
Domination of weirdness

The dark prison merges with reality, and the weirdness invades reality through the "door". Thus, the Jail Keepers were born. They kept the weirdness out of the "door" and captured and contained the meetings that entered reality... Lu Xiao accidentally fell into a dark prison and lived alone in it for three years. When the prison guards found him, Lu Xiao had gone crazy...

NationDestoryer · Fantasy
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14 Chs

7:Minor surgery

At this time, Liuguang's face was full of despair.

He was slowly dragged back to his original position by the prison doctor.

There were faint bloodstains on the place where he was dragged.

After Lu Xiao entered the room, he politely pressed the door-closing button on the wall.

The dazzling incandescent light fell on the metal-cast room.

There was a writing table in the center of the room, and nothing else.

The prison doctor lifted Liuguang up like a chick.

Liuguang still wanted to struggle, but the prison doctor's words made him completely desperate.

"My friend! I need your help!"

Lu Xiao nodded without hesitation.

"You're polite, my friend! What do you want?"

The prison doctor laughed strangely.

"Hehehe! Help me tie up this naughty patient!"

"I really can't spare my hands!"

Lu Xiao walked to the operating table and took a look at the belt used to tie up the patient.

Without saying a word, he skillfully tied up Liuguang, who was struggling on the operating table.

The prison doctor finally freed his hands.

He stretched out a finger, and the scalpel between his fingers flashed a faint metallic light.

Just as he was about to cut open Liuguang's chest, Lu Xiao stopped him.

"My friend! You seem to have forgotten to give him anesthesia!"

Hearing this, the prison doctor froze in place.

The air seemed to freeze at this moment.

Liu Guang, who was lying on the operating table, had no light in his eyes at this time.

"It's over! This madman actually dared to question the medical skills of the prison doctor!"

If he had a chance to survive before.

Now, there is basically no possibility of survival.

He knew very well that questioning the medical skills of the prison doctor would make the prison doctor go berserk.

No one has seen how terrifying a berserk prison doctor is, because everyone who has seen it has died.

On the information panel of each containment object, every piece of data is summarized at the cost of one or countless lives.

The air also turned cold at this moment.

Lu Xiao didn't seem to notice it, with a trace of reluctance on his face, and continued.

"If the patient is not given anesthesia, the patient will be in great pain!"

"Thank you!"

Liu Guang, who was lying on the operating table, was a little tearful at this time.

He looked at the prison doctor who was standing there without moving.

At this time, the prison doctor's body was trembling slightly, and he seemed to be on the verge of rage.


A strange laugh came out through the bird-beak mask.

The voice was extremely hoarse.

Just hearing this laugh made Liuguang feel like he was falling into an ice cellar.

The fear of death came over him.

Thanks to his usual training, he did not lose control of his bowels and bladder at this moment.

Just as Liuguang closed his eyes and prepared to face death calmly, the prison doctor's voice resounded throughout the containment room again.

"Thank you for your reminder! My friend!"

The prison doctor retracted his fingers and then reached out to hold his chin.

"But I forgot to prepare anesthetics in advance, and there is no material for making anesthetics here. What should I do?"

Hearing this, Liuguang seemed to see the hope of life.

At this moment, his voice was trembling.

"Mr. Prison Doctor! Please allow me to prepare. There is no anesthesia and I am not ready for surgery. How about I come to see you another day?" The prison doctor sighed.

The breath passed through the bird's beak and made a very harsh chirping sound.

"That's the only way!" As he said that, he reached out to untie the restraints that trapped Liuguang.

At this moment, Lu Xiao grinned.

"Don't worry, my friend! I have a way!" Hearing this, Liuguang immediately looked at Lu Xiao.

The smile on Lu Xiao's face was no different from the smile of a devil in his eyes. "Thank you so much!" Liuguang gave up struggling completely.

Lu Xiao walked to the operating table and gently lifted Liuguang's head. Then he chopped Liuguang's head with a knife. Liuguang rolled his eyes fiercely and then fainted.

The prison doctor seemed to be greatly inspired when he saw this scene.

"My friend! If you practice medicine, you will definitely be an excellent doctor!"

Hearing the praise from the prison doctor, Lu Xiao suddenly showed a shy expression on his face.

Then, he pointed to Liu Guang who had fainted and asked his doubts.

"What disease does this naughty patient have?"

He asked simply out of curiosity.

The prison doctor flicked out a finger and said calmly.

"It's not a serious problem. It only takes a small operation to heal!"

As he said that, his fingers had already cut open Liu Guang's chest.

It was like the sound of a knife cutting a sack.

Lu Xiao hurriedly looked down.

In the cut chest, the bright red heart was beating vigorously.

On the heart, there was also a tumor the size of a pigeon egg.

The tumor was beating with the beating of the heart.

The prison doctor's hands were very fast.

With a slight slide of his fingers, the tumor was cut off.

At the same time, blood spurted out from the cut like a fountain.

Lu Xiao was quick-eyed and quick-handed, and dodged the splashing blood.

The prison doctor was not in a hurry. The scalpel between his fingers flew and quickly removed the remaining lesions.

Then he took out a cotton thread from somewhere.

He quickly sutured the wound on the heart.

Liuguang's heart was no longer spraying blood, but the chest cavity was full of accumulated blood.

Lu Xiao was like a curious baby, watching with his dead fish eyes without blinking.

At this time, the prison doctor suddenly felt a little annoyed.

"Damn it! I forgot to prepare the tool box in advance!"

"This operation was too hasty!"

Hearing this, Lu Xiao looked around.

In the holding room, in addition to the operating table,There was nothing else.

However, Lu Xiao soon set his eyes on his clothes.

It was a pure white short-sleeved T-shirt.

The staff changed this clothes for him after he arrived here.

He reached out and rubbed it gently.

"Well! It's cotton!"

He quickly took off his clothes and stuffed them into Liuguang's broken chest.

The blood instantly stained the pure cotton T-shirt.

The blood accumulated in the chest cavity was quickly absorbed by the T-shirt.

Seeing this, the prison doctor made a high-pitched voice.

"My friend! You are a genius!"

"Although doing this will cause the patient to be infected, as long as I prepare some medicine for him after the operation, the complications of the infection are not worth mentioning!"

Lu Xiao was naked and smiled shyly.

"My friend! Thank you for your recognition of me!"

So, with the joint efforts of the two crazy people.

This small operation with a lot of problems went extremely smoothly.

On the other side, in front of the monitoring screen, the atmosphere fell into absolute silence. For a while, the scene was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

The silence lasted for five minutes.

"Doctor! Is he... is he really still a human being?"

A staff member asked in a trembling voice.