
Don’t you remember

This is a story in every chapter is not the same horror is the main plot of the story’s but sometimes it will be a little different and don’t forgot I know what you did

animegirl1111 · Urban
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283 Chs

Hollywood satanist

This happened in the 90s. My boyfriend and I were deadheads in southern California, living on the streets. There was always an odd mix of people there - people who came from all over and lived in the youth hostel, people who were simply there because life was easier on the beach if you were homeless. There were many who were pretty rough around the edges and into things I had never been exposed to before.

There were 2 older girls who took particular interest in my boyfriend. They were into the underground industrial music scene. I say that as if I even know what that's all about. I don't, but I never had a good sense about it. It just felt dark to me. Anyhow, these girls wanted my boyfriend to go with them to some underground club one night. They didn't include me in the invite. For the record - I wouldn't have gone anyway. I told him that I had a very bad feeling about these girls and that I didn't want him to go. In lieu of that, we found ourselves both going to their house in Hollywood. What a fabulous alternative! One of the girls gave us a ride because we didn't have a vehicle.

On the way there, she had music playing and I could faintly hear these very satanic messages being spoke very softly in the background. That was disturbing. I truly did not want to go to their house, but there I was. We arrived and, upon entering, were greeted by her roommate. Both of these women gave off the creepiest vibe. They showed us around their place, took us out back and, there it was - a huge pentagram in the middle of the yard. Of course, they wanted to make a point of showing that to us on the front end of this lovely time we were having.

We went to hang out in one of the girls' bedroom and smoked some weed (which was what I did in those days). At first, I was sitting on the floor by a bookshelf filled with records. I was looking at the labels of these records and the covers and I must tell you - this doesn't even sound real, but there were records she had that were like remakes of already existing records. I distinctly recall Abby Road being on of them. It was the same cover or very close to it (I don't recall exactly as it's been many years). The titles of the songs were changed to these very satanic names. It was so weird and hard to believe what I saw, but that it what I saw. She had one of the records playing and the lyrics were even changed to these satanic lyrics. I know, it sounds crazy, but again - this is what happened.

I was looking around the room, as there were so many things to take in and noticed that there was a newspaper article clipping taped to the side of the dresser. Upon closer look, I discover it's an article about some satanic event that either had already happened or was scheduled to happen in the future. That did it for me. We needed to get out of there. I really felt like these girls were planning something. They specifically wanted to target my boyfriend. She had a 1/2 bath in her room and my boyfriend said he had to go. I went with him. There was a HUGE PYTHON in the bathroom. Hey - some people like snakes, right? While in there, I told him he needed to tell the girl to bring us back to the beach. We were both freaked out, but I don't think he was as freaked out as I was.

After coming out of the bathroom, he waited a bit in an attempt to make things less obvious, although they had to know we sensed something was up with them. Thankfully, the girl took us back. All I can say is thank God she didn't lace that weed with anything and thank God we are alive.

So that's probably not as scary as most people's stories, but it was so scary at the time. I don't think we ever saw the girl again.