
Dominator of the Firmaments

Cha Eun Xiao, a remarkable cultivator in his previous existence, witnessed the ruthless machinations of the three formidable factions within the Qing-Yun Realm. These malevolent organizations, in their ceaseless pursuit of cultivation resources, had recklessly extinguished the lives of millions, turning once-thriving towns into barren wastelands within the span of a single night. Their nefarious deeds were shrouded in deception, as they would audaciously attribute the towns' downfall to pestilence and natural disasters. With an iron grip on all cultivation resources and a monopoly over precious practice materials, these factions ruthlessly barred outsiders from embarking on their own cultivation journeys, reserving this privilege solely for their inner circles. In response to their tyranny, Cha Eun Xiao defiantly declared war against the oppressive triad. He stood alone on the battlefield, confronting insurmountable odds, and ultimately paid the ultimate price for his valiant efforts, perishing in vain. Yet, destiny had other plans for him. Cha Eun Xiao's spirit was reborn within the fragile mortal vessel of a 16-year-old boy. Armed with the profound powers he had honed in his previous life, he resolved to carve a path of bloodshed and retribution, relentlessly battling his way back into the heart of the Qing-Yun Realm. And so, a new chapter in his saga unfolds, as Cha Eun Xiao embarks on an epic quest for justice and retribution.

Misty_Ellaine · Action
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1995 Chs

Death Is a Perfect Protection

Death Is a Perfect Protection . . .

The other two elderly men were not faring any better than Lei Dadi. They sat with their eyes wide open, their faces flushed with disbelief, resembling two bewildered bridegrooms who couldn't contain their trembling excitement.

Yue Changtian, as if emerging from a dream, swallowed hard and spoke in a hushed voice, "What... What just transpired?"

Lei Dadi, rolling his eyes, retorted, "Who in the world should I ask?"

"You are my elder disciple uncle, and I am your junior disciple nephew... When I confront something beyond my comprehension, it's only natural for me to seek your guidance," Yue Changtian responded with a hint of solemnity.

Lei Dadi found himself at a loss for words, feeling somewhat chagrined by his initial outburst. He could only resort to a half-hearted threat, "Are you asking to be slapped? I'll be glad to oblige."

Yue Changtian fell silent.

The four of them, though filled with curiosity and astonishment at the miraculous scene before them, were at a loss when it came to explaining what had just transpired.

"Could it be that Cha Chongxiao is the reincarnation of a celestial being? He's inexplicably fortunate and seems to be perpetually blessed!" Yue Changtian pondered this possibility for a long moment before tentatively offering it. His voice wavered with the weight of the conjecture.

Then, his eyes widened significantly, evidently taken aback by his own theory.

"A reincarnation of a deity?"

"Well, it's not entirely implausible!"

The three old grandmasters were similarly shaken. They exchanged glances but remained silent.

The four of them were beginning to grasp the magnitude of what they had just witnessed, sensing that it might be an extraordinary event of historical significance.

"First and foremost, we must maintain absolute secrecy. Nobody can know that Chongxiao is still alive!" Lei Dadi spoke with the utmost gravity. "Neither our own people nor anyone from the outside. We cannot afford to take any risks."

"Indeed. Chongxiao is a formidable target, endowed with extraordinary talents. That's why the two sects conspired to assassinate him. However, following this extraordinary turn of events, he now possesses the perfect opportunity to remain hidden from the world's gaze."

"That's correct. Everyone must believe he's dead now!"

Yue Changtian began to see the light.

"Death serves as the perfect cloak for his protection!"

"We are the sole custodians of the knowledge that Cha Chongxiao lives. We must never breathe a word of it to anyone outside!"

"No one will ever uncover this secret. It shall remain buried."

"However, we must keep Chongxiao out of sight within the sect."

"Given his remarkable stroke of fortune in returning from the dead, he is destined to become one of Cold Moon Palace's most prominent figures."

"In order to safeguard Chongxiao, we should officially declare his death at a later time. Furthermore, we should announce our complete disassociation from Saint Sunlight Sect and Saint Starlight Sect."

"I understand why we should inform others that Chongxiao has perished. What I don't grasp is how we intend to guide his future development," Yue Changtian expressed his confusion.

"Just allow him to venture into the martial world," Lei Dadi said, looking at Yue Changtian. "We should always allow a young eagle to take flight. The more experiences he accumulates, the stronger his wings will become. How can you not comprehend this?"

"Well... Isn't it a bit premature to send him out now?" Yue Changtian voiced his apprehensions. "Even within our sect, there are those who wanted to eliminate Chongxiao... but they had to scheme to do it within our confines. If Chongxiao ventures out..."

"You're fretting needlessly," Lei Dadi responded, his tone unconcerned. "First, they will believe Cha Chongxiao is deceased. Their greatest concern will be put to rest. Second, they should be more worried about our vengeance. Additionally, Jun Yinglian is still out there, waiting for an opportunity to exact her revenge. Third, if we assign Cha Chongxiao a new identity, who would recognize him? Fourth, should Jun Yinglian come to us, Cha Chongxiao's life within the sect will be in peril."

"One more vital point," Yun Piaoliu added in a matter-of-fact tone, "Typically, a prodigy like him should have embarked on numerous remarkable adventures. All the supremely powerful figures in history have illustrious stories from their youth. If we confine Cha Chongxiao to the sect, it will deprive him of the experiences he should have encountered beyond our walls."

Yue Changtian nodded in agreement and said, "Master, you're absolutely right. When I used to travel outside the sect, I had countless riveting adventures. I made numerous friends during that time..."

The three elderly men were rendered utterly speechless.

[He's remarkably skilled at bragging... He? Countless friends? Numerous exciting adventures? It's difficult to believe... ]

"Cha Chongxiao's survival is indeed a great fortune, but the enigmatic and mysterious manner in which he returned from the brink of death... What does it signify?" Yue Changtian's primary concern was this. "Master, if we could fathom the power behind it... maybe it could benefit our sect..."

Lei Dadi peered at Yue Changtian as though he were regarding a fool and spoke with a touch of disdain, "Yue Changtian, have you lost your senses? I genuinely can't fathom why the former Prime Master chose you. Look at you: timorous, feeble, and dimwitted. It's astonishing to me that you are genuinely this shortsighted."

Yue Changtian chuckled.

"There must be a reason behind the mysterious event that unfolded for Cha Chongxiao," Feng Wuying remarked, her tone filled with mild annoyance. "It is exclusive to Cha Chongxiao himself, and no one else can possess it. Should anyone dare to covet it, calamity shall befall them."

"In truth, even Cha Chongxiao may remain oblivious to the nature of what just occurred to him."

"At the very least, even if he comprehends the circumstances, that force and that power... they must be beyond the confines of this world, the Qing-Yun Realm. Even if we decipher their origin, we will never wield them. Why should we bother attempting to unearth their secrets?"

"Actually, even if we manage to replicate the process, we won't be able to keep it concealed. Once the public becomes aware of our capability, we will become the target of everyone's enmity. I can assure you that should we succeed in mastering this mystical skill, it won't make us stronger; rather, it will hasten our destruction. None of our members will survive."

Lei Dadi sighed heavily. "While Cold Moon Palace is indeed one of the seven great sects, the 'one person, two great halls, three great palaces' still exist... We cannot provoke any of them. Should they discover our wondrous power, tell me, will we be able to withstand their wrath?"