
Chapter 63 Coaxing Another Woman

Her seriousness towards the relationship made me even more anxious. This was her first love, and first loves were always crazy. I didn't know what would happen to her if she knew that Gabriel was having an affair with another woman.

"Well, don't think too much about it. If the relationship between you two has reached a certain level, he will definitely take you home to see his parents."

Even though I knew that Gabriel definitely had no intention of marrying her, I still didn't want to say anything that would upset her further. She was already unhappy.

Hearing my words of comfort, Evie felt much better. I comforted her for a while before she returned to her room to rest.

After I returned to my room, I thought of what Evie told me tonight and became a little anxious. I was wondering if I should tell Evie about the last time I overheard Gabriel calling another woman.