
Chapter 678: Hannah Ford, you're just a replacement.

Translator: 549690339

"Oh, thank you for telling me. I get it now." Lily Gray spoke casually.

In reality, the words that Hannah Ford thought could hurt her held no weight in Lily's ears.

"Hmph, do you really think Daddy values you that much? You don't know yet, do you? Daddy, mother, and I have returned to M Country, and they decided not to care about you anymore. Lily Gray, don't ever forget that your surname is Gray, not Ford. I am the Missy of the Ford family!"

Hannah Ford had been used to pretending since childhood and used to playing the role of a weak person in front of others.

But the premise was that she only played the weakling in front of people worth climbing up to or those stronger than her.

In her view, Lily Gray had no value to be used, and their relationship was absolutely hostile.

It wasn't just about stealing a man; Lily Gray threatened her identity as Missy of the Ford family.

Because of this, Hannah Ford wanted to provoke Lily Gray extremely.