
Don’t you remember

This is a story in every chapter is not the same horror is the main plot of the story’s but sometimes it will be a little different and don’t forgot I know what you did

animegirl1111 · Urban
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283 Chs

Skin walker

Brief intro, I am from the Navajo Reservation. So this story is a first hand account when I was Junior High. Names have been changed for privacy.

My cousin Todd and my friend Jordan decided to sleepover on a weekend. My brother Sherman and I decided we would all sleep inside a tent just outside our house in one area that was fairly dark and away from the porch light beam. The land was dark, with no moonlight, billions of stars shimmering in the sky, and the milky way as beautiful as ever.

We stayed up late telling stories and jokes. I wanna say it was around 1-2am, when we were about to go to sleep.

Next thing we knew, we hear a coyote or what sounded like a howling dog of some sort, coming from south of our family's horse corral. We didn't mind it cause there are usually strays or coyotes that roam around at night in search of food. But then, we hear something hitting the ground, like rocks and one or two hit the tent. We get quiet, and whisper to each other, then we hear foot steps that seem not too far from the tent. We are armed with knives and flash lights, as we decide to open the tent and see what it could be. Rocks are still flying, you can hear it hit nearby. We shine our flash lights toward where we think the howling and footsteps came from, and in a split second, Cousin Todd sees something run left behind the horse corral and decides to run after it. Sherman follows Todd, as Jordan and I decide to cut it off on the left of the corral. We see Todd running toward the cornfield fence line, which is about 30-40 yards left of the corral. We run toward him him and when we get near we ask "What happened? Did you see anything?" he answers, "no" and runs into the dark cornfield. Before we could yell "where are you going?", Todd and Sherman come from behind us. They ask us if we seen anything cause they lost whatever they were chasing. Jordan and I look at each other before we tell them what we saw. We headed back to the tent and went to sleep. We weren't bothered again that night.

We all came to the conclusion that it was a skin-walker that answered us, He wore the same color shirt as Todd and sounded just like him. They have the ability to shape shift, not only into animals but into other people. That was my first and last encounter.