
Domination Of Shadows

In the enigmatic Azure Realm, Chen Xuanlong, a young master with a mysterious bloodline, descends from higher planes, awakening an ancient system. As he navigates the Mortal, Spiritual, and Sacred realms, his desires unfold beyond cultivation – driven by forbidden passions and the pursuit of forbidden knowledge. With the coveted saintess as his target, "Ethereal Desires" is a captivating journey of power, love, and the untold mysteries of the realms.

Nothinglesss · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Veil of Shadows

As Chen Xuanlong ascended the Celestial Crossroads, the azure veil of destiny unfurled like an ancient scroll. Each step resonated with the cosmic dance of fate, guiding him through the ethereal realms. The village elder, a guardian of secrets, whispered of a celestial conflict that spanned epochs.

"Ding! Celestial Insights deepened. Fortune Points awarded for unraveling the threads of the cosmic conflict."

The shadows of the past began to coalesce, revealing an enigmatic figure – a being draped in the robes of an Originator True Ancestor. Chen Xuanlong, unaware of his true heritage, felt the tendrils of recognition tugging at the recesses of his consciousness.

In the ethereal silence, a transmission echoed through the system. "Ding! Originator's Echo. Fortune Points earned for resonating with the legacy of an ancient progenitor."

Veiled in mystery, Chen Xuanlong confronted the remnants of an ancient feud that transcended realms. The celestial energies intertwined with his Mortal Body, creating a harmonious symphony that echoed through the Celestial Crossroads.