
Don’t you remember

This is a story in every chapter is not the same horror is the main plot of the story’s but sometimes it will be a little different and don’t forgot I know what you did

animegirl1111 · Urban
Not enough ratings
283 Chs

Never ending

Tom wakes up and checks the time of the glowing red numbers in the darkness. They read 3:00am. He laid there for a moment, deciding if he wants to go get something to drink- for some reason, it was hot as hell in his room and his throat was dry.

So he pulled the covers off of himself and sits up. The red numbers now read 3:15. Just as he was about to get up, he heard the first gun shot.


It sounded like it came from his sister's room. Then there was another shot.


That shot sounded further down the hall, from his brother's room.


These two shots was even further down the hall, from the very end where his parents' room was.

Tom didn't know what to do. Was he next? But why would they skip his room?

Tom was paralyzed, and couldn't move off his bed. But he had to. He plants his feet on the cold, wooden floor and walks to his door and slowly opens it. He doesn't see anybody, so he moves to his sister's wide-opened door and looks in. Blood is splattered all over the headboard of her bed.

It takes Tom everything he has to stop himself from screaming. However at the back of his head, he knows that there are two more rooms to check. He reaches his brother's room and looks in. His brother must have sat up when he had heard the first shot- there is a big hole in his chest, and blood was still pouring out of it.

Tears are streaming downs Toms' face, and it took every ounce of his strength to look in his parents' room.

His father was laying on the ground with half his head gone, and a baseball bat is still gripped in his hands. His mother was curled up in the fetal position on the bed. The sheets that used to be white are now a deep wet red. Tom falls to the ground sobbing.

Why was he left to live? Why would any one do this? He just lays there crying with his eyes tightly closed shut.

When he opens his eyes again, he is back in his bed. He is confused. Was it a dream? Tom looks over at the clock and it's 3:00am. He just lays there and tries to slow his heart rate down. He couldn't believe how real that dream had felt. His nerves are finally calmed and he is about to go back to sleep when-


Tom jumps out of bed. What the hell??? He runs out of his room and it's the same scene as before.

Everybody was in the same exact positions, and everything was the same. He ran all around the house to see if he could spot the person who had done this but found no one. He runs back inside, and picks up the phone to call 911. Just soon as he hits the last 1, he is back in his bedroom again.

Am I losing my mind? He looks over at the clock and it yet again reads 3:00am. This time, Tom jumps up and runs to his parents' room to wake them up.

'Mom, dad, wake up!'

'What is it, son?' his dad says.

'We need to get out of the house- there is someone that's going to come in and kill you!'

'Tom, you just had a bad dream. Go back to bed.' His mom replies.

'You have to believe me, mom!'

'Son, go to bed!' his dad yells.

Tom turns around and decides he can at least try to save his brother and sister. He glances at the clock in his parents' room. 3:10am.

I still have 5 minutes, he thinks as he goes and grabs his brother and sister.

'What are you doing, Tom?' they asked, as he dragged them to the hall closet.

'Don't worry about it,' Tom says. 'Stay here- no matter what you hear!'

He shuts the door and runs to the living room. Maybe he can surprise the murderer, tackle him and take his gun. As he looks at the clock, it turns to 3:15 am.


'No!' Tom shouts.

How? I did not even see anybody! Tom runs upstairs and checks the closet- his brother and sister were gone. He checks their room and it's just like the last two times: every little detail was the same.

It was like he never even gotten them out of bed.

Tom turns around to run, to get away from this nightmare. He sprints down the hall and trips over a rug. His body flies through the air and smacks onto the ground. Pain shoots through his body. Tom's teeth slam together he winces from the pain. His body had just come to a stop from sliding on the floor, and Tom opens his eyes.


Tom is laying in his bed, and of course the time is 3:00am.

This time Tom wouldn't let it happen. He jumps out of bed, runs in to the garage and grabs a can of gas. He goes into the living room, and starts splashing the gas around. He drops the can, and goes into the kitchen, grabs some matches out of the cabinet, draw and strike them before tossing them onto the living room floor. They ignite and quickly starts to engulf the living room.

Tom runs to his parents room.

'Mom, dad- wake up! There's a fire!'

His mom and dad wake up, and they run and grab Tom's brother and sister, and head out the back door. They stand there watching. The whole house is pretty much in flames.

Tom smiles. They might not have a house, but at least he was able to save his family. He gets a little grin on his face, but it doesn't last long.


What the hell? How could the shooter even survive in there and what could he possible be even shooting at?

Tom turns around to see if his family had heard the shots.

But there is no one there.

Tom turns back toward the house, and there was no fire. The house looked just as it did before he had started the fire. Tom drops to his knees and buries his head into his arms and falls to his side. Tom starts to pray. Then he hears a deep voice.

'That's not going to help you now, boy.'

Tom takes his face from his arms, pushes himself of the ground and looks around. He was no longer outside. In fact, he didn't know where he was. It was pitch black. All he could see were these two red, glowing dots coming closer to him and, what sounded like hooves. It started to talk as it came closer.

'It pleases me greatly when you souls forget. The pain and anguish you suffer having to experience it for this first time again is delight.'

He is close enough for Tom to see now. He looks to be about eight feet tall. He is a blackish red color with deep red eyes. He has two giant horns penetrating from his head. His feet are large hooves that shake the ground under Tom's feet.

'Let me show you now, boy. Show you why you are here in my presence.'

The creature places his hand on Tom's head and sinks his long, black nails into Tom's skull. Tom screams in pain as the beast laughs.

Tom opens his eyes and he is back in his house. He looks over at the clock and of course, it says 3:00am. He sits up and walks out of his room to the gun cabinet in his dad's office and turns the numbered knob until it clicks open.

He grabs a shot gun and 5 shells and loads them into the gun. He cock it as he walks down the hall. He reaches his sister's room and points it at the bed.


He takes a few more steps, pumps the shot gun and the shell falls to the floor. He swings open his brother's door. His brother is sitting up in his bed. He looks into Tom's eyes with confusion.


Tom turns to his parents' door. He kicks the door in, while he pumps the gun. His dad is walking towards him with a bat.



He can hear his mom scream he points the gun at her and ejects the shell. She curls up, and Tom pulls the trigger.


He turns around and walks back into his room, sits on the bed and puts the shot gun barrel in his mouth. The beast removes his nails from Tom's head and steps back.

'Welcome to Hell, my son.'

Tom wakes up in his bed.

He looks over at the clock. 3:00 am. He just lies there, tears pouring down his face.