
Don’t you remember

This is a story in every chapter is not the same horror is the main plot of the story’s but sometimes it will be a little different and don’t forgot I know what you did

animegirl1111 · Urban
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283 Chs

Come out

This happened 12 years ago when I had just moved into a new apartment.

I was 7 months pregnant and I was taking one of my midnight baths when I heard pounding on my front door. I ignored it because I wasn't expecting anyone. I continued on with my bath when I heard the pounding again, then it stopped and started on my back door. I wasn't in a large apartment and there was no reason to think I couldn't hear it in the front so they'd need to move around back. I became afraid that something was wrong so I got out of the bathtub.

As I was getting out the pounding continued on my back door so I threw on some pjs and ran to the back door. No one was there. The pounding started again on the front door, I ran through my living room and threw the door open.

There stood a man and he was screaming at me for taking his parking spot. He used my full name to scold me, I apologized and promised to move the car.

As I was putting my shoes on I realized how suspicious this was. I had just moved in and no one there knew me so how did he know my name? The car I was driving that day wasn't mine, but it was my boyfriend's mom's car. How did he track her car back to me? We have different last names. Lastly, we didn't have assigned parking spaces so theres no way I took this guys spot.

I became very paranoid and I called a friend who was currently in the police academy. He told me theres no way for some random person to be able to trace license plates. Even if he could there was no reason for him to believe that car belonged to me, since it didn't. He told me this was bad and not to meet this man in the parking lot.

A friend came over and stayed with me that night. When she arrived we even checked my mailbox to see if my name was posted on it and sure enough my name wasn't there. The next day I went to the car to find a nasty note left on the windshield. Never saw or heard from this man again.

Creepy man came out of nowhere

One day I had gone for coffee with my friend and she gave me a ride home. Before I got off her car we stayed chatting in there for a while.

It was night time and my street was empty.

Suddenly, out of nowhere a man came walking up the street and headed toward us.

He got up to her car and tapped on the window. He looked like a normal middle aged okay dressed man so we lowered like an inch her window.

He asked us if we lived in the house we where parked at, so I thought he knew my parents. I said yes and asked who he was looking for?

He got really weird kind of nervous, he seemed a bit high tbh and he said he knew the guy who lived there. He said that this man always held highschool reunions there and mentioned the name of the school and vaguely described what the man looked like back in highschool.

My dad always held reunions at our house and the description fit so me, as the naive girl i am, said oh you're looking for my dad? I didn't even thought about how weird it was it was a week day at night and the fact he came walking.

He then proceeded to tell us that his car broke down on the next street an he insinuated that he needed some money.

When i asked him if he wanted to leave a message to my dad and tell him he dropped by that i'd be happy to.. i just needed to know his name. He got very nervous and backed away from the window and said "no you know what it's fine, forget about it. Nevermind... Just forget i even came here, forget about me, forget i exist." And he went away.

My friend and I were so freaked out, we waited until he left and I went inside my house.

I later told my mom and she thought it was really weird as well. Although I never told my dad because he would've scolded me for talking to strangers and give out information on the street.

I have no idea if he tried to get us to believe that he knew the guy who lived there as a way for us to trust him and give him money (even though he never mentioned really mentioned that.) Hope he was a middle class junkie with no bad intentions. Anyways... creepy guy.