
Domination: Limitless Growth

After an unexpected demise due to a spicy food mishap, Kasper finds himself standing before the divine presence of God. In a twist of fate, he's granted the extraordinary gift of wishes, opening the door to an exhilarating journey across the boundless realms of the multiverse. With his imagination as his compass and no limits to hold him back, Kasper sets out to explore worlds teeming with untold treasures and oceans, realms plagued by sinister demons, lands inhabited by skilled ninjas, and countless other extraordinary dimensions. Kasper's wildest dreams come to life, and the rules are nothing but figments of imagination! First Arc: Wishes and One Piece (currently) *WARNING: THE WORLDS EXPLORED WILL SEVERELY DEVIATE FROM CANON AND THERE IS WISH FULFILLMENT. THERE WILL BE CHANGES TO PERSONALITIES, POWERS AND CANON-EVENTS. IF YOU DISLIKE THIS, PLEASE, DONT READ, OR COME INTO THE COMMENTS COMPLAINING AFTER THIS WARNING.* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Your feedback is invaluable to the growth of the story. Please consider leaving a review, as understanding your likes and dislikes helps shape the narrative. If you've enjoyed your time reading, a power stone or review would be appreciated! Thank you for your support! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- All rights to the characters and worlds, excluding the main character, belong to their respective owners. Any concerns regarding intellectual property rights should be directed to me for resolution. Cover Artist: NeuroPieCats @ DeviantArt

itsDhi · Anime & Comics
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32 Chs

Marines; arent you just water-scouts?

In the training room's center, Kasper stood poised, a beacon of focus. He was about to put his newly acquired Ultra Instinct / Observation Haki, to the test. This ability, he understood, granted him the power of instinctive dodging and counterattacks, along with an uncanny sense of his opponent's movements and location.

Taking a deep breath, a tingling sensation spread through his mind. It felt like an alarm, a warning of incoming danger. Before conscious thought could even register the threat, Kasper felt the presence of a fist hurtling towards him. His body reacted on autopilot, a split-second moevement made. He swayed to the side with lightning speed, the attacker's blow grazing harmlessly past his cheek.

The momentum from the dodge fueled a seamless counterattack. In a single, fluid motion, Kasper pivoted on his heel. His arm, blurring like a striking serpent, sliced through the air. Effortlessly, it intercepted the follow-up punch, his hand clamping down on the attacker's neck with vice-like speed.


"Alright, that's enough for today," Robin coughed, her voice strained. Reaching up, she gently tapped Kasper's hand, a silent signal to release his hold. Realizing his grip was still lingering on her neck, Kasper loosened it immediately, his eyes snapping open to check for any injuries. Thankfully, she seemed more winded than hurt.

"Looks like you've got the hang of it," Robin wheezed, a hint of awe creeping into her voice. "That was… impressive. It's similar to Observation Haki, but deadlier. What's the secret behind it all?"

Kasper rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. "Remember how I mentioned adapting to a wild lifestyle on that island? It seems that whole experience left me with a kind of animalistic sense for combat. This new skill feels like a mashup of that instinct and Haki. When I fight, my mind clears, and my body reacts purely on autopilot. I can dodge, counter, and even sense movements around me – like a sixth sense. It's almost like having a split consciousness, one for the body and one for instincts."

Kasper shared this information with Robin not out of carelessness, but because of a growing trust. He believed that loyalty would beget loyalty, and that Robin, despite her past, wouldn't betray him.

[Host. There is a ship sailing directly towards your location. It seems to be a Marine vessel.]

A glint in his eye, Kasper announced, "Looks like company's arriving sooner than expected. Time for our grand debut!" With a mischievous grin, he gestured for Robin to follow him onto the deck.

There, a formidable sight awaited them. A Marine cruiser, a warship boasting three towering masts and bristling with weaponry, loomed before them. Six cannons adorned each side of its hull, while four more, even larger, threatened from the bow. The ship's heart, a central circular structure, proudly displayed the Marine insignia and its name.

As the vessel drew closer, a booming voice echoed across the water. "Halt! This is a Marine vessel! We're conducting a search for wanted pirates in these waters. Identify yourselves and approach slowly!"

Kasper sauntered forward, a picture of nonchalance. With each deliberate step, he turned to Robin. "Seems we can't avoid introductions any longer," he murmured.

Reluctantly, Robin trailed behind him, worry etched on her face.

"Hold on," Kasper boomed, addressing the Marines. "A bit excessive, wouldn't you say? We're just a humble merchant ship, on a critical quest. My wife, Bulma here," he gestured towards Robin, "needs to find a doctor urgently. Delivering a baby, you see." He struggled to maintain a straight face, the absurdity of his lie threatening to erupt in a smirk. "By the way, the name's Saitama. Saitama from the Bald Islands!"

The Marines, oblivious to the blatant fiction, remained stern. "Stand down! Standard procedure requires identification. Miss Bulma, step forward for verification!"

Robin, increasingly apprehensive but bewildered by Kasper's theatrics, cautiously moved to the front of the deck.

A shriek pierced the air. "Devil Child! It's Nico Robin! You're harboring a World Government fugitive!" Panic laced the Marine officer's voice. "Everyone, board that ship and apprehend her!"

Kasper whipped around, his playful demeanor vanishing. "Robin, stay back! Any surprise attacks, leave them to me. Besides, I was itching for a good stretch!" With a battle cry, he launched himself towards the Marine vessel.

Chaos erupted on the Marine ship as Kasper landed with a flourish. The Marines scrambled, their surprise quickly morphing into fear. A mischievous grin stretched across Kasper's face as he surveyed the scene. With a loud crack of his neck, he announced his presence with a thunderous roar, before diving headfirst into the fray.

Kasper was a whirlwind of motion. He darted through the ranks of Marines, his movements blurring with speed and precision. A well-placed punch connected with a Marine's jaw, sending him flying overboard. In a swift maneuver, Kasper executed a spinning heel kick, his foot connecting with the feet of several Marines clustered around him. They yelped in pain, their attacks faltering.

Suddenly, the glint of metal caught his eye. A Marine, desperate and cornered, drew a pistol. Reacting with lightning reflexes, Kasper was a blur as he closed the distance. He appeared right in front of the Marine, their faces inches apart. Without a moment's hesitation, Kasper unleashed a powerful {Baek Nok}, a swift upward kick that sent the Marine flying through the air with a sickening crack.

The tide was turning. Realizing the futility of firearms against Kasper's inhuman speed, the Marines resorted to their swords. Drawing their blades in unison, they charged, a storm of steel aimed at their elusive opponent.

But Kasper was ready. His {Ultra Instinct} activated, his mind entered a state of serene focus amidst the chaos. His body became an extension of his will, effortlessly weaving through the barrage of attacks. The world seemed to slow down, allowing him to perceive every detail – the rasp of each breath, the frantic beating of hearts, the trajectory of every blade aimed to pierce him.

Kasper wasn't just dodging; he was dominating. He employed {Water Stream Encampment}, transforming the battlefield into his domain. As enemy swords slashed through the air, Kasper launched precise counterattacks. His body moved with fluid grace, his palms like blades deflecting blows and disarming opponents. Fists rained down, connecting with faces and bodies, while powerful kicks sent Marines flying.

The once-proud Marine vessel was now a scene of utter pandemonium. Screams filled the air as Kasper danced through the melee, a relentless force dismantling his adversaries. The deck was littered with groaning bodies, testaments to his


'Damn, Ultra Instinct is a beast,' Kasper thought, surveying the groaning figures scattered across the Marine vessel's deck. The air crackled with a faint electrical hum – a lingering effect of his overpowered state. 'Like a freaking God of Destruction out here. But the stamina drain is real.' He flexed a hand experimentally, feeling a pleasant ache settle in his muscles. 'Though, I can already feel myself adapting…'

Only one Marine remained upright – the Commodore, his face a mask of terror as he sputtered threats.

"Don't even think about taking another step!" he shrieked, his voice laced with desperation. "You've attacked Marines, harbored a criminal – you've made yourself an enemy of the World Government!"

Kasper sauntered closer, his movements deliberate, predatory. He stopped mere inches from the trembling man, his voice a low rumble. "What's your name, Marine?"

"E-Enzo," the Commodore stammered, his bravado crumbling.

"Enzo," Kasper repeated, letting the name roll off his tongue. "Do I look like I give a damn about your Marines or the World Government? I already mopped the floor with Smoker – a couple more of you ain't exactly breaking a sweat." A cruel smirk twisted his lips. "Maybe this little skirmish will finally attract someone interesting."

His voice hardened. "Look, maybe some of you Marines actually believe in that 'justice' you spout. But most of you? You're just power-tripping bullies, happy to blow innocent people off the map for your twisted sense of order." He leaned down, his eyes boring into Enzo's with a chilling intensity. "I didn't kill anyone here. They'll be sore, sure, but they'll live. Now take your sorry crew and fuck off back to the hole you crawled out of."

With that, Kasper straightened and turned away, his steps measured as he headed back to his own ship. As he crossed the deck, his gaze met Robin's. A reassuring smile played on his lips as he reached her side. Placing a gentle hand on her shoulder, he spoke softly.

"One thing you can be sure of now, Robin. Anyone who messes with my friends gets payback. Tenfold."

Robin's heart swelled with a warmth that surprised her. A genuine smile touched her lips. "Thank you, Kasper. I don't regret joining you for a second." A playful glint entered her eyes. "Though, maybe next time you could avoid nearly leaving me defenseless by… oh, what was it again? Right, maiming my former boss."

Kasper sputtered, caught off guard. A sheepish chuckle escaped him as he scratched his head. Then, with a mischievous glint mirroring Robin's, he turned back towards the Marine ship. Drawing his sword, he sliced the air in a horizontal arc. A dark wave of energy erupted from the blade, tearing a gaping black gash across the Marine ship's sails. The fabric billowed uselessly, the severed end disappearing into the churning sea with a deafening boom.

"Well, that settles that," Kasper declared, a satisfied grin on his face. "Water 7's about a day's sail from here. Time to get you back to training. Besides," he added with a wink, "I'm famished after all that effort."