
Don’t you remember

This is a story in every chapter is not the same horror is the main plot of the story’s but sometimes it will be a little different and don’t forgot I know what you did

animegirl1111 · Urban
Not enough ratings
283 Chs

The cult

So I and my friends were adventuring Southern Canada to abandon houses and buildings just to explore. One day we heard about this abandoned house in a dense forest near Toronto. We went there and rented a hotel room.

We went to the Forest with some food and water, and all the gear we'll need. Once we entered the forest we got this feeling that someone was watching us from the distance, we weren't sure if it was us feeling spooked out or if it was real. It was very dark and we saw lights in the background but we thought it was cars on a road nearby. After a little bit more walking, we finally reached the house and this where my heart started to beat very fast.

When this happens all my reflexes kick in and I start to do everything in a rush, like quickly running for no reason. My friends laughed. When we got to the second floor we heard voices in one room, we slowly walked across the hallway to the room, opened the door slowly, and found candles burnt out and a pentagram in a red substance. We figured the house was haunted so we didn't expect much of it. Minutes later we heard footsteps downstairs so we rushed to one of the rooms nearby. We quickly heard banging and talking. We all stayed very quiet.

Then we heard footsteps coming up the staircase and they went towards the room with the candles. We waited 10 minutes, but nothing and then we heard music playing, chills went up to my spine and I told my friends *"We had to get out here fast!".* We slowly walked towards the staircase past the door, and I'll never forget what we say, two big men in black clothing standing so incredibly calm.

My heart dropped and I ran downstairs and out the door, my friends followed quickly. Once we got outside we sat there to catch our breath, we turned off our flashlights. We started to run again but one of my friends tripped and fell. We started to see flashlights in the background moving towards us, we turned off our flashlights and hid in a nearby bush. The people in black walked past us, one of them had a *knife.* We waited five minutes in silence and we again started to run towards our car. We made it to our hotel safely. But that day will always stay with me.

A week after that day, we got a weird call from an anonymous person. The person had a very dark voice, they said "Don't come back or else" I quickly hung up and just brushed it off as a prank call. A few days later, my friend CJ was driving to Walmart, and he was being followed by a black truck. It followed him to the store where it parked on the other side of the parking lot. When he got back to the car he noticed that the truck was closer. He got home safely but what he didn't notice is that they put a not on his car saying "I found you". We quickly called 911 and reported the situation. Two days later we got a death threat, we also noticed that a black truck would sit outside the hotel for an hour. We thought nothing of it.

Two years went by with no update.