
Chapter 7 Having a think back.

I left James on the floor still breathing actually.

As I was about leaving I saw z. She had a disappointing eyes on her face. 'Alex why would you do this, now that you have gotten your revenge how do you feel" well z was right I don't feel good at all, in fact I feel terrible about what I did. I went back to were James was laying down and carried him up, I took him to the hospital and left. 2 days later I got a call from the doctor that he had woken up, so I rushed to the hospital.

I met James sitting on the bed and as I entered James looked at me, he had a shocking expression on his face.

"why are you looking at me like that eh"

"nothing but I had a crazy dream that you b me to the hospital after what you did"

"I that well am sorry James for what I did I have now realized my mistakes and I hope you can forgive me"

"what is this Alex, the Almighty Alex asking me for my forgiveness, I never saw this happening but Alex I should be the one apologizing not you. I did it because of z, I fell in love with her first but she turned me down and went for you"

"me are me and z really dating because I don't remember ever dating anyone"

"eh he doesn't remember well I can use it to my advantage and get z back, I know she will be heart broken and she would someone to share her pains with and that is were I come in"😖

"James what are you thinking about"

"Nothing I was just feeling Bad for what I did to you 😔"

"I forgive you and I hope this is a new beginning of our friendship"


3 weeks later..... ⌚

James resumed school 🏤.