
Getting to know us

Welcome back reader😜, I know you must be wondering where my life's story is heading right, well am proud to announce that I have no fucking idea, but, what I can do is fill you in on where we started and where we are now...

I'm a mess, I know reader

I'll get help soon ohk...

Anyways, ever since we spoke to Champion from the first episode or chapter of Don't Mess with 😈Me, we sent him to the Novoid realm where essentially it's a place of pure darkness with absolutely no💡light at all and can only be accessed by 👼Angels or Demons😈 because we have wings and you don't. He gets teleported there where he meets MoM his so called Queen as he calls her, that concludes episode 1.Episode 2 however tackles Mazakine, the demon servant of 😈Me who does what ever I😈 want and is still adapting to the new world and that concludes episode 2.Episode 3 however introduces you to Lucinda who we just met at a coffee shop, who I haven't fucked yet and have no fucking idea who she is yet so let's go and find out shall we reader...

Episode 4

Getting to know 😈us👱🏽‍♀️

Lucinda: Heyyy Noah

Noah: Miss Ferahmoven...

Lucinda: yes yes I know am late and am sorry but...

Noah: what you are is gorgeous and don't ever forget that

Lucinda: 🥰aww where is this coming from today or are you trying to treat me like a chicken 🐓 who is tricked into shaving it's feathers 🪶 and having a bath🛁 just so that you can have him for dinner 🍲 at KFC, is that it???

Noah: what no, I just heard what happened to you a while back today, I trust your ok??

Lucinda: don't worry am fine, anyways, you won't believe what an incredibly...

Lucifer: Handsome being of a man you met today, I took the words right out of your mouth didn't I...

Noah: oh my devil!!!! You're actually here in the flesh Mr. MorningStar

Lucifer: yes am sure you want to put me in your Ass hole because am cute but some other time ohk

Noah: oh ok, I have to say it is such an honor to meet you sir, I have all your posters on my wall

(Lucifer looks creeped out but turns to look at Lucinda and smiles awkwardly)

Lucinda: am sorry wat!!!, and what are you doing here pretty boy

Lucifer: we'll am guessing since you're friend here has my poster's up on his wall am guessing you have my body up inside you then...

Lucinda: yh right...

Lucifer: am here to um meet your manager

Lucinda: what for

Lucifer: I have business to discuss with him in fact

Lucinda: really, she's up stairs to your left

Lucifer: why thank you Ass

Lucinda: what!!!

(Lucifer walk's away to Mrs. Elsa Office to strike a deal that would change everything for Lucinda and Lucifer)

Lucifer: how do you know him anyways

Noah: my God how do you not know him

Lucinda: I mean I do but aside from being manager at some company and making millions to billions of money💰not much else

(Back to Mrs. Elsa's office)

Mrs. Elsa: we'll really right away Mr. MorningStar I think it's a great opportunity for our Daily News anchor to make the most out of it's boundaries.

Lucifer: I couldn't agree more

Lucifer: or I didn't bring any money for the wager

Mrs.Elsa: oh that's ohk Mr. MorningStar, there are always other ways to pay of a dept don't you think...

Lucifer: oh you naughty girl😈

(Mean while back to Lucinda, she has already finished half her shift today and is on break but Lucifer isn't back yet and so)

Lucinda: I wonder what they're talking about up there...I'll go and check to make sure Mrs.Elsa doesn't need anything...

(As she gets upstairs she notices that the door to the room is halfway opened and so she knocks and enters to discover...)

Lucinda: Oh My God!!!

Mrs. Elsa am so sorry...(she leaves immediately)

Mrs. Elsa: or it's alright my dear,we were just...

Lucifer: oh wait hold on

Lucinda: sorry to barge in on your Little make out 💋 section

Lucifer: apologies appreciated but thats not what I wanted to say

Lucinda: I thought you were here to discuss business not make out with my boss

Lucifer: we we're but one thing lead to another and...

Lucinda: right!! so what we're you discussing then?

Lucifer: our new company merger

Lucinda: what!! I don't understand

Lucifer: company Lux Co and Daily News are merging to become one company how cool is that.

Lucinda: am sorry what😧

Lucifer: yhh

Lucinda: why and in order for that to happen you must be the owner of...

Lucifer: indeed I am

Lucinda: now I can see why everyone is charmed by you, billionaire play boy

Lucifer: yhh about that I still don't know why your not charmed by me yet and why am not in your pants already but will get there eventually

Lucinda: yhh right

Lucifer: partner🤝🏼

Lucinda: yhh no we're not partners, only one guy call's me partner and he's black so...

Lucifer: why don't we start over, Am Lucifer MorningStar, Owner of Lux Co, thee most famous Book writing and selling company in the world 🌎 at your service.

Lucinda: yhh you forgot play boy as well to your profile

Lucifer: am guessing you're...

Lucinda: Lucinda, Lucinda Ferahmoven, Main News anchor for the Daily News and reporter

Lucifer: ohk great, hope to finally get to know you better and probably get into your good pants as well

Lucinda: right keep dreaming play boy, this is Noah Maximoff, he is my assistant co anchor and partner here.

Lucifer: right, the extremely muscular and hot body guy got it.

Lucinda: we'll Noah, Mr Play boy here oh I mean MorningStar will be working with us from now on

Noah: really that's awesome😄.

Lucinda: yes😒

Lucifer: he's a strange one, and also smells like magic✨for some reason👿.

Lucinda: I trust if you need anything you will let me know.

Lucifer: sure😈

(And just like that the Devil 😈 gets into her office pants, it's only a matter of time before he fucks her I mean knows her, let's conclude, Lucifer find's a way into Lucinda's pussy oh I mean work place and becomes partners with her just to know more about her and also finally having something to do till this story ends)

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