I don't want to sitting next to him. He's probably going to start a fight or something.'

'Fucking prick destroying my stuff, whatever he's like,'

Many of the bar patrons chose to leave the bar and find another place to drink sake, afraid of dealing with someone who had a big, muscular body and was most likely now very drunk and could beat up anyone near him.

"Who's that guy?" asked Wasuke, sounding simply curious.

"I don't know his name," said Ryo. "But he's been here since last night and hasn't stopped drinking. Now he's apparently smashing my glass." Wasuke raised his eyebrows at that.

"You didn't kick him out yet?" asked Wasuke. Ryo just let out a big sigh from his mouth.

"We tried," explained Ryo. "I had four security guards, and all of them ended up getting easily knocked out by that man. So I decided not to disturb him, even though he's been smashing all my glass like a crazy person."

"Why didn't you guys serve him in plastic glasses?" asked Wasuke. "Isn't that more convenient? Or I don't know, call the police?"

"We also tried that," said Ryo. "The man actually had the nerve to threaten me, telling me not to pay for all the shit he's been doing in my bar if I dare to serve him sake in plastic glasses. And before the police could even talk to me, he knocked them down too."

".....Why do you think he looks so sad?" asked Wasuke.

"How the fuck do I know? I'm not his mom. If you're so curious, just ask the man yourself. But I don't guarantee you'll live past this afternoon. Want me to pass the memoirs to your son?" Ryo asked sarcastically.

"Fuck off, I'm not old. I just turned 50," said Wasuke.

"You had a 23-year-old son. Just accept that you're an old man," Ryo retorted.

Wasuke then walked away grumbling softly to himself after being called old by Ryo. Slowly, Wasuke walked towards the man and began to hear what the man was thinking. However, there was something a little different. Usually, Wasuke could hear what someone was thinking clearly, but with this man, his thoughts were a bit different.

Even though Wasuke had taken a seat right next to the man, the voice coming out of the man's mind seemed intermittent, similar to the sound of a radio when you were searching for the right channel. Only a word or two could he hear clearly; the rest was too blurry for Wasuke to understand.

As he sat there, he noticed that the man's eyes seemed to be filled with a deep sadness. It was as if he was carrying a heavy burden that he couldn't shake off. Wasuke's curiosity got the better of him, and he decided to try and understand more about this enigmatic figure. He leaned in closer, focusing his mind on the man's thoughts, hoping to uncover the secrets behind his sorrow.

Yeah, he's bored.

That's why he's doing this.

'Useless... Cheater,' thought the man heard by Wasuke.

"If you keep smashing those sake glasses, they're probably gonna charge you more than ever, y'know," said Wasuke, trying to start a conversation with the man beside him. But it seemed the man was too lost in his own thoughts.

' ..She-...-Cheat-...-My Karma-..,'

"You got a love problem?" It seemed what Wasuke was talking about was spot on because he saw the man's eyes just suddenly flicker at him, and the man's hand tightened on his sake glass.

'...Dirty-...-Old-... Fucker-...,'

Seeing the man's body become way more tense and ready to punch Wasuke into pulp, he decided to change his tactics to speak with this man.

" Hey, hey, no need to get all worked up," Wasuke said calmly. "How about we do a little wager instead of breaking the sake glass?" The man looked at Wasuke with a mix of confusion and curiosity.

"What are you talking about?" he asked gruffly.

"Every time we drink sake, whoever finishes each glass of sake the fastest and then can answer the question asked by the bartender correctly. Then he will get one wish. The winner can ask one wish to the loser, it could be money or anything else, as long as it's not morally wrong. So if I lose three times, that means you had three wishes. The same thing also applies to me. Then, the question that will be asked by the bartender is just a general question. What do you say, young man?" Wasuke asked. The man's eyes narrowed slightly, but he seemed intrigued by the idea.

"Alright, I'll play along with you fuckin' game," he said finally.

"Great. Let's shake on it," Wasuke said, extending his hand. The man's right hand shook hands with Wasuke.

"It's a deal, old man,"









Toji walked on the side of the road, his body swaying slightly from the sake he had drunk. He felt a bit grateful because of his Heavenly Restriction ability, which prevented him from vomiting, just making him a little dizzy.

Despite having drunk enough sake to kill an average adult, his body wasn't severely affected. It was probably midnight, and many shops and people had gone home to bed. This wasn't like Tokyo or Shibuya, where everything stayed open 24/7.

Once it passed 11 p.m., the city would be almost empty of people. Mainly because the citizens in this city were old, so even though Toji lay his body in the middle of the highway, completely naked, no one would hit him or curse him because Sendai City was so quiet at night.

So yeah, he lay there and reflected on what had just happened. There was only himself, his cursed worm, and some occasional 4th-grade curses passing by on the highway.

Toji lost.

Wait, scratch that.

He lost at a drinking game to that old man.

The famous sorcerer killer, renowned for his superior strength and speed, was losing to a 60-year-old man in a drinking game.

Him, the loser.

Yes, it's still quite unbelievable even to himself.

He couldn't believe he got outsmarted by an old man.

At first, he thought the old man had cheated by using a jujutsu technique to suppress alcohol inside, so the old man couldn't get drunk. But no, he seemed normal, and there was no hint of big cursed energy in this old man.

The old man just had a very tough stomach to handle all the sake.

So when Toji lost the game, at first, he thought the old man was going to make a wish by asking for money. But no, it was quite the opposite.

The old man didn't ask for any money; instead, he was asking about Toji's feelings and why he looked so downcast. So at the end of their little drinking game, Toji explained everything that had happened to him.

From what his friend found out, his wife had cheated on him and got pregnant by another man. Toji went to their apartment and smelled another man's perfume inside, which confirmed his friend's accusations about his wife.

Yeah, it's kinda unlikely for him to just let out his life problems to someone.

Toji definitely blames it entirely on the sake; the sake is making him talk.

The old man actually gave him quite a good opinion, especially when dealing with problems in your marriage life.

"I know what you're probably thinking: just give your wife the divorce papers and let her sign them. Then you can just leave her life, and you two will never meet again in the future. But marriage isn't always that simple. Even if one partner is cheating and creating huge gaps between you, you still need to talk about it together. I'm not defending your cheating wife; cheating is a terrible thing, no matter who does it. But you guys have a son who just turned 7 months old. If you can't do it for yourself, do it for your son. How his future turns out depends on the decisions you make, and they will definitely affect his life. Even if you and your wife are finally getting a divorce in the future, he'll still need guidance from his parents," the old man's words kept coming to mind.

Toji could only take a deep breath and try to calm his still confused mind. He lay down and stared at the ceiling at night.

The night sky of Sendai City looked beautiful, with a couple of flying 4th-grade cursed spirits. The luminous stars created a beautiful painting in the sky, reminding him of the time he was still in the Zenin Clan.

He loves looking up and seeing the stars. He always thought his wife was like a bright star that wandered into his dark life and gave him gentle light, guiding him to be a better person. She gave him a reason to believe there was a better life outside of Jujutsu, murder, stealing, money, and one-night stands.

She gave him a life purpose. Now, she's giving that gentle light to another man, leaving him in darkness and confusion about what to do.

But then he remembered what the old man said: he still has a son, Megumi.

His blessing.

And he can't let his son get left behind because he now hates his mother's guts.

He still needs to give for all, but now it's only for his son.

Suddenly, he felt his phone ringing.

"Your wife's room is 109A. She's registered at Sendai City Hospital," - Shi Woo (received)

"Thnks," - Toji (sent).

He's slowly got up and walked towards the hospital mentioned by Shi Woo.

When he arrived at the hospital parking lot, Toji heard the sound of footsteps. Two people were not far from where he stood. At first, he didn't care and continued walking with his head down. But when Toji finally passed by them, he caught a familiar scent. It was the smell of a man he had been smelling inside his apartment. So he quickly turned his head towards the person who had just walked past him.

" Come on, Naoya. We need to buy it before the store closes, dattebane!"

"Calm down will you!!. The ramen stand isn't going anywhere!"

It was the blonde guy who had been fuckin' cheating with his wife behind his back, and he was walking side by side with Toji's actual target, the famous exiles Heir of Zenin Clan.

Toji had been searching for Naoya for two weeks fuckin's straight and couldn't find him until now.

The anger was so intense that it felt like his heart was about to burst out of his chest. He could feel his face burning with rage as he took a step closer to them.

So Toji did what he usually did best: he attacked.





















Author Note : Welp, see you guys later in two weeks or a month. Also give me your comments your heartless freak 🔪 😶‍🌫️