
Don’t you remember

This is a story in every chapter is not the same horror is the main plot of the story’s but sometimes it will be a little different and don’t forgot I know what you did

animegirl1111 · Urban
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283 Chs

Dark secrets

Anyway, during quarantine we spent a lot of time outside and went on walks everyday. I became a lot more aware of things going on in the neighborhood because there wasn't much else to do. One day, my son and I were on a walk and noticed an elderly lady push-mowing her lawn across the street. I had never noticed her before and started to watch over her house a bit because I truly have the softest spot for older people. I came to realize that she lived alone and never saw any cars outside of her own at her house. I told my husband I felt bad for her and decided to write her a letter and put it in her mailbox. This time has been really hard for a lot of people so I wanted her to know that she has someone.

About a month later, she walked over and asked us to mow her lawn. She was super chatty and I could tell she was lonely. She told us that she is a clown. I am terrified of clowns but I thought to myself, good for her if that's what makes her happy as long as she doesn't show up here unannounced in full costume (lol). She also told me all about the church she attends. I know some people who attend the same church so of course I had to ask about her to see if they knew more.

When I asked I was given a funny look and huge eyes. "Wait is that ____ ______? You do know who that is right?" Umm no? Apparently her husband is in prison for life for molesting over 100 girls and luring them into their home with his clown costume. WTF! Obviously she never mentioned this to us but did mention her husband who is "not around." We just assumed he had passed. I did some research and found several newspaper articles online about this incident that happened when I was in high school. Seriously sent a chill down my spine reading this shit online. Since the first time mowing, she calls us on the reg now and asks for her lawn to be mowed and other odd jobs to be done to help her. I want to help because I feel bad but at the same time we have a life too and are busy with things. But I'm glad we can help for the time being and give her someone to talk to. Oh and I obviously will never ever mention what I know about her husband...