
Don’t you remember

This is a story in every chapter is not the same horror is the main plot of the story’s but sometimes it will be a little different and don’t forgot I know what you did

animegirl1111 · Urban
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283 Chs

When I was a child

When I was a child, I used to share a room with 2 of my sisters before my dad left, taking one of my sisters and 2 of my brothers with him. That's when all of this started to happen. In short, it may sound stupid, since i was a younger child around 7 or 8, but things get a bit more serious later on...

I remember i began feeling a very dark, negative presence with me whenever I was in my room. I would have to have the light on in the hallway at night, in the hallway so I could see. It started with small things; lights flickering, things disappearing. At first, I thought I was crazy, and that only i could see it. but things changed when my cousin came over one night,

i cant remember the exact date, but i know it was around summertime and we were pretty young, maybe 8 or 9 at the time. but we were looking out of the window in my room at the townhouses across the backyard from my apartment. the pathway in between my gate and the empty apartments gate would have been arms length, about. now, mind you, i thought i was the only one who could see the shadow. but when she asked me, "who's that?" and pointed at a figure with glowing red eyes and a silhouette across the way, i knew my suspicions were true. i wasnt alone. and that wasnt the only time people had heard ghosts. i came into the house with one of my friends and out down my kindle to record us. and we were completely silent. sitting criss cross on the floor, drawing. we heard a bang on my door and it was really loud, but i thought it was my mom.

i was maybe 3'9 at the time, ive always been a pretty small person, so imagine my horror, as i open the door and i see a hammer floating for about 2 seconds and dropping to the ground. there was a hole in my door. my sister was home and i asked her if she had knocked on my door and she said no, and asked if something was wrong, and i said no.

on another occasion, i had come inside from playing with some of the apartments kids around the neighbourhood and i laid down due to a headache. i specifically remember my princess knee pads being by my dresser, on the floor right in front of my dresser. and i felt something hit the bed frame, and i looked and my princess knee pad was on the floor. that scared the sh\*t out of me and i just remember running out of the room asking my sister to please tell me the truth that she had not been in my room and hadnt thrown it at me. and she said no and i believe her.

i came to find out a few years later that she had seen the silhouette of a small child in front of her while she was trying to fall asleep and she would often hear little girl giggles. she said she often felt like an incubus presence, or a mans presence slide into bed with her and she heard his breathing. she knew it couldnt have been me because again im tiny, im not even 5 foot. this man couldve easily been around 6 foot according to her and it was heavy labored breathing. ill have to do a search on the apartment, because im 110% sure it is haunted.