
Don’t You Dare Touch Her

"The moment I laid my eyes on you, I knew that you weren't her real daughter, a real daughter wouldn't have five fingers print on her face caused by a slap, and she wouldn't have let me marry you without a white wedding, please don't ask me how I knew" ...... "Sir, you mean you knew from day one that I wasn't her real daughter" ....... "I told you to not ask questions, and if you must know yes. And when will you stop calling me sir, I married you Kate, I mean I am deeply obsessed with you, but you are hurting me, and for the people that gave you those bruises, I will make them pay. Nobody dares mess with my wife and goes free"...... "Kate let's just start afresh, please I can't live without you. I am ready to do anything just to be with you forever. Plus, you have my child right in your stomach, please don’t do this” Will you marry me."..... Kate stared in disbelief,at the man kneeling in front of her and thought for some seconds that she was dreaming. The almighty Jackson obsessed with her? nobody would even believe that type of a story, especially her aunt and cousins, because even she herself didn't believe it. *************** Never in this life, would people believe that the almighty Jackson will fall madly in love and even obsessed with a particular lady who wasn't even his taste at all. A low class and innocent soul, who everyone thought wouldn't survive his aura. This was a man who plays football with every lady's heart obviously because of his good looks, money and fame. He was a man, who never believed in true love, but he got to testify to love as he fell uncontrollably in it

Black_writer_ · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter Four

"Ma'am, we have arrived. Please wake up," a voice said.

Kate thought it was all a dream, perhaps a voice in her dreamland. She jolted awake after hearing the same sentence a second time, followed by a gentle tap. She looked around, terrified to find two huge men staring and smiling at her.

Almost forgetting she was married and on her way to her husband's house, she turned to the other side of the car. Her newlywed husband wasn't there. Maybe he was somewhere else, leaving her to contemplate life as a housewife. 

The many "ands" and "buts" swirling in her mind caused her anxiety. 

The able-bodied men, however, stood staring at her, wondering why she wasn't getting out of the car. Unaware of Kate's internal struggle, they might have continued staring if Sam, one of them, hadn't spoken up. She learned his name from the little badge on his uniform, as they all wore them.

"You can go inside and continue sleeping, ma'am. That's the order from the boss, Jackson," the first tall, huge guy with a nice scent, named Sam, told her.

"Thank you, but you can just call me Kate. No need to be formal," Kate replied.

She walked out of the car and followed the two men who were going to show her the way to the mansion and her room.

The building, from Kate's perspective, was very large, spacious, and well-decorated, with many rooms that she assumed were quite large as well. It was surprising to her that such a house existed in reality. For years, she had lived in darkness and ignorance at Jessica's house, where none of them even allowed her to go out sightseeing. She stood for a few minutes admiring the building.

Moments later, she saw two ladies dressed in blue aprons coming out from the left side of the building. Kate suspected they were the chefs/cooks. Truly, Jack was a rich man.

"Hello, miss. My name is Karla, and I am the chief cook in the house. This is my assistant, Bella. Sorry, the other three aren't around; they went on an errand," Karla explained to a surprised Kate.

"My name is Kate. You can call me that. I mean, you don't have to be..."

"No, ma'am. We've been ordered by the boss to respect you, and we wouldn't dare disobey. Or you know what he can..." Bella began but didn't finish the statement when Karla hit her to stop talking. 

"Mam, we will be going now," Karla said, dragging Bella along with her.

Kate smiled for the first time in her new house, she already liked the two people she met, Karla and Bella. Bella was the chatty type while Karla seemed a little bit reserved and formal, and she wished she would get to know them better as time went on, as for the others she hadn't met nor seen them, but she also wished that she would get along with them.


Kate gasped as the door swung open, revealing a room that exceeded any expectations she might have harbored. The walls bloomed with a vibrant floral wallpaper, each blossom a different shape and size, their colors seemingly amplified by the soft glow emanating from five strategically placed bulbs. A plush king-sized bed beckoned, promising a luxurious sleep far removed from the cramped cot she was used to. The air conditioner hummed softly, a welcome contrast to the stifling heat she'd endured in her previous quarters.

Despite the undeniable luxury, a tremor of unease ran through her. Yes, this room was a palace compared to her old one, but at what cost? Why would a powerful man like Jack marry someone, especially from Jessica's family? The answer, she knew with a chilling certainty, lurked beneath the surface of this gilded cage. She was here for a reason, and a growing fear gnawed at her. This room might be beautiful, but it was a prison nonetheless. 

She sat on the bed, using her hands to feel the foam and beautiful bed sheets that were on it. Things were happening fast for her and she was a little bit confused also.


The insistent rap on the door startled Kate from her contemplation. With a forced smile, she opened it to reveal Bella, a cheerful grin plastered on her face. "Bella," Kate managed, her voice still laced with the echoes of her recent conversation. 

"Sorry to bother you, Miss Kate," Bella chirped, "but I was wondering what you'd like to eat? We have everything you could desire." 

Kate hesitated, overwhelmed by the sudden abundance. "Anything is fine, truly," she finally mumbled. 

Bella's smile widened, a touch too eager in Kate's eyes. "Don't worry, I know just the thing." 

A moment later, Bella skipped away, leaving Kate with a disquieting feeling. Was Bella genuinely kind, or was her friendliness a carefully constructed facade? The uncertainty gnawed at Kate. 

Stepping into the bathroom, she sought solace in the warm spray of the shower. Emerging, she slipped into the nightgown Jessica had provided. The soft cotton felt luxurious against her skin, the floral pattern a stark contrast to the plain clothes she was accustomed to. But as she twirled, catching a glimpse of her reflection, a shiver ran down her spine. The fabric, whisper-thin and translucent, felt more like a second skin than sleepwear, leaving her acutely aware of her exposed form. In this opulent cage, even her most private moments seemed on display.


The aroma that wafted in with the first knock on the door sent a jolt through Kate. Bella entered, a cheerful smile plastered on her face, balancing a tray laden with an enticing display of food. Fried rice, golden and fluffy, nestled beside a colorful salad and succulent chicken pieces. The sight of it, so familiar yet so different from the meager meals she'd grown accustomed to, brought a lump to her throat. 

Each bite was a journey back in time, a bittersweet memory of her mother's loving smile as she served Kate this very same dish. Tears welled in her eyes, blurring the image of the opulent room around her. The anger that had simmered since her parents' tragic accident flared anew, fueled by the memory of Jessica's callous disregard for their ashes.

A resolute glint hardened Kate's gaze. "Mom," she whispered fiercely, "I promise to honor you." 

Wiping away a stray tear, she finished the last bite, a surge of determination washing over her grief. With the plate in hand, she rose, ready to return it. 

As she opened the door, a hulking figure filled the doorway. Jack. His face, usually an unreadable mask, contorted with fury. "What the hell are you doing?" he roared, his voice echoing in the opulent hallway. "Don't I have maids for this?"

The force of his anger sent a jolt of fear through Kate. She stammered, the plate trembling in her hand. Before she could speak, Bella rushed forward. 

"Oh my God, Mr. Jackson, I'm so sorry! I should have taken care of it," she exclaimed, reaching for the plate. 

Jack ignored her, his gaze fixed on Kate. "Bella," he spat, the venom in his voice chilling. "You're fired. Pack your things and get out. And Kate," he added, his voice a low growl, "we need to talk." He stormed off, leaving Kate speechless and utterly bewildered. What had she done to deserve such a reaction? 

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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