
Don't be afraid, princess, the knight is coming

Leo travels through different worlds and uses the knowledge he has mastered. Take all the territory and population under your control. At the same time, for the sake of world peace, Leo had to develop several diplomatic tools to make the orcs, demons, and undead all sit back and listen to his reasoning.

NightwindLoong · Fantasy
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17 Chs

 The Surrender of the Kobolds

After several miles through the forest, the terrain began to shift. The towering trees gave way to rugged ground covered with low shrubs and exposed rocks. Looking up, Leo could see the imposing barrier of mountains piercing the sky. They were nearing the source of the Anzeno River, where a series of majestic waterfalls cascaded from the heights above.

Leo led the group along a creek for another mile, soon discovering the kobold lair nestled in a secluded valley. It was no wonder the kobolds had been attacking so frequently; the settlers' encampment was practically on their doorstep.

Normally, kobolds, as a weak species, would never dare attack a stronger force. Not even a band of fifty militia would faze them, let alone a group of three hundred settlers. But with their territory invaded, they had no choice but to defend their home.

The valley itself was sparsely vegetated, with a small stream running through its center. The kobolds had built a haphazard array of shacks along the slopes on either side, some of which were merely roofs sheltering cave entrances. The entire valley was pockmarked with mining tunnels, resembling a giant honeycomb. Piles of ore and debris littered the area, choking parts of the stream and leaving patches of barren earth.

As Leo and his men entered the valley, it became clear that the kobolds had scouts of their own. The lair was already in chaos. Under the frenzied barking of a black-and-white kobold, the creatures were herded into a makeshift formation in the valley's center. Even discounting the juvenile kobolds rolling around the ground, there were still at least a hundred capable of posing a threat to the militia.

Despite the disparity in numbers, Leo was confident. The kobolds' eyes were filled with fear and confusion. Their repeated futile assaults had depleted their ranks of the strongest fighters, leaving mostly the elderly and weak behind.

As the militia advanced, shields up and steps steady, the kobolds' nerves frayed. Some threw rocks and spears, but most projectiles fell short or clattered harmlessly against the militia's shields.

"Javelins, ready!" Leo commanded.

The front line shifted slightly as the militia raised their javelins, causing a ripple of panic among the kobolds. They jostled and pushed, trying to back away.


Two volleys of javelins later, the kobolds broke, scattering in all directions and leaving a chaotic mess behind. Leo, however, held his men back, refusing to give chase.

After a brief, tense silence, the black-and-white kobold emerged again, barking orders. Slowly, grudgingly, most of the kobolds reassembled, forming a new line to block the militia's path.

These kobolds were defending their home, their food stores, and their young. The scene tugged at something in Leo's memory. He recalled his own village, similarly desperate, facing a raiding party of orcs. They had stood their ground, despite the odds, to protect their way of life.

Leo pushed those thoughts aside. This was not a time for sentiment. If they left this kobold nest intact, it could become a future threat to their settlement.

As Leo readied another command to prepare the javelins, the black-and-white kobold stepped forward, raising its hands and making a strange gurgling sound.

"What's it doing?" Ivan, one of the militiamen, whispered.

"Challenging us to a duel?" Vicki, another, suggested.

Leo signaled his men to lower their weapons and stepped out of the shield wall. He approached the kobold cautiously, curious about its intentions.

The kobold continued its gurgling speech, but then, glancing at the chain mace Leo held—a trophy from their earlier battle—it began to speak broken Imperial tongue.

"Sur...render... we... surrender."

Leo's eyes widened in surprise. The kobold's grasp of the language was crude but understandable. The militia, too, murmured in astonishment.

"You can speak?" Leo asked, incredulous.

"Speak... yes... we... surrender," the kobold repeated, mixing in its own guttural noises with the Imperial words.

The kobold's attempts at communication created a strange bond between them. Despite the vast differences, they were now talking, bridging a gap Leo hadn't thought possible.

"Food... you... iron... we... leave," the kobold continued, pointing to the sacks some of its fellows were dragging from the caves. When opened, the sacks revealed acorns and pine nuts.

"Food and iron, in exchange for your departure?" Leo clarified.

The kobold nodded vigorously.

Leo pondered the offer, weighing the risks and benefits.