
Don’t you remember

This is a story in every chapter is not the same horror is the main plot of the story’s but sometimes it will be a little different and don’t forgot I know what you did

animegirl1111 · Urban
Not enough ratings
283 Chs


For contexts i lived in the middle of nowhere, i had 6 houses within a mile of my house and knew everyone near by. All the people were pretty friendly so if anyone ever needed anything they could ask anyone and when someone got sick everyone would stop by with a dinner they made for them or cookies. I didn't notice at first until my brother pointed it out to me (he's 2 years older than me) i think i was around 6 to 8 at the time. It was an older woman in a small car, we went across the street to ask our neighbor Stan he was a sweet old man that we trusted very much. We asked him if he recognized the car and he said no, he knew everyone that lived far down the road that my family never talked to.

She would do it every few days. She went down the road really slow going under far under the speed limit, turning around and then we would see her go by again after a few minutes. She would do it a few times before she would go somewhere else. We never thought it was anything else than a bored woman, we asked Stan about it hoping he would know her because we still thought she was just bored and was gonna go with Stan to met her and give her some company.

She started doing it in the summer and in the winter of the same year she slowed down much more when going past our house. We were outside building a snow man close to the road because we wanted Stan to be able to see it from his window. She slowed down by us and asked "can i play with you too" in a creepy voice and offered us to get in her car. We got up and ran inside because of stranger danger. Stan saw from his house that she stopped to talk to us and came over to our house to inform my parents that she stopped, they asked us what happened and we told them. For the months after that my mom would be outside with us or would call over to Stan asking him to keep an eye on us which he always agreed too. The lady did drive down the road a few times more but faster than before, then she stopped going back and forth.

Before anyone worries about Stan being a creep or anything he was just a nice guy. He was very close friends with an older lady that lived behind me and used to baby sit too older boys that lived next to him. He lived with his wife for most of the time i lived in the area. They would give us candy and gifts every holiday and tell us about when their kids were young and how they met each other. It wasn't until his wife got sick that we ever went in their house, she still wanted to give us stuff on holidays but couldn't go outside easily so we would come in for a few hours and talk. Once she passed away we made sure to go over to see Stan more often because we knew it was hard on him and my mom would come over with us (she didn't usually because we trusted him alot) and help cheer him up and during the summer go over to cut his grass and clean up any fallen trees. He was like a grandfather to us. He passed away a few years ago and it was the saddest I've ever been when i found out. He would talk to us about how he wanted someone to move in after he died and not want it to be a cabin.