
Dominators Realm

After defeating the titular antagonist in his favorite internet game, "Avlora," a certain individual who held responsibility for it thought it would be all over. However, that changed when the reward for the quest offered him into a boss monster that he and his comrades had defeated after days of battling. It was something hard to refuse for a youth like him, but the outcome of his desire was not what he expected. Betrayed comrades, a fallen antagonist, and a new world were things he wasn't prepared for. But With his newfound power, the certain individual, Leviathan, is soaring higher than we can even imagine.

Be_Bait · Fantasy
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148 Chs


In compliance with the lead figure's command, a handful of men stepped forth from the congregation, venturing closer to the young maiden with the intention to secure her.

However, in this critical moment, a spirited young man burst forth from the periphery, his presence a sudden intervention.

Swiftly, he placed himself before the advancing crowd, his sword raised in a determined stance.

"Forgive me, Priestess Gaya," the young man implored, his voice heavy with regret. "These people managed to detain me for a considerable duration, nearly ensnaring me within their snares." He addressed the priestess with a tone of sincere apology, his gaze unwavering.

Upon the arrival of the young man, a serene sigh of relief graced the lips of the maiden. She regarded him with a tranquil expression, her voice carrying a sense of calm assurance.

"We shall discuss this matter further at a later time, Raven," she advised him gently. "For now, let us rid ourselves of these unwelcome interlopers."

With a resolute nod, Raven acknowledged the priestess's directive. Without hesitation, he propelled himself into swift action, darting towards the congregation.

His nimble maneuvers allowed him to elude the grasp of those attempting to obstruct him, his singular focus guiding him toward the leader of the incursion.

As Raven surged forward with a predatory fervor, his adversary, the leader figure, swiftly unsheathed his own sword.

The glint of steel cast shimmering reflections within Raven's resolute eyes as he closed the distance, determination etched into his every movement.

In a single, fluid leap, he brought his blade hurtling towards the leader's neck.

A resounding clang pierced the sacred sanctum, the clash of their weapons echoing through the hallowed space.

The leader, somehow managing to withstand Raven's onslaught, was forced to retreat several steps, the shockwave of their collision sending reverberations through his frame.

Recognizing that his initial strike had been thwarted, Raven retreated a few measured paces, poised to unleash his next assault.

Yet, in that crucial moment, a rapid streak of an arrow shot past him, narrowly evading impact.

Raven's eyes darted toward the source, where a group of individuals, bows at the ready, were preparing to launch a relentless volley of arrows, their intent to continue the assault unmistakable.

As the group leader withdrew from the confrontation with Raven, a calculated calm settled upon him.

He recognized the futility of a one-on-one battle against the determined Raven but perceived strength in numbers.

With that understanding, he retreated further into the encircling crowd, rallying additional individuals to bolster their ranks.

The assemblage, sensing the shift in momentum as more allies converged, began to encircle Raven with mounting numbers.

Sensing that the tide was turning against him, Raven made the decision to step back, his eyes sweeping the area.

In a calculated moment, he turned his gaze towards the head priest, an unspoken understanding passing between them.

With an unwavering resolve, the head priest made a swift decision. Recognizing that the holy maiden's safety was paramount, she plunged deeper into the heart of the sanctuary.

As the head priest, Gaya, disappeared into the depths of the sanctuary, leaving Raven's vision shrouded in darkness, he steeled himself for the impending onslaught.

Inhaling deeply, he turned his attention toward the looming horde of adversaries, gripping his sword with unwavering determination.

He lowered his blade, positioning it parallel to the ground, its tip aimed downward, poised for a powerful charge.

Amidst the tension, the enemy leader couldn't resist a taunting remark, laced with sarcasm.

"I must say, I'm quite surprised you managed to evade our dimension seal," he jeered. "Yet, it seems you stand alone as her sole protector."

Raven paid little heed to the provocation, instead channeling his focus into a deep concentration.

In an electrifying moment, his form began to radiate with a crimson aura, starting from the tip of his sword before enveloping his entire being. Simultaneously, his eyes snapped open, an intense and primal roar tearing from his lips.


With the ferocity of a monstrous beast, he swing towards the encircling crowd, his aura a tempest of destructive energy.

The enemy, unable to counter the overwhelming force, was sent hurtling skyward, blood oozing from their wounds as they were expelled from the sanctuary, crashing unceremoniously beyond its sacred bounds.

Amidst the resonating echoes of heavy footfalls, Raven strode forth from the sanctuary, his gaze sweeping over the battered figures strewn across the ground.

The aftermath of his ultimate attack was evident, the fallen adversaries bearing the brunt of its devastating force.

However, victory had not come without its price. As the dust settled, Raven's physical toll became evident.He expelled a considerable volume of blood from his mouth, his labored breathing betraying the strain he had endured.

For a time, he grappled with the consequences of his mighty effort. Yet, even as he contended with his own wounds, a remarkable sight unfolded.

Slowly but surely, those who had been felled began to stir. Their faces bore an unsettling indifference to their grievous injuries, as if the pain held no dominion over their resolve.

It became evident that these individuals, like Raven, transcended the boundaries of ordinary humanity, possessing abilities and fortitude that defied the norm.

Unexpectedly, a voice emerged from the crowd, capturing Raven's attention. It was none other than the leader of the enemy group, the individual who had absorbed the full brunt of Raven's earlier attack. Despite suffering grievous injuries, he displayed an unsettling lack of pain.

"That was quite unexpected," he admitted, his tone laced with a sense of acknowledgment.

"If only we had known of your formidable strength, we might have exerted greater effort in sealing you away."

As was his custom, Raven remained silent, offering no reply to the leader's words. The leader, accepting Raven's reticence, bent down to retrieve the fallen sword that had slipped from his grasp when he plummeted from the sky.

"We have to confront the situation as it stands," he declared, examining the blade's keen edge.

Simultaneously, other members of the enemy faction, who had risen alongside their leader, also retrieved their weapon, readying themselves for the impending assault.

With unwavering resolve, Raven extended his sword forward, his attention focused squarely on the next moves of his adversaries.

"Go and engage him!" the leader commanded his comrades, initiating their attack. Simultaneously, he discreetly moved closer to one of his allies, whispering cryptic instructions into the man's ear.

As the leader issued the command, the group of individuals surged forward, launching their attacks on Raven with a frenzied determination.

Raven, with his superior skills, adeptly evaded their oncoming strikes and countered with swift, precise moves.

Yet, amidst the clash of blades and the intensity of the battle, Raven couldn't help but notice something peculiar.

Despite the punishing blows they had suffered from his earlier attack, the enemy fighters displayed an eerie absence of pain.

Instead of retreating or showing signs of distress, they pressed on with relentless fervor, their attacks becoming even more frenzied.

A sense of unease gnawed at Raven as he withdrew from direct engagement with them.

Stepping back and putting some distance between himself and the assailants, he regarded them with a scrutinizing gaze, attempting to make sense of this enigmatic turn of events.

Amidst Raven's hesitation, the enemy leader's mocking laughter filled the air. He gloated about their newfound immunity to pain, exhaustion, and their gift of eternal life, granted by the transcendent beings.

Confidence brimming, the leader questioned how Raven intended to defeat someone who could not feel pain, an eternal adversary.

Raven's response was unexpected and laced with determination. "That's easy," he retorted, his voice steady, " just have to cut you into pieces until there's nothing left of you to move." With a swing of his sword, stained red with the blood of his foes, he initiated a rapid advance.

As Raven surged forward, his blade cleaved through the enemy ranks, reducing them to countless dismembered fragments. The battlefield bore witness to his destructive prowess.

However, a sudden interruption disrupted his onslaught.

Strong hands seized his own, halting his movements abruptly. It was the enemy leader who had advanced, gripping both of Raven's hands in a vice-like hold to prevent his escape.

Simultaneously, the surrounding enemies closed in, forming an impenetrable barrier.

Raven grappled with the unexpected turn of events, his mind racing to comprehend the situation. His gaze darted toward the sanctuary entrance, where a group of individuals had rushed inside, their purpose becoming clear.

Realization dawned upon Raven, and he struggled fiercely to break free from their grasp. Yet, the collective strength of his captors made escape nearly impossible, and he found himself sinking deeper into their encirclement.

Amidst the chaos, the enemy leader's malevolent smile deepened. "Did you figure it out?" he taunted, a sinister glint in his eyes boding ill for Raven's predicament.

As the weight of his sword began to bear down, Raven's strength waned.

The relentless grip of his captors made it increasingly difficult to maintain his stance. His sword, once a symbol of his power, gradually descended towards the ground, its ominous presence diminishing.

With each passing moment, the situation grew more dire for Raven.

The enemy's sinister plan had unfolded, and escape seemed increasingly elusive as his strength continued to ebb away.