
Dominator of the Firmaments

Cha Eun Xiao, a remarkable cultivator in his previous existence, witnessed the ruthless machinations of the three formidable factions within the Qing-Yun Realm. These malevolent organizations, in their ceaseless pursuit of cultivation resources, had recklessly extinguished the lives of millions, turning once-thriving towns into barren wastelands within the span of a single night. Their nefarious deeds were shrouded in deception, as they would audaciously attribute the towns' downfall to pestilence and natural disasters. With an iron grip on all cultivation resources and a monopoly over precious practice materials, these factions ruthlessly barred outsiders from embarking on their own cultivation journeys, reserving this privilege solely for their inner circles. In response to their tyranny, Cha Eun Xiao defiantly declared war against the oppressive triad. He stood alone on the battlefield, confronting insurmountable odds, and ultimately paid the ultimate price for his valiant efforts, perishing in vain. Yet, destiny had other plans for him. Cha Eun Xiao's spirit was reborn within the fragile mortal vessel of a 16-year-old boy. Armed with the profound powers he had honed in his previous life, he resolved to carve a path of bloodshed and retribution, relentlessly battling his way back into the heart of the Qing-Yun Realm. And so, a new chapter in his saga unfolds, as Cha Eun Xiao embarks on an epic quest for justice and retribution.

Misty_Ellaine · Action
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1995 Chs

Kick the Camps!

Kick the Camps! . . .

"Feng Zhiling! Who are you? What are you..."

"I know your face isn't the one I saw on Feng Zhiling. Feng Zhiling must be your disguise!"

"Then who are you?"

Her head felt heavy, and her thoughts were muddled. She felt an overwhelming sense of lethargy, making her disinclined to do anything. After contemplating for a prolonged period, she drifted off to sleep on her bed.

In her slumber, a vision materialized, revealing the face of Feng Monarch. He was approaching her...

As he drew nearer, his countenance transformed into that of a striking figure, with a sharp nose and keen eyes.

The face was an exact match for Cha Nantian's son, Lord Xiao, Cha Eun Xiao!

Wenren Chuchu cried out and jolted awake from her dream, gasping for breath.

The maid stationed outside the door was deeply alarmed. She hurried inside and inquired, "Princess, are you all right?"

Gasping for breath, Wenren Chuchu took a few sips of water. As her racing heart gradually subsided, she asked, "What time is it?"

"Just past noon," the maid replied, her concern evident. She observed Wenren Chuchu and added, "Princess, you've been asleep for over five hours."

"Five hours..." Wenren Chuchu managed a bitter smile. She couldn't understand what was happening to her.

She no longer required as much sleep as ordinary people. When fatigued, she would meditate to fully rejuvenate herself. Even when she did sleep, it typically didn't exceed an hour. Yet she had slept for more than five hours, which was quite unusual.

"Did anyone come for me while I was asleep?" she inquired of the maid.

"No, Your Highness. His Highness instructed me to let you rest undisturbed. No one dared to interrupt your rest," the maid replied.

"Hmm." Wenren Chuchu was once again lost in thought.

The maid attentively served her. She ate her meal while continuing to contemplate. By the time she had finished eating, night had fallen, shrouding the sky in darkness.

Her thoughts remained unresolved.

A while later, as the maid began to leave discreetly, Wenren Chuchu stopped her. "Wait. The enemy didn't launch any attacks this afternoon?"

The maid smiled reassuringly. "You worry too much, Princess. We have more than a million formidable troops, while they possess just over two hundred thousand. They should consider themselves fortunate to have held Iron Peak for this long. Why would they dare to initiate an attack? If they did, they would be seeking their own demise."

Wenren Chuchu responded, "In battle, circumstances can change in an instant. No one can always emerge victorious. We mustn't act recklessly."

In reality, she was contemplating, [What would you do if you were here? Would you simply focus on defensive tactics?]

While pondering this, a commotion arose outside her camp. Suddenly, an explosion echoed, and the sound of galloping horses filled the air.

Wenren Chuchu was startled. "That..."

"Enemy incursion!"

A terrified cry resonated throughout the camps.

The night sky was abruptly illuminated.

A colossal fire erupted!

Simultaneously, thundering hooves stormed into the camps.

An aura of death pervaded the Kingdom of Lan-Feng's encampments.

Wenren Chuchu could hear the voice of her uncle, Wenren Jianyin. "Let them in! Lure them and wipe them out!"

However, she couldn't abide by that plan. She rushed out of her camp like a gust of wild wind. Even though she knew that her uncle's decision seemed logical and was typically the right course of action when faced with nearly all adversaries, it wasn't the practical approach this time.

Against the enemies they were confronting, this plan was tantamount to suicide.

The reason was the presence of an abundance of master assassins within the martial world. Wenren Chuchu was acutely aware of the potentially horrific situation if these invaders were genuinely assassins from Ling-Bao Hall.

A single assassin could take on a hundred adversaries under the cloak of darkness. When a significant number of assassins worked in unison, it ceased to be a battle and became a massacre.

Wenren Chuchu was filled with dread. She raced out of her tent with unparalleled speed, moving like a ghostly apparition. Her destination was Wenren Jianyin's tent.

Her own safety wasn't her primary concern. Even Ning Biluo would meet his demise in a one-on-one confrontation with her. She wasn't anxious about her own well-being.

Even if the assassins from Ling-Bao Hall banded together to confront her, she could still escape after dispatching several of them. She transcended the limitations of this world in terms of cultivation. In this realm, she was nigh unbeatable.

Yet, she was concerned about her uncle. From her understanding of these assassins, any one of them could vanquish Wenren Jianyin in a solo combat.

She didn't fear a group of formidable opponents, but her uncle did because he was one of those opponents. And not even a particularly powerful one.

As she sprinted toward her uncle's location, she observed a dark tide surging through the camp's gates with overwhelming force. Normally, camp invasions were executed in the predawn hours, but Lord Xiao didn't adhere to any conventional rules.

Instead, he initiated the assault as night fell, and it was a ferocious attack.

This unconventional strategy astonished even Wenren Jianyin, leaving him bewildered.

"This is madness!" he thought. However, madness or not, its success hinged on the prevailing conditions. With superior power, it wasn't madness but bravery and sound tactics.

At that moment, the Kingdom of Chen's assault resembled a blazing crimson blade thrusting into the heart of the Kingdom of Lan-Feng's encampment. Wherever they advanced, their adversaries were felled like lifeless timber!