
Dominator of the Firmaments

Cha Eun Xiao, a remarkable cultivator in his previous existence, witnessed the ruthless machinations of the three formidable factions within the Qing-Yun Realm. These malevolent organizations, in their ceaseless pursuit of cultivation resources, had recklessly extinguished the lives of millions, turning once-thriving towns into barren wastelands within the span of a single night. Their nefarious deeds were shrouded in deception, as they would audaciously attribute the towns' downfall to pestilence and natural disasters. With an iron grip on all cultivation resources and a monopoly over precious practice materials, these factions ruthlessly barred outsiders from embarking on their own cultivation journeys, reserving this privilege solely for their inner circles. In response to their tyranny, Cha Eun Xiao defiantly declared war against the oppressive triad. He stood alone on the battlefield, confronting insurmountable odds, and ultimately paid the ultimate price for his valiant efforts, perishing in vain. Yet, destiny had other plans for him. Cha Eun Xiao's spirit was reborn within the fragile mortal vessel of a 16-year-old boy. Armed with the profound powers he had honed in his previous life, he resolved to carve a path of bloodshed and retribution, relentlessly battling his way back into the heart of the Qing-Yun Realm. And so, a new chapter in his saga unfolds, as Cha Eun Xiao embarks on an epic quest for justice and retribution.

Misty_Ellaine · Action
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1995 Chs

Generation to Generation

Generation to Generation . . .

Cha Eun Xiao had honed the skill of discerning invaluable information with precision. He would merely peruse the bookshelves, effortlessly distinguishing which tome was worth his attention.

The rest of the volumes he simply disregarded.

He methodically leafed through the books one after another, completing an entire room's collection before proceeding to the next.

The disciples stationed in the Library of Fame could only watch, bewildered, as he flitted through the volumes. To them, it appeared as though he was haphazardly rifling through the texts.

On the twenty-ninth day of the month, the three venerable grandmasters returned to the library.

Cha Eun Xiao was engrossed in a book that he deemed to be the most invaluable discovery in the entire repository.

"The Secret of the Three Factions."

Having combed through the requisite literature, he'd unearthed crucial information, prompting him to revisit this tome with newfound attention.

"Here... the king descended to the realm when the three lights unite. Blood and soul return to origin when the land is poised for unity... Fascinating," Cha Eun Xiao muttered as he carefully examined the text.

"Why does it sound like... like... it resembles a prophecy... but... the king... three lights... blood and soul... They must hold significance. The three lights could represent the Sun, Moon, and Star, possibly denoting the Saint Sunlight Sect, Saint Starlight Sect, and Cold Moon Palace. In my previous life, I uncovered their sinister dealings... Hmm... They overtook the Sky Soul Mountain, resulting in my brother's death... That marked the commencement of our struggle against the three factions... until it was too late for reversal..."

"It appears that a concealed truth shrouds their existence. Nevertheless, these books probably provide the most comprehensive insight... I doubt I'll find more in this place..."

"I've accumulated a wealth of knowledge that was previously beyond my grasp during my time here..." He closed the book slowly, murmuring, "The world is brimming with color and wonder..."

He had stumbled upon something that could potentially unveil the truth behind his dear friend's demise. Moreover, it hinted at why the three factions were intent on seizing these locations.

They were even willing to sacrifice countless lives for these places... There had to be a reason!

Nevertheless, the more he learned, the more questions surfaced.

What he knew, including his pre-existing knowledge, merely furnished an outline of the truth. To decipher the actual truth, he needed to amass additional information and piece together the puzzle.

Nonetheless, one word resonated resoundingly in his heart: 'Soul.'

That was the crux of it all. 'Soul.'

Each of the locations coveted by the three factions was inexorably linked to the word 'soul.'

Sky Soul Mountain.

Thousand Soul Valley.

Soul Tomb Ridge.


And the list went on.

Every place that the three factions had fervently sought to possess featured the word 'soul' in its name.

Cha Eun Xiao couldn't dismiss this as mere coincidence!

However, the incidents in question had transpired long ago, scattered across various corners of Qing-Yun Realm. The fact that all these places shared a common word in their names was a peculiar detail, not readily evident.

The three factions had successfully secured control over dozens of locations within a century, a rather typical feat for a prominent sect. Cha Eun Xiao would never have uncovered this correlation if he hadn't delved into the annals of history.

He paused in his contemplation, pondering the book's contents once more. However, just as he was about to immerse himself in its pages, a resounding voice interrupted him from outside, "Cha Eun Xiao, come out!"

It was his three masters, calling for him.

Cha Eun Xiao had resided with these three venerable old men for several months. He had learned to recognize the profound love they held for him, even if their training routines seemed rigorous. They had devoted themselves to enhancing his abilities and had employed their own life force to refine his body.

Upon leaving the library to greet his masters, he was taken aback. What stood before him were three frail, elderly men. A month prior, they'd possessed their characteristic white hair and wrinkles but still emanated strength. Now, they appeared feeble and shaky, exhibiting the telltale signs of senility.

Their lives were ebbing away.

Cha Eun Xiao was stunned.

"Masters, what... what's going on?" He rushed to their side. "Why do you look like this?"

Lei Dadi wore a serene smile. "There's nothing wrong, dear. We're running low on life energy. Our time is limited, but it's alright to depart a bit sooner. We've fulfilled our most significant dream. We thought we would die with regrets, yet fate has been kind to us. We can soon reunite with our departed brethren."

Yun Piaoliu gazed at Cha Eun Xiao, his smile brimming with warmth. "Regrets are inevitable. Though we've realized one dream, we've already begun to harbor new aspirations. Regrettably, we might not be around to witness the day when you conquer all of Qing-Yun Realm. Humans are never truly content... We know that day will come, even if we won't be there to witness it."

Feng Wuying chuckled. "Nevertheless... Cha Eun Xiao, you are free now. Entirely free. There's no one to hold you back." He appeared somewhat bewildered as he continued, "Your destiny is now entirely in your hands."

Tears welled up in Cha Eun Xiao's eyes.

He understood that his masters had sustained severe injuries in their past. They should have passed away long ago, yet their unwavering determination to realize their dreams had kept them hanging on. Now, with a brilliant and highly capable disciple, they could finally find solace.

They believed that their goals would be achieved through their disciple sooner or later, relieving them of the weight they had carried for so long. They were finally releasing themselves from the burdens they'd borne.

Without hesitation, Cha Eun Xiao approached the three aged grandmasters and embraced them. As he touched Lei Dadi's back, he sensed the old man's body relaxing.

Lei Dadi let out a profound sigh.