
Don't Come Home Just, Yet | Naruto x JJK

Kushina died at the end of the Third Ninja War. She should be in Pure Lands. Instead, she gets stranded in an unknown guy's house with his newborn two sons & his old father. And things just getting weird.................... in the good ways. Or Uzumaki Kushina is somehow derailed the fate of Jujutsu World by just being there. Kenjaku gonna want some refund for dealing with this shīt.

SeruAz · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Change of Fate 1

"Kushina-san, please don't get up so fast." Jin's voice was stern as he saw Kushina trying to rise from the guest bed.

"Your body probably still tense after fainting."

She didn't respond to his concern, only gazed at the floor with a vacant expression. He felt helpless and sat quietly beside her on the bed. They stayed like that for a while, without saying a word. It had been a crazy day for both of them.

One of them had witnessed horrifying things that others couldn't see, things that lurked everywhere and could harm people without his knowledge for first time in his 2 decades life.

The other one was in shock because she had realized that she was in a different world and that she was probably considered dead in her original world. Tears started to form in Kushina's eyes as she recalled the last thing she saw in her world: Minato's ocean blue eyes, filled with tears, holding her blood-stained body.

"Are you feeling okay, Kushina-sa-..?!"

Jin's question was interrupted by Kushina's sudden embrace. He felt her tears soaking his suit, but he didn't push her away. She seemed to be under a lot of stress. He didn't ask anything and just gently stroked her hair to comfort her.

".... Thank you. ... and sorry for making your clothes wet with my tears,"

"It's alright, Kushina-san. You seem really upset, what's wrong?"

"It's a long story...but I finally figured out what's happening to me,"

".....Do you want to talk about it?"

He looked at her face, waiting for her to reply. She hesitated, her violet eyes fixed on the floor. Then, she sighed deeply and spoke.

".....I can't go back to my home anymore,"

"What?! Why, Kushina-san? Is your home in another country? Are you worried about money? Don't worry about that, I can buy you a plane ticket to get you home,"

"NO! Money is not the problem, dattebane!"

"Then why can't you go home?"

"Because..... it's in another world,"






Toji sat on the floor with his legs crossed in the living room. He had just been scolded by Yuna, because she caught him following her secretly while carrying their baby son with a cursed worm wrapped around his body.

' What if the worm drools and its saliva falls on our son and makes him sick?!'

'But, that won't happen, sweetheart. Besides, even if the worm drools on someone, I doubt it can make anyone sick.'

'.....Toji, what do you mean by that? Don't tell me, you have swallowed saliva from the worm before?'



'...I plead to the fifth-..'

As a result of his actions, Toji was punished by his wife to sit on the floor in the living room and he was banned from sleeping in the bedroom tonight. He couldn't sleep peacefully, after he had promised his wife a few hours ago to tell her what really happened in his past and why he had a cursed worm that carried various weapons.

Toji had never been completely honest with his wife about his past before he met her. He had told Yuna that he worked as a part-time construction worker, so his work schedule was very erratic, and that he was an orphan, so he had no family members at all.

He had never told her about his real job as a Sorcerer Killer, or his past and relationship with the Zenin Clan.

He felt sick remembering the years of torture, pain, and abuse from his clan. Too many dark memories had resurfaced because of today's events.

But there was something strange in Toji's mind, why did his wife suddenly see curses, especially today? He was 100% sure that yesterday, his wife couldn't see the curses and had no relation to any Jujutsu Clans.

She was 100% a normal citizen and a non-jujutsu. Even before they got married, Toji had asked (bribed) Shi Woo to find out some information about his wife.

Why could she see curses now?

Did someone curse her? Or worse, did someone from the Zenin Clan find out about her and curse her? But why would they make her able to see cursed spirits? Were they planning to ruin his relationship with his wife by exposing all the lies he had ever told, before finally killing him?

All these thoughts gave Toji a headache, so he glanced at the wall clock. It was already midnight.

' Ah, fuck it. That's tomorrow me's problem. I should just go to fucking sleep.'


Some of us were still up late at night in the Gojo clan's servant room, chatting about stuff before we slept.

"I think he went nuts because he almost lost the fight,"

"Yeah, maybe. He's acting really weird,"

"Hey, what are you guys talking about? What happened? Who's being weird?"

"You don't know the best news ever! Listen, this is what happened, earlier when Young Master Gojo was fighting that Zenin kid. Right when it was about to end, Young Master Gojo started yelling like crazy, covering his eyes with his hands, and saying "FUCKING TOO BRIGHT!" in front of everyone."

"Wait, the Zenin kid can hurt Young Master Gojo's Six Eyes thing? Is that even possible?!"

"Looks like it. But here's the funny part, instead of hitting Young Master Gojo when he was weak, the Zenin kid just looked at him like an idiot! He was frozen like a deer in headlights! What a loser! And since the time was up and they were both still standing, they picked the winner by looking at the injuries. Of course, Young Master Gojo won."

"Oh, yeah.. I also heard that the Zenin boss kicked out his son from the Zenin family because he was ashamed. So he's probably just walking around the street like an idiot now,"

"Poor kid, he's only 10 years old,"

"Well, don't feel bad for him. He's probably staying with some other relatives outside the Zenin family. And I also heard from my sister who works in the Zenin clan, he's a big jerk. Especially to girls."

"Yeah, he deserves it."

"....but you guys still didn't answer my question. Who's acting weird?"

"Well after the fight ended, Young Master Gojo can ask for anything he wants and the Jujutsu elders will give it to him. Here's the weird part, I knew Young Master Gojo when he was a baby, I know he likes cakes or snacks or food that is sweet more than salty. I thought he would ask for unlimited snacks or something like that. But instead he's asking for a room just for him, a whiteboard, a big map of Japan, a new computer, a new phone, a new TV, a globe, a telescope, a pen, a ruler, and other stuff like that. It's not like him to want something like that! For a second I thought some Curse spirit took over Young Master Gojo's body!"

"Don't forget he also wants to go to Tengen-sama's personal Library, like What?! Why does he want to go to the library? I'm sure there are some good and very valuable books in the library, but I saw Young Master Gojo run away from the books after his teacher taught him! Now he wants to go to the library where books are?! So weird!"

"...what do you think he's going to do with those things if he doesn't really want them?"

"He's probably going to play with them until he's bored then leave the room and we can finally clean it up,"


Satoru can't sleep. Not after what he saw today during his fight with Naoya Zenin. That weird bright energy that he spotted two days ago came back again. And it was even brighter than before. So bright that it hurt his Six Eyes to directly look at it.

He was lucky that Naoya Zenin didn't take advantage of him when he was stunned by that light. He could have easily pushed him out of the arena and made him lose the tournament. But he didn't. So Satoru still has his title as the strongest Jujutsu.

He wonders, what would happen if he lost the tournament and Naoya Zenin became the Strongest Jujutsu instead.

He laughs at his own thought. That's literally impossible. There's no way someone as weak as him could ever beat him. He would make a mockery of Japan Jujutsu in front of the whole world.

He has a new goal now. He's sure that he will solve the mystery of that bright energy by the end of the week. He's got this.

He always does.


"Hey, kid! Watch where you're going!" A man barked as Naoya collided with him on the crowded street.

Naoya bit his lip and faked an apology. "I'm so sorry, sir." He lied through his teeth.

He felt a surge of anger at the man's rudeness. He wanted to slap him in the face, but he restrained himself. He couldn't afford to draw attention to himself.

He was no longer the Young Master of the Zenin Clan, with all the prestige and power that came with it. He was just Naoya, a disgraced and exiled Heir of Zenin clan.

A loser.

A nobody.

The man didn't notice as Naoya used his technique to snatch his wallet and train card. At least he had some money and a ticket now.

He had ruined the Zenin Clan's reputation by losing like a clown in the tournament. He had been humiliated by his opponent, who had mocked him for his cowardice and uselessness.

He had been kicked out of the clan by his own father, who had disowned him and stripped him of his inheritance. He had no doubt that some of his former clan members would try to get back at him for things he did to them. He had made many enemies in his clan, who hated him for his ambition. They were probably already hiring assassins to hunt him down.

He had to get out of Tokyo as soon as possible. He had to find a place where the jujutsu community wouldn't notice him, and where there were few curses spirits also curse users to deal with.

He had to go north.

He had to go to Sendai.


Author Note :

At first I wanna make the Naoya as The Strongest instead Satoru, to make things more interesting. I mean in a Jujutsu world where Satoru still has six eyes and limitless but didn't get title of the strongest. Should I make an omake for it?

Make a second book for What if scenarios in 'Dont Come Home Just, Yet' universe?

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