
Don't Be Damned

A tomb of a great ruler unearthed and the rise of a legendary incarnation. Magic was unleashed and throughout the world, hunters emerged to fight the denizens of the underworld. War is imminent, will we win or become one of the Damned?

Azmirka · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Pandora's Box

A mythical box that should never be opened under any circumstance, doing so shall unleash unimaginable horrors upon the world.

"You're not going to open that box, are you?" Dr. Smith worriedly asked.

"Why not? this chest is essential to everyone living on this planet."

"But isn't that Pandora's box, opening it will release something horrifying onto humankind."

"What do you mean? is that what the stories tell you?" Alexander asked as he was confused.

"Sire, it must be the work of Pandora, she must've told a different version of the story so that no one should dare open it" Ptolemy stated.

"She really is a crafty one, isn't she?" Alexander said.

"If that box wouldn't release horrors, then what's inside of it?"

"Mana, Once I open this chest, every human being shall be able to use magic again."

Elizabeth went near Alexander excitedly and asked a nonstop barrage of questions. Although, she stopped when she caught a glimpse of Alexander's mighty sword. She got embarrassed and quickly hid behind her father.

Realizing this, Alexander and his four generals took their clothing and weapons from their sarcophagus.

"Shall we open the chest now?"

The Diadochi nodded their heads.

The remaining people from the expedition watched with curiosity.

Alexander touched the center of the chest; he imbued it with his magic and to open it. It took a few minutes but when it was opened blue light emerged from the chest and quickly disappeared. Due to this Pandora's box crumbled to dust.

"Do you feel anything?" Alexander asked the people from the expedition.

"I feel quite normal, Can I use magic now?" Elizabeth asked.

"It's gonna take some practice but you shall be able to." Ptolemy said.

"Let us leave this tomb, shall we? I am quite curious as to how the world looks" Cassander said.

Everyone left with the exception of Dr. Smith, Rajit, and some people from the expedition to study the tomb while Elizabeth and a few others went with Alexander.

Finally nearing the exit, they were met with the radiant rays of the beautiful sun, the wind infused with the nearby sand, and the busy site of Dr. Smith's archaeology team.

The people on the site who were oblivious of what happened in the tomb were confused of who were the people Miss Elizabeth is with and why they were wearing ancient Macedonian clothing.

"Tell me miss, are we still in Alexandria?" Alexander asked.

"My name's Elizabeth, and yes we are."

"Magnificent, I shall reclaim my seat as the great king."

"I advise you to do not do anything rash such as taking over Alexandria and claiming yourself to be the legendary Alexander the Great."

"Insolence, how dare you refute my rightful claim to the throne" Alexander spoke with anger.

"Sire, I do believe that we should follow Miss Elizabeth's advice, we were gone for thousands of years and surely a lot has changed. To the people of this era, they only know of us as myths and legends." Ptolemy advised Alexander.

"Very well, I see your point, I apologize for the sudden outburst Miss Elizabeth, I hope you can continue to guide us in this era." Alexander humbly apologized.

"I never would have thought that the legendary conqueror would be this understanding" Elizabeth thought to herself.

"It would be my honor to help you, Alexander" Elizabeth respectfully responded.

"It sure is taking long, in the meantime, do you wanna learn magic? Elizabeth?"

Elizabeth eyes perked up and was extremely excited.

The group then went to an isolated area near the site to help Elizabeth learn magic.

Alexander went first to demonstrate his magic, using his index finger, a small ball of light formed on tip of it. He then pointed it on a large boulder. As soon as the ball hits the boulder, it was destroyed into little pieces.

The explosion of the boulder caught the attention of the nearby people from the site and went there to it to investigate.

"So that is magic, it's very powerful and beautiful at the same time. Can I do that too?" Elizabeth said.

"It depends on what attribute you have, anyways, if you wanna cast magic, the most important thing is to feel the flow of mana in your body and focus on it."

"How can I feel the mana in my body? How can I focus it?"

"Start by clearing your mind, and for starters do what I did, focus your mana on your fingertip."

Elizabeth closed her eyes and cleared her mind, but the memories of her mother kept flashing in her head. Tears suddenly fell out of Elizabeth's closed eyes. Even though her mind wasn't cleared, she felt the mana flowing in her body.

She raised her index finger up to her chest and did what Alexander told her. a small but unstable blue ball emerged from her index finger. Although it was not perfect, this caught the attention of Alexander and the Diadochi.

Feeling the ball from her fingertips, she pointed at another boulder and once she fires, a streak of unstable lightning shot out from her fingertips and did a little bit of damage on the boulder.

"I did it? Did you see that? I did it! I did it!" Elizabeth celebrated with joy.

"I am quite actually surprised, you still lack control, but you may have the talent Miss Elizabeth" Alexander praised her.

The nearby people who saw what Miss Elizabeth did were surprised and terrified. Some ran back towards the site, some were frozen in fear, and some were amazed. Elizabeth, seeing this quickly ran towards the site and explained what happened.

"I guess that the lessons for today are finished" Alexander said.

"Sire, what shall we do for now" Ptolemy asked.

"We shall continue as planned but without my throne in Macedonia we cannot start anything."

"Then why don't we raise the fallen city in the Atlantic?" Seleucus suggested.

"HAHAHAHA, a brilliant suggestion Seleucus, it might even be better considering our circumstances right now" Alexander chuckled at the brilliance of Seleucus.

Suddenly, all of them felt something heavy. It wasn't anywhere near them and is quite far in the east.

"It looks like the first gate has opened and it's not your average gate." Alexander said seriously.

"Let's make quick work of it shall we?" Cassander said confidently.

"Miss Elizabeth, we shall be back" Alexander shouted to her.

Elizabeth looked backed and saw a bright light engulfing the group. A few seconds later, they all disappeared.


In the city of Manila, a huge portal that looks like a crack in the dimension, a shattered piece of reality, appeared in the heart of city. The nearby citizens and cars stopped what they were doing and gazed at the portal. A few streaks of black lightning emerged from the portal destroying everything it touches and soon after, ghoul like creatures with dark skin, serrated teeth, razor claws, and dirty white barren eyes went out of the portal.

The citizens quickly ran away from these creatures but unfortunately a number of them fell victim to these monsters.

Suddenly, a white light appears in front of the sky touching the ground, as soon as it disappears, Alexius and the Diadochi emerged.

"The Damned are already out?" Cassander asked.

"The global inhibitor must be damaged after all these years. We must protect the people." Alexander said.

Alexander courageously faced the Damned that were going out of the portal while the Diadochi focused on protecting the people. A one-sided battle ensued, pointing his finger at the Damned, A streak of golden light launched and hunted every single Damned in the area near him.

"Now I just have to forcefully close this gate" Alexander thought to himself as he enters the portal.

The Diadochi were having a quite difficult time due to the large numbers of the Damned that escaped and were scattered everywhere. Cassander raised an enormous wall of earth to help with the evacuation of the people. The other three generals directed the people to go beyond the wall for protection.

Inside of the portal

"I can't believe that I'm already at the underworld again." Alexander said.

Contrary to modern beliefs, the underworld was an extremely cold place, and is home to hundreds of millions of tortured souls otherwise known as the Damned. The entire Underworld is coated in the hue of blue. The trees are rotten, the buildings are all ruined, the water of the river Styx is deep black and was like staring at an infinite void of darkness. Nothing can grow in the underworld, only death, suffering and corruption thrive in it.

Fortunately, the underworld is divided into thousands of regions and only those damned in the region can exit the portal created in it.

"I should've brought a bag to get some resources here." Alexander sighed. "I'll just have to destroy the dimensional crystal to close this gate for now."

Behind his path, were thousands of the damned lying in the ground. Suddenly, in front of Alexander was a towering monster with a massive and broad blade behind it's back.

"A Vice already? I'll make quick work of you too."

Outside the portal

Antigonus witnessed something unbelievable. He saw a young girl crying in the ground and in front of her was a boy, no more than the age of 12 years old, holding a flaming blade eliminating the Damned with ease.

"How can a mere have such magnificent control of mana already? We just released magic moments ago?" Antigonus thought to himself as he observed the child.