

Given a choice. promised to kill the enemies of a goddess. Reincarnated. Lusted after his master and maid. Determined to never become alone. getting the last and most powerful blessing of the goddess of beauty, lust, and battle. Going through hellish training to not get reverse raped. What will happen in the future? Join the adventures of a greedy and lustful boy on his path to becoming the strongest and bending the heads of strong women. What will he do when he becomes the strongest, Well, he has some crazy ideas for the future. AN:* there will be slight grammatical mistakes because this is my first work. *comment on any mistakes and ideas.

lolli_pop66 · Fantasy
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29 Chs

New Home

After riding for around three hours through the forest on horseback, they entered a huge field spread out like a sea.

Nova could see many people doing various jobs in the fields.

After riding for 15 more minutes, they could see a long wall, easily 25 meters in height.

When they arrived near the wall, a gigantic gate made of iron-like material came into view.

As they approached the wall, Nova saw a lot of people standing in a queue to enter the gates.

Among them, he noticed something very interesting—a group of people with distinct features like fluffy ears and tails.

He remembered from the stories he read that they were called beast kin.

Only now did he fully realize that he was not on Earth anymore.

When they moved past the line without waiting, everyone looked at them.

However, nobody said a word as they arrived in front of the guards.

The guards bowed to them and let them pass without saying a word.

Crossing the gates, they entered a wide road with a lot of carriages going to and fro.

On both sides of the road, houses were arranged in neat lines with different designs.

Groups of children played here and there.

All in all, this place was very lively.

After riding on the road for some time, they entered another road which was cleaner and neater than the previous one.

There was no one on this road other than some patrolling guards.

After traveling on the desolate path for a few minutes, they came upon a 5-meter-high fence on both sides of the road with different colors and designs.

The left side had black fences, and the right side had pink ones.

While looking at the fences and the designs, they arrived at the gates of both fences.

There were two guards on each side of both gates.

The lady entered the black gate.

Both guards saluted her and opened the gates.

After getting off the horse while carrying baby Nova, the lady walked forward without looking back at the horse, knowing the guards would take care of it.

As she carried Nova, he looked around and saw that in the middle of the walking path, there was a beautiful fountain with a floral design.

Beautiful flowers were neatly arranged on both sides of the pavement. Seeing further, he noticed a large ground full of green grass on both sides.

At the end of the pavement, a huge white mansion stood proudly. After arriving at the mansion, she opened the wooden door and entered.

"I'm home," she said, slightly louder.

Suddenly, the space in front of them distorted, and a beautiful woman with a big chest wearing a maid uniform appeared.

"Welcome home, madam," the woman said.

"Misty, come here," she said to the busty woman.

"What is it, madam?" Misty asked when she was in front of them.

'So her name is Misty,' Nova thought.

"Here, take him. From now on, he is your responsibility. His name is Nova," she said to Misty while handing him over.

"Understood, madam. I will take good care of him," she replied emotionlessly.

"Take him to one of the free rooms and arrange everything for him. I will take a bath and come to him," she said to Misty and walked away.

After she disappeared from sight, Misty took him upstairs and entered a room.

Inside, there was a large bed and a closet arranged neatly.

After putting him on the bed, she went into another door in the room.

After a few seconds, she returned.

She sat on one side of the bed and looked at him without saying anything.

He also stared at her without doing anything.

A few minutes passed, and they're still staring at each other in silence.

Nova wanted to do something to break the silence, so he put his arm up in her direction.

Seeing this, she understood that he wanted her to lift him up.

So, she picked him up and hugged him.

Suddenly, Nova kissed her cheek. She slightly pulled him away to see him clearly up close.

"Hmm~, since you dare to steal my first kiss, I will have you take responsibility in the future, fufufu~," she joked, laughing beautifully for the first time.

Seeing her smile, Nova became speechless. She was so beautiful when she laughed.

He suddenly had an urge to make her smile even more in the future.

"Welcome to your new home, young master Nova," she said, smiling while looking into his eyes.

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