
Dominator of the Firmaments

Cha Eun Xiao, a remarkable cultivator in his previous existence, witnessed the ruthless machinations of the three formidable factions within the Qing-Yun Realm. These malevolent organizations, in their ceaseless pursuit of cultivation resources, had recklessly extinguished the lives of millions, turning once-thriving towns into barren wastelands within the span of a single night. Their nefarious deeds were shrouded in deception, as they would audaciously attribute the towns' downfall to pestilence and natural disasters. With an iron grip on all cultivation resources and a monopoly over precious practice materials, these factions ruthlessly barred outsiders from embarking on their own cultivation journeys, reserving this privilege solely for their inner circles. In response to their tyranny, Cha Eun Xiao defiantly declared war against the oppressive triad. He stood alone on the battlefield, confronting insurmountable odds, and ultimately paid the ultimate price for his valiant efforts, perishing in vain. Yet, destiny had other plans for him. Cha Eun Xiao's spirit was reborn within the fragile mortal vessel of a 16-year-old boy. Armed with the profound powers he had honed in his previous life, he resolved to carve a path of bloodshed and retribution, relentlessly battling his way back into the heart of the Qing-Yun Realm. And so, a new chapter in his saga unfolds, as Cha Eun Xiao embarks on an epic quest for justice and retribution.

Misty_Ellaine · Action
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1995 Chs


Accident . . . 

Zuo Wuji had carefully selected several locations for Chen Zhi, but these places weren't merely for leisure and enjoyment. While people engaged in activities at these places, their true emotions often surfaced, revealing their innermost feelings. These locations had the unique ability to unveil the genuine personality hidden deep within one's heart.

Zuo Wuji's intention was to ensure that everything was in order before he approached Cha Eun Xiao to discuss something of utmost importance, something that concerned not only the Kingdom of Chen but also the entire Land of Han-Yang.

As Cha Eun Xiao parted ways with Lan Langlang and the others, he made his way home without any hesitation. Swiftly dismounting his horse, he entered the courtyard. Coincidentally, Song Jue emerged from the residence, and they narrowly avoided colliding.

Cha Eun Xiao offered an apologetic smile and promptly disappeared into the yard, leaving Song Jue befuddled. He wondered, "What's going on? Why is he in such a hurry? It's as if he has a fire lit under him."

Unbeknownst to Song Jue, Cha Eun Xiao was indeed feeling a sense of urgency. The reason for this was the sudden disorder within the Boundless Space.

Every container had its limits. Just as a person could only eat so much before feeling full, the Boundless Space also had its capacity. If overloaded, it could become chaotic and unmanageable, potentially resulting in an explosion of contents.

Cha Eun Xiao had stowed all the materials worth ten billion taels into the Boundless Space, which, surprisingly, didn't cause it to explode. The Space had accommodated a considerable number of items without issue. However, it was closely related to the massive volume of materials. The real culprit behind the disturbance was the Cosmic Hades, an object that had repeatedly caused trouble for Cha Eun Xiao.

It appeared that the Cosmic Hades was a habitual offender in creating chaos.

Whenever numerous items were added to the Boundless Space, especially when there was a possibility that these additions might interfere with the Cosmic Hades, chaos ensued, disrupting the delicate equilibrium within the Space.

Each time this occurred and the extreme cold energy pervaded the Boundless Space, Cha Eun Xiao reaped considerable benefits in terms of cultivation. Nevertheless, the looming sense of impending death that accompanied this phenomenon always made him deeply uncomfortable.

The gradual approach of death was a distressing sensation to endure, even if it ultimately led to gains for him.

The disturbances caused by the Cosmic Hades were always urgent situations. If not resolved promptly, they could lead to dire consequences.

A mere half-hour delay would significantly impact the materials and treasures within the Wood Space, a crucial aspect that couldn't afford any damage.

This time, Cha Eun Xiao had placed an assortment of items into the Boundless Space, a situation that was bound to agitate the Cosmic Hades.

Upon entering his room, he exchanged greetings with Bing-Er before preparing to commence his cultivation. Seated with his legs crossed, he immediately immersed himself in a state of deep concentration. It was imperative for him to enter the Boundless Space, which currently resembled chaos far worse than anything he had encountered previously. Cha Eun Xiao channeled all of his spiritual cultivation prowess to meticulously organize the items and then engaged with the cold energy.

In his focused state, he couldn't spare any attention for external matters.

Within the Boundless Space, as expected, an intense coldness permeated the room, making it nearly unbearable.

When Cha Eun Xiao had previously confronted the Cosmic Hades, he had done so in solitude. However, this time…

Not far from Cha Eun Xiao, Bing-Er couldn't help but notice the chilling aura. Trembling with cold, she mumbled, "Brother Xiao, why are you so cold? Are you unwell?"

The cold was almost too much for Bing-Er to endure. If she hadn't been concerned about Cha Eun Xiao's well-being, she would have left long ago. Strangely, after enduring the cold for a while, she began to feel surprisingly comfortable.

It was as though the cold had dissipated.

However, Bing-Er remained oblivious to this peculiar phenomenon, her primary concern focused on Cha Eun Xiao's physical condition. Anxious, she reached out to touch his forehead and was startled by the extreme chill she encountered. Her fingers felt almost frostbitten, leaving her bewildered.

"What's happening? Why is it so cold?"

Observing the ice forming on Cha Eun Xiao's forehead, Bing-Er became increasingly anxious and panicked. She paced around restlessly, her eyes darting back and forth before she made a determined decision.

"Whenever I felt unwell, Brother Xiao always healed me with his spiritual qi. Now that I have my own spiritual qi, albeit not much, it will certainly help. I must use my power to aid my beloved Brother Xiao against this cold," she resolved.

With this in mind, she moved closer to Cha Eun Xiao and nestled into his arms. Her intention was twofold: to provide him warmth with her body and to facilitate access to his dantian and back for her ministrations.

Despite Cha Eun Xiao's considerable strength, Bing-Er sought to simultaneously touch his dantian and back, necessitating close physical contact.

With her resolve steeled, she could feel Cha Eun Xiao's body growing colder. Gritting her teeth, she channeled all the spiritual power she possessed into his body.

Meanwhile, within the Boundless Space, Cha Eun Xiao was grappling with the surge of cold energy. This time, the eruption was particularly intense. While he was well-versed in handling such situations, the sheer power of this eruption left him struggling to control its pace. He could only hope that the cold energy would gradually diminish over time.

As the cold energy emanated from Cha Eun Xiao's body, it began to consume itself. With the passage of time, the situation was bound to improve.

Unbeknownst to Cha Eun Xiao, Bing-Er's modest spiritual qi entered his Jing and Mai. Although she was exerting herself to the fullest, her efforts remained feeble. Focused on combating the cold energy, Cha Eun Xiao failed to perceive Bing-Er's spiritual qi. Nevertheless, this tiny infusion of spiritual qi had a significant consequence—it drew the cold energy from the Boundless Space toward it.

In mere seconds, the minuscule stream of spiritual qi from Bing-Er was completely transformed by the cold energy. It surged into Bing-Er's body like a torrent.

Bing-Er let out a moan of distress as she felt her body on the verge of being overwhelmed. Terrified and wanting to cry out for help, she found herself incapable of opening her mouth.

The relentless influx of cold energy swiftly occupied and dominated her entire being.

Yet, Cha Eun Xiao remained completely unaware of this unfolding ordeal.