
Don’t you remember

This is a story in every chapter is not the same horror is the main plot of the story’s but sometimes it will be a little different and don’t forgot I know what you did

animegirl1111 · Urban
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283 Chs

It calls you

It all started quite some years ago when i was 16. I was helping my dad to expand my sisters room when i first saw it when i was ripping the wall planks off. Its unnatural tongue, limbs that were grossly out of propotion with rest of the body, they were just way too long to be natural and the eyes...oh god the glowing black eyes that were staring right at me. It must have been awoken when i exposed it to daylight...or something what the hell do i know?

I had never seen such a thing and even then i saw it only for a few seconds when it quickly crawled in between the wall planks. I was the only one who saw it and dear god i wish i had not. I could not even tell anyone about it, i mean they would just think im crazy or some shit. For the next 2 years i could hear it calling me, month by month with more power. Then i moved out but still when i was visiting my parents i could hear it. It crawled in the space in the walls at night calling me. I feel like it was getting a hold of me slowly!

A few years went by, my parents moved out of the house and all was good. Then i started hearing it again, even when im so far away. I can see it in my dreams! So many nightmares! The further away i am the lesser the nightmares but still! This cant be real! Then people started to go missing around the now empty house. I wished it was all a coincidence. Then some other people who went by the house could feel it calling them too. Then rumors of a human like creature walking on all fours in the yard and on the roof at night started to spread. People started avoiding the house all together but people living near it started talking of whispers in the night calling them.

Nowdays the whispering is almost deafening! I can hear it everywhere i go! i feel more and more compelled to go to the house unarmed and alone! A three month old baby went missing a few days ago. I cant anymore just sit by and hope for the best. It keeps saying how it wants me! It wants to eat me! Rip me apart! Gut me! Drink my blood!

I went back to the town and talked to a few locals i was friends with...they all tell the same, people hear whispers during the night of something wanting to eat them, lonely walkers go missing at night and bones have been found littered around the town. Only a few bones for a person...full of bite marks. All locals are staying far away from the house. Police is useless as always, they have to drive 40 minutes just to get to the town. They dont care if a few people go missing and their bones are found. Shure they start investigating but they really arent putting a lot of effort in to it.

I took 2 of my close friends to the house, we did not risk going inside even during the day and barely even entered the property. They felt its presence, they heard its call. Holy shit my friends basically dragged me out of there so i would not go inside! We decided to do the right thing and hunt it down... now i have no idea will this work but hell, im giving it a shot. Better that than to just sit by.

I did some research and found out that the houses first owner was one of the local priest around 200 years ago who had been caught doing some satanic ritual involving some dead kids and women. It was lot of other fucked up stuff to read but i found out that the priest had been trying to summon a demon...for some reason or other. The priest had been lunched by an angry mob the next day after they stormed the shed he had been locked up in. Apparently the body had gone missing overnight and nobody admitted touching it...my guess is that the thing ate it and went to sleep. I mean im just guessing, what would i know of something like this?

We have prepared for a few weeks for this, tried to enlist some locals to help us out...only 2 had enough balls to come with us. We got guns, axes and knifes. Im bringing a jerry can full of gasoline in hopes of burning the fucker in the house... Its still calling me. Its calls are making me insane! Oh boy fucker you better believe that im coming!

Im writing this so if we fuck this up, or this dosent work...or something goes south, i know that someone will get to know of the creature and a chance to hopefully finish it off. (If that is the case BRING A BIGGER GROUP THAN WE DID.) We are leaving to the house tonight. God this is just crazy.

Wish us luck!