
Don’t you remember

This is a story in every chapter is not the same horror is the main plot of the story’s but sometimes it will be a little different and don’t forgot I know what you did

animegirl1111 · Urban
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283 Chs


This happened to me when I was about 15 years old. I lived in a really small rural area at the time, and it was not unusual for me and my friends to walk around the very small "city." One day, two of my friends and I decided to walk from the mall to an area of the town with more stores. About 10 mins into our walk, a guy, probably in his early 20's, passed us on the sidewalk. When he walked past us, he mumbled some sexual comment under his breath, and started grabbing his crotch. We ignored him and continued to walk. After about 2 minutes, I could hear foot steps coming from behind us (I was in the back). I turned around to see this guy following us and pretty quickly catching up to us. I yelled at him to back off, we were interested, etc and he said something like "you will be" and that freaked us out so we started walking faster. Within minutes we began running as he was flat out chasing us at this point. He was so close to me that he was stepping on my heels as I ran from him. They were all torn up and bleeding from his boots. We ended up running into a McDonald's to ask for help, but without thinking ran into the ladies bathroom. Not the best idea, I know, but we panicked. He spent what felt like forever trying to get into the bathroom with us while we all put ourselves against the door. Eventually we heard someone yelling at him. He stopped and apparently ran off. Some guy that happened to be in the restaurant was a retired police officer and had called the cops on the guy. He ran away, and we called my friend's mom to come get us because there was no way we were walking.

Fast forward about 2 weeks later, my mom is reading the newspaper at the kitchen table and made a comment about this local guy getting arrested for sexual assault and how awful it was. I read the article, and sure enough, it was the same guy (his mugshot was with the article). Apparently he had flashed and sexually assaulted a woman in the parking lot right next to the McDonald's where he chased us. It was so creepy. That messed with me for a long time because it could have been me.