
Don´t Kiss Me At Hign Noon

Dinora, the princess of the English royal family, wants nothing more than to be able to read her books in peace and not think about getting married, but her father King Melchior and Queen Layna want nothing more than for their daughter to fall in love just like her older sister Faina. They let Dinora have three balls, during these three nights she is supposed to fall in love. But what happens when these three nights turn out to be completely different from what they should have been? And there is another problem: Dinora falls in love with two men who couldn't be more different. Which one should she choose?

Abbey_Winters · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Chapter 2: A Letter to My Sister

When I arrived in my rooms, I threw myself onto the bed, I probably wouldn't get around the balls, that much was certain. I straightened up and looked out onto my balcony, which faced directly onto the English garden. My sister and I had always played in it. We had been fairies or witches, just anything little children played at, except princess, it's a hard profession, faith doesn't seem to be that way. While Fania grew up to be a beautiful and cultured model daughter, I was the substitute child. My parents kept stressing that they loved us both equally, but still I wondered why they compared me to her. Were they simply proud or disappointed that I had not become like her? Or were they just happy that they had both of us, I don't know.

At 2pm I was summoned to my father's chambers, he was sitting at his bureau, going through documents. I couldn't make out exactly which ones they were, I was standing too far away for that. I cleared my throat and knocked on the doorframe. Melchior raised his eyes and smiled slightly: "Dear, it's good to have you back, I'd like to have another quiet talk with you, yesterday escalated." He beckoned me over and I took a seat at the small chair that was planned for receptions. My skirt threw itself over him like a fan and it rustled because of the silk. I had chosen a bluish, flowered lace to match my silky white fabric. He put two forms in front of me, I took them and read them through, the first thing that jumped out at me in curved letters was invitation. I realised they were draft invitations for the balls. Before you say anything, Dinora, I have spoken to your mother again and we have agreed on something new. We will hold the balls, but it is that we will not punish you if you do not find a husband. While we would congratulate it, we don't want to force you into something you don't want." I looked up from the invitations again, not knowing what to make of it. He wasn't forcing me anymore, that was always okay, but I still had to have these balls. I pursed my lips: "And I have to organise everything, then I have to hand-sign the invitations and all that so that you finally find out that I'm not going to find anyone anyway. It's a waste of money and time." "You'll have support honey, I promise, it'll be fun and you'll socialise a bit more, you can invite your girlfriends too, just think of it as a party with a bit extra," he tried to make me feel better. I sighed, I guess that was all I could get out of it: "But I still have one condition, I want it to be a masked ball. If men are going to ensnare me, I don't want them to know it's me. I want them to like me for myself, not because I am a princess." The king thought about my condition, after a while he nodded: "Ok, I'll make the compromise, so now tell me which invitation you prefer." I pointed to the white one, with the gold writing. I said goodbye to Melchior and walked out of his chambers. I was partly relieved, partly devastated, because now I have to go to those balls after all. I decided to send a telegram to my sister, I had to seek advice from her. Although we were only 2 years apart, she was always ahead of me in everything and I needed her, even if I had to stand in her shadow to do so.

I was in the tea room and had a pen and paper brought to me, then I thought for a moment and began to write.

My beloved sister Fania,

I am writing to you because things have happened here that I cannot cope with without you. I miss you, even though we quarreled before you left. Father and mother came up with the strange idea of planning matchmaking balls for me to finally find someone. I could negotiate with father that we wear masks so that no one knows who I am, I could then disappear straight away. Please help me, I don't know what to do, mother is of course again father's opinion and they also always compare you with me. I can't stand it here without you!

With love,

Your sister Dinora