
Don't Believe In Being Romantic

"Let's get one thing straight. We're friends. But you're still mine. Okay?"

Lyeori · Teen
Not enough ratings
15 Chs


Iseul started shouting, yelling. Like a five year old throwing a tantrum after getting told they cannot get what they want. If she continues to make a scene, you'll start bleeding red from your ears. You dart your eyes to her brother, expecting him to react and quickly shush her. He catches your look and rolls his eyes, barely even trying.

Jinhyun tried hushing her in a not so determined manner. He's not even trying after that first warning.

You grab them both by the wrist and drag them to the exit, tossing them out like a pile of trash. Your boss had walked in and saw the ruckus made by the two. And she didn't look happy.

As you let them go with a flick, Iseul loses her balance and lands butt first on the ground. She falls with a thud and her arm accidentally grazes a sharp object.


Her brother snickers. "Oh, stop crying already. It's just a scratch. Get up."

"B-but... But it's bleeding a-and..it's huge!" Tears well up the corner of her eyes.

"This is exactly why I told you to stay at home."

"We wouldn't be in this mess if you weren't taking your sweet time!"

Oh, for the love of God.

"Can you two stop already?" Since it's obvious he won't help her up, you do it instead. Iseul reluctantly accepts the aid and you bring her to stand. She wipes down any invisible dusts collected by her outfit and pouts at the sight of her wound.

Turning your heel, you say in a volume that's enough for only him to hear. "Go easy on her." His reaction makes you raise an eyebrow. The way he's staring is as if he's saying why should I?

After dragging the stare for a reasonable time, he gives in with a sigh. "Fine. But only because you said it."

"Good. Now get lost. Drive safely." That spoken, you head back to the store. Where you know your boss' waiting to give you an earful.

You'll probably lose your job tonight. Either way, whatever happens, life goes on.

The Following Morning

"Get out of here!"

You close the door behind you just in time before the vase can hit you.

Morning air wafts past your face, pushing your hair back. It's morning alright. But the grey clouds accumulating the sky makes it seem like it's evening.

It's gonna rain today. And weren't able to snatch an umbrella.

Father's abusive behavior is caused by his hangover. He stayed out pretty late last night.

The shiver running down your body gives you an idea that today won't be an easy one. You quickly take a bus and eventually reach your school.

It started raining then.

Iseul can be seen lingering around your locker. She isn't doing anything you find suspicious. Weirdly enough, she's just staring at it while hugging her backpack.

"Can I help you?"

Flinching, Iseul takes a step to the side and blinks her eyes. And then she goes silent. To be honest, you don't mind her taking note of your lock number.

Iseul's just dramatic. But she isn't harmful.

After stuffing some books inside, you walk ahead. She trails behind you, lips still shut. By the time you reach your classroom and take your seat, she pulls something out from her backpack.

A familiar looking object appears in your peripheral view. When you give her a glance, she isn't looking at you.

"I have an extra with me. So...so just take it." She places the umbrella on your desk and sprints away. As she does so, Jinhyun, who had just arrive, exchanges glances with her. If you listening closely, you might hear a squeak coming out of her. She avoids her brothers gaze and strides to her desk- where she begins to take her books and pens out.

"Let me guess. You forgot to bring an umbrella?" He asks you with an eyebrow raised. You casually shrug your shoulders, taking the umbrella and placing it inside your bag.

At that exact moment, your chemistry teacher steps inside.

"Okay, good morning class. Could someone stand up and clear the board here."

One of your fellow peers slides out of their seat to do the task.

Jinhyun takes his seat and starts scribbling something down on a piece of paper. After a few seconds, he reaches a hand behind and urges you to take it.

The best handwriting says 'Want a ride later?'

To which you respond with 'drop me at my workplace'.

You watch as the back of his head bop up and down- as an indication that he's read it.

After that night at the store, you practically begged your boss not to fire you. She was adamant about it but eventually gave in. But she did mention that if she hears a single complaint or ruckus inside her store, you're gone for good.

Hours eventually goes by and after Jinhyun drops you at work, he returns to his car and isn't the slightest bit bothered that Iseul's biting her fingers. Her gaze's fixated on the store, watching you walk inside.

It's pouring hard. They say this storm's gonna go on for days. Worst case scenario? It might even cause some places to flood.

Jinhyun's about to shift a gear when Iseul whips her head around. "You're gonna leave her? There?"

"Her shift doesn't end until two in the morning. We'll be back by then."

She nods her head in understanding, fidgeting with her fingers. "Tell...tell her not to return my umbrella. I have a lot at home anyway."

Jinhyun hums and eventually brings the vehicle into motion. They leave the parking area and arrive home. While Iseul retires to bed, Jinhyun plops on his office chair and begins assessing the major paper works flooding his table.