
Domineering Third Master: Doting Wife

"Well..." The pain under her body made warmth open her eyes from her coma. The room was dark, and I couldn't see my fingers. She could only hear the man's heavy breathing and the pain he brought to her. She pushed the opponent hard, but it was as if her fist hit the cotton, and it was all useless. She couldn't shout, she could only pray in her heart, stop now. The man's action made her faint again...

Daoist1DzwAH · Eastern
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117 Chs

Chapter 37 I'm Your Future Husband

Yu Chengwei took the document respectfully, and was annoyed while looking at it.

This Yang Qing actually made so many small moves behind his back, making him defenseless.

"Mr. Huo, the nature of this incident is indeed very bad. Su Pei's behavior has seriously violated the company's regulations, so, you see, can you deduct her salary for three months?"

Huo Ting's eyes turned cold, "Yu Chengwei, I think you don't want to do it."

Yu Chengwei hurriedly said: "I'm sorry, third master, I didn't think about it carefully. I immediately called human resources and asked them to give Su Pei a dismissal notice."

Su Pei's feet softened, and he staggered back: "President Yu..."

Yu Chengwei glared at her: "Shut up, you have caused such a big loss to the company, what face is left in the company, immediately, pack your bed sheets for me and get out of the company."

Su Pei choked twice, glared at Yang Qing, turned back to his seat, and packed his things.

Huo tingshen got up and copied his hands into his pockets, "Su Pei was fired. As for you, Yu Chengwei, three months' salary will be deducted. If you are not convinced, you can resign."

Then, he looked at Yang Qing: "You come to my office."

"Okay, Mr. Huo."

Huo tingshen never looked at warmth from beginning to end.

I was relieved and felt very at ease.

Yang Qing looked sideways at Wen Qing, smiled with her, and then left with Huo tingshen.

As soon as they left, rumors spread throughout the office.

Everyone said that Su Pei offended Yang Qing, and it was really a flood that washed down the Dragon King Temple.

And warmth seems to suddenly understand why Huo tingshen promoted Yang Qing.

After all, in this way, he not only vented his anger for himself, but no one knew what they knew.

Huo tingshen is really good.

Yu Chengwei stamped his feet angrily, turned around and went back to his office.

Su Pei packed up his things and entered Yu Chengwei's office.

After a while, there was a quarrel inside.

Yu Chengwei scolded Su Pei as a 'morning star', and everyone heard it clearly.

Half a minute later, Su Pei came out crying, returned to his seat, and left the office with his belongings.

After hesitating for a moment, she stood up and went out.

When she came to the elevator door, Su Pei had just entered the elevator.

She trotted into the elevator.

Su Pei wiped her tears stubbornly and glared at her: "What do you want to do?"

The elevator door was closed, and the first floor was pressed tenderly.

"I'll just say two points. First, you're targeting the wrong person. Yu Chengwei's other lover is not me, but Chen Zinuo. Second, in the restaurant today, I didn't even say a word about you. But, recall carefully, of all the words you heard this afternoon, which one was said by me."

Su Pei looked at her sideways: "You...you said, that bitch is Chen Zinuo?"

Warmth didn't make a sound.

Su Pei was anxious: "then why didn't you say it before?"

"First of all, you never said publicly that you targeted me because you mistakenly thought who I was as a junior. You just found fault with me for various reasons. Second, I only work here for a month, and I don't want to I cause too many things, but I don't cause trouble, it doesn't mean I'm afraid of trouble."

Going from layer 12 to layer 1 is fast.

The elevator door opened, and Su Pei didn't intend to go out.

He asked tenderly, "don't you go?"

Su Pei was silent for a moment and walked out.

Wen Qing quickly held the door open and looked at her: "wait a minute."

Su Pei looked back at her.

She said, "Although your dismissal is because of me, I won't feel sorry for you. After all, I didn't feel sorry for you."

Su Pei turned around and left without saying anything.

In Huo tingshen's office, he crossed Erlang's legs and looked at Yang Qing.

"Tell me, what's the situation with the male employee and warmth."

"You mean, Pei leren?"

"it's him."

Yang Qing thought to himself, Le Ren is afraid that he will be out of luck now.

"Mr. Huo, she is very warm and beautiful. She has a quiet personality and is very likable, so as soon as she enters the office, she is very eye-catching. There are warm men in the office, not only Le Ren, but Le Ren. better at expressing."

"A lot of people in your department like her?"

"Not only the training department, I heard them gossip that Wenqing went to the restaurant to eat a few times, and many people inquired which department she belonged to, and some people secretly came to our department during the lunch break to make sure whether Wenqing was ours or not. Office people."

Huo Ting was deeply upset.

This woman is so attractive wherever she goes.

When I was in school, because of that face, I was chosen as the school flower.

Come here and attract bees and butterflies like this.

"In the future, you should pay attention to the men around Wenqing and report her situation to me at all times."

"Okay." Yang Qing had a headache.

This is a big project.

Fortunately, Wenqing only works here for a month, otherwise, she really doesn't have to do anything else.

When Yang Qing returned to the office, the discussion suddenly stopped.

Everyone applauded Yang Qing.

"Sister Yang, you finally helped our office get rid of a big harm."

Yang Qing smiled at everyone: "Okay, let's all work."

"Sister Yang, after President Yu asked you to come back, go to her office."

Yang Qing nodded and entered Yu Chengwei's office.

As soon as Yu Chengwei saw her come in, he pointed to the chair opposite him: "Xiao Yang, sit down."

Yang Qing sat down and looked at him respectfully: "Mr. Yu, do you have anything to do with me?"

"Why didn't I hear you say it before, how do you know the third master?"

Yang Qing smiled: "Mr. Yu, I'm here to work."

"I know, your work attitude is good, but today, it really scared me, that's it, that Su Pei is indeed a bit outrageous. Since she has been fired by me now, I think that , can we get along in harmony between our superiors and subordinates?"

Yang Qing pursed her lips: "Mr. Yu, haven't you and I always been in harmony?"

"Okay, okay, then... Have you secretly investigated others besides Su Pei?"

Yang Qing looked at him, and after a while, smiled faintly: "Mr. Yu, you are my immediate boss, I dare not check you, don't worry."

Yu Chengwei then breathed a sigh of relief: "Okay, okay, Xiao Yang, if you need anything at work in the future, just mention it to me, don't be polite to me."

Yang Qing got up: "Mr. Yu, then I'll go out first."

"Okay, let's go."

When eating in the evening, Huo tingshen said: "do you suffer in the cafeteria today?"


"Because the hero surnamed Pei saved the beauty?"

"Even if Team Leader Pei doesn't show up, I won't let Su Pei hit me. After all, I did nothing wrong."

She said and looked at him: "I said, I really didn't talk about Su Pei behind my back, do you believe it?"

He nodded without hesitation: "Letter."

"No one else believes it, why do you believe it?"

"Because I know you, you don't bother to do such a thing at all."

Looking at him tenderly, I was a little moved.

Huo Ting deeply hooked his lips: "do you think I'm very understanding?"

Take back your sight tenderly: "that's what you said."

"Stubborn, for the sake of my helping you today, you promise me two things."

She looked at him: "what's the matter?"

"First, you are not allowed to look at the male employees in the company. I am jealous. I am afraid that I will unknowingly fire the outstanding employees in the company for you."

Warm and speechless: "I said I won't be attracted, so you won't fire them?"


"You believe me that much?"

Huo Ting gave a deep and charming smile.

"Okay, I won't fall in love with any man in the Dihui Group."

"It's too absolute, except for me."

"You're not excluded, what's the second thing?"

"Give me a set of keys to this house."

Warm and vigilant: "why?"

"Because I have to ring the doorbell every day, it's too troublesome."

"No, this is my personal space, and I won't share the key with you."

"I'm just doing it for convenience."

She shook her head warmly and firmly: "the one who rings the doorbell is the guest, and when he takes the key, he becomes the master. I still understand this."

Huo Ting gave her a deep look: "your calculations are clear."

"Isn't what I said true?"

"I see that you are wary of me."

"But to me, it's a matter of course."

After eating, Wen Qing was washing the dishes when the phone rang.

Huo tingshen took her mobile phone and came to the kitchen door to open the door: "the queen is late for a call."

Warmly wiped his hands on the apron, took the mobile phone, and put the answer to his ear.


"Girl, will you come to see me on the high-speed train tomorrow night?"

"Well... I'll invite you to dinner tomorrow at noon, and you can go by yourself in the afternoon."

"Why, why didn't you come to see me, you heartless."

"Because I'm afraid you'll cry," she said with a warm smile.

"Isn't it because I don't want you to cry?"

"I don't want you either, so I was afraid that you would cry and I would be sad, so I decided not to send you off. At noon, I'll go to school to find you."

"Okay, then I'll cry in advance for you at noon tomorrow."

She couldn't help laughing tenderly and said, "you don't have to buy all the eye drops already."

"Wow, how did you know that?"

"Because there is nothing more than warmth for those who know children well."

After hanging up, he turned his head tenderly to look at Huo tingshen, who was leaning against the door.

"Is it fun to stand here and listen to someone talking on the phone?"

"It's not for fun, I'm just curious, why you can be so nice to others."

"Then what do you mean, I'm frowning at you, right?"

"It's not so exaggerated, but it's not so natural to treat Tong Hao."

"That's because you're not her," said warmly and calmly, "she is a very important friend to me."

"I am your future husband, do you think, in this relationship, who is closer and who is farther?"

Warm and speechless, staring at him: "Huo tingshen, have you always been so confident?"

"I'm confident because I can do what I say."

"But in my opinion, I should return your words to you, that is, the bigger the bragging, the more painful the face."

Huo Ting grinned deeply: "well, how about we two make a bet?"

She raised her eyebrows tenderly and looked at her: "OK, what to bet."

"If you marry me in the future, then we will have three children, it doesn't matter whether it is male or female."

The warm face turned red, and it was too far.

"And what if we're not married?"

"you say?"

"Then you will keep your distance from me from now on and never come near me again."

"It won't be possible." Huo Ting smiled confidently.

Glancing at his mouth tenderly: "half a year."

"no problem."

After cleaning up the kitchen tenderly, he said that he was going to rest and drove him away.

Huo tingshen only remembered when he walked to the door and said, "by the way, free up time for me on Saturday and Sunday. Huo's family has a family gathering and is going to the countryside for a vacation."

Warm frown: "I'm not going."

"It's not something you can avoid if you don't talk about it. After all, last time, but you took the initiative to ask me to get a certificate the next day. In their eyes, you and I are fiancées now."

Gritting her teeth tenderly, the stone she lifted this time to smash her feet is really not that big.

Huo tingshen is very proud now.

At noon the next day, the warmth left when it was time to get off work.

In order to stay with Tong Hao for a while, she took a taxi to the school.

It is rare for Tong Hao, the late king, to wait for her at the school gate.

After the two hugged, they went to the school cafeteria to eat.

This is what Tong Hao requires.

Two senior sisters appeared in the cafeteria, and one of them was Song Xiaohua, a famous figure, which really attracted the attention of many people.

Tong Hao said while eating: "the days of being watched by people wherever you go in the future are over."

"Why, it was fun to be watched by others before?"

"Don't you think, I'm happy? After all, no one will be able to compare my beauty in the future."

Be warm and speechless.

Tong took a sip of celery and said seriously: "By the way, does that handsome brother of yours have a girlfriend? You really don't plan to introduce him to me."

"His business... It's hard to say, can you wait for me to tell you the truth later? Can we not talk about him now?"

"Look at your disgusting look, didn't you like your brother a lot before?"

She shook her head tenderly and smiled: "it's not from a mother, how much can you like it."

After she finished speaking, she added in her heart, of course, this is 100% aimed at Huo tingshen and has nothing to do with Bai Nancheng.

"I don't care. After I leave, you have to call me often. I'm very busy anyway."

Nodding tenderly: "don't worry, if you don't ask me, I'll call you too."

"By the way, the bitch has moved out of the dormitory. She seems to be looking for a job in Beicheng before returning to her hometown."

"Really?" took a sip of juice tenderly: "it doesn't matter about her."

"I'm telling you, be careful, she hates you so much."

"I see."

"Also, you must never ask for a scumbag like Gao Muran, otherwise I want to break up with you. How can anyone be stupid enough to forgive a cheating ex-boyfriend, right? "

think before, the cruel words that Gao Muran gave her, she shook her head and smiled: "Okay, you know, after disappointment, if you want to open up to this person again, how hard will it be? I don't like doing complicated things, don't you? Do you know that?"

"But when it comes to love, no one is shrewd. No matter how smart and wise people are, they will become crazy fools."

Inexplicably, I thought of Huo tingshen tenderly.

Isn't his obsession with her a little crazy to her?

However, he doesn't love her.