
Chapter 4

“Just run,” he heard Gideon hiss. “We can make it.”

Jesse believed it because Gideon said it. He didn’t even pause to take another breath before sprinting through the flames. He had to push his body with the last of his energy, his lungs desperate for the clean oxygen waiting for him on the other side of the blocked door. He heard Gideon behind him as they burst through the flames, and he didn’t stop running. Not until he reached the Jeep and threw the door open for Gideon.

The vampire was a black blur as he dove for the sanctuary of the vehicle. Jesse slammed the door shut as soon as his feet were clear and ran around to the driver’s side.

“Fire trucks are on their way,” Gideon said, his voice muffled where he was curled up on the floor under the tarp. He barely fit. “But if you stick around, they’re going to ask questions we don’t need right now. Get Emma to the emergency room first.”