
Lost and Confused

I make my way out and realize that they aren’t letting me go. Instead, they lead me to the other people that they ‘rescued’ but I try to make my way towards the exit of the camp.

I never make it there as I am chained with many other desperate people that are shaking in fear.

The thing is, my predicament is worse than theirs because I am hated by the leader for something beyond my control. I watch as the soldier-like men encircle the slaves each tattooed with a deer on them. There are some women among them that are just as strong as the men.

"You have two choices," the leader announces, "be a slave or get killed. You are free to choose whichever you want by tomorrow."

The leader turns his attention to me, "For some of you, that choice will not be that difficult because you are already on the brink of death."

I gulp and look down at my leg.

Some medics come around and tag some with a black tag and others with a blue tag. Those who are injured have the black tag.