
Don't be afraid, princess, the knight is coming

Leo travels through different worlds and uses the knowledge he has mastered. Take all the territory and population under your control. At the same time, for the sake of world peace, Leo had to develop several diplomatic tools to make the orcs, demons, and undead all sit back and listen to his reasoning.

NightwindLoong · Fantasy
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17 Chs

 The Sling

The technique for using the arched plow was quite simple. The plow that Leo crafted lacked the complex components like the plowshare, plowpoint, or plowstaff. Users only needed to adjust the depth of the plowing by raising or lowering the handle, using the plow's rudder at the end as a pivot point.

With just a few words of instruction from Leo, even children and women could master it quickly. Soon, the able-bodied men moved on to other tasks, leaving the elderly, women, and children to work the fields. The children led the donkeys, the women managed the plows, and the elders followed behind, picking up roots and stones.

The iron plow, drawn by donkeys, easily sliced through the soft soil, turning over roots and stones buried in the ground. The charred wasteland quickly transformed into arable land at an impressive speed. 

The men had relocated to the slopes on the western side of the peninsula. Clearing land wasn't just about plowing; it also involved leveling the land and clearing debris. Ulyan and his men were digging a five-foot-deep channel on the inland side of the peninsula, connecting the southern marsh to a small lake. This would help regulate the water levels in the fields.

Although Ulyan had chosen the northern part of the peninsula for its relatively flat terrain, suitable for initial cultivation, the land still had natural undulations and variations that needed addressing. Some areas were several meters higher, covered with shrubs, while others were marshy.

Most areas could be leveled by hand, while others required irrigation or drainage. After planting, they needed to build a small embankment along the riverbank to prevent the swollen river from flooding the fields during the summer.

Leo, despite his injuries, kept busy. He watched the iron plows at work while twisting hemp fibers from the camp's supplies into ropes. His past experiences in the wild had already honed his survival skills to perfection. Even without pre-made hemp fibers, he could strip tree bark and weave it into ropes to create traps capable of catching wild boars.

The knowledge and common sense from his previous life as a modern person only made Leo more adept. For instance, the original owner of his body had a crude technique for making ropes, relying on brute strength and tying knots every meter to prevent the rope from unraveling. However, Leo's technique produced thin but stronger and more durable ropes.

As he worked, he wove a meter-long sling with a small pouch in the middle. One end of the sling was fashioned into a tassel, and the other into a loop. Leo looped the ring around his right index finger, holding the tassel end. He picked up an egg-sized pebble, placed it in the pouch, and swung the sling gently.

With increasing speed, the sling whirred in the air until Leo released the tassel. The stone flew out, arcing over the riverbank and splashing into the calm waters of the Anzano River.

A sling—an ancient weapon full of ancestral wisdom! Even in modern times, its legend persisted.

Satisfied with the feel of the sling, Leo set it aside and began crafting another. Nearby, Olivia and Little Mouse started helping, twisting hemp into ropes. Olivia's work closely resembled Leo's, while Little Mouse's attempt looked more like a giant centipede—impossible to straighten out.

After making over thirty slings, Leo stood up, called out to the nearby villagers, "Militia, gather by the river!"

Once everyone assembled, Leo distributed a sling to each person and demonstrated the technique. Using a sling was as simple as throwing a spear—easy to learn but far more powerful than the villagers' homemade bows and arrows.

In small-scale battles, especially against unarmored creatures like kobolds and goblins, the sling was incredibly effective. However, it had significant drawbacks, the biggest being accuracy. 

The militia, new to slinging, found it challenging to aim correctly. Many struggled to even send the stone forward in the right direction. "Don't use too much force. Swing gently! That's it, let it go when the stone's in front of you," Leo instructed. He scolded one villager trying to load a stone the size of a lead ball, "Do you think you're a catapult?"

Under his guidance, most of the militia managed to send stones into the river, creating splashes across the water. A few errant shots flew wildly, with one pebble striking Leo's forehead, making him see stars.

Holding his aching head, Leo stared incredulously at the offender. "How did you manage to hit me from fifteen meters away while facing the other direction?"

Despite anticipating such mishaps and warning the militia not to use too much force, the sling's power was still considerable. If they used more force, a direct hit to the head could be fatal.

For the next hour, the militia practiced with the slings. Once they could consistently hit the water in front of them, Leo introduced them to the overhead technique, used by ancient Greek slingers. Only after they mastered both techniques did Leo allow them to increase their throwing strength, aiming for greater distances.

The stones they selected also grew larger, eventually reaching the size of goose eggs. These heavier stones, when slung, showcased the sling's terrifying potential. Initially, Leo hesitated to let them use such heavy stones, fearing accidents.

Despite the challenges, the training felt like a game to the militia compared to the hard labor of plowing and digging channels. They also recognized the sling's power, far surpassing their ability to throw stones by hand.

Even Little Mouse practiced with a sling, though her small arms could only manage tiny stones. Yet, her accuracy was surprising, each stone landing within a small area.

Watching the militia excitedly training with the slings along the riverbank, Leo felt a surge of determination. "I'll keep inventing something new every day. There's no way we won't survive this!"