
Dominating Witches

In a world where witches and warlocks are a minority and forced to hide their powers from common humans, Bianca Hersey tries to live her life as normally as she can after her parent's death. Under her grandmother's care, she feels obligated to go to a special boarding school to avoid becoming a burden for her only close relative alive. The problem is that she's an hybrid (a mix of human and witch/warlock), one of the most hated beings among the magic users, and she's going to be surrounded by many of them in her new school. Going to a place where strength and magic prowess are overvalued is going to be a pain, maybe even dangerous, as Bianca is just a wimpy, apathetic girl. Nasty conflicts among witches, warlocks and humans are going to take place, and she wants no part in it. 'Normal' and 'boring' it's her cup of tea, you could say.

DaoistZlCgBv · Fantasy
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33 Chs

[27] Recording Plan

A random girl from International DeckerFord School was still astonished as this handsome guy, Maximilian Hamington, asked her for the hybrid. He seemed so masculine, strong and confident that she couldn't help but ignore the question he threw at her, his deep and refined voice not helping at all.

His bright blue eyes seemed to invade her soul like fierce soldiers on a war, mercilessly, but she didn't care. He could 'invade' anything he wanted.

"... Hey!"

She jumped in astonishment, waking up from her daydreaming at noticing the boy frowning in discontent. Wow, he was hotter when he's annoyed.

"Yes? I didn't hear, sorry, what did you say?"

"I was asking if you know where Bianca Hersey is, the hybrid".

Why the heck he wanted to see her? In other circumstances she would've questioned him, but she wanted to satisfy him so she answered him she (Bianca) was probably in the cafeteria. Maximilian half smiled in return, which diverted the girl's attention to his very enticing lips.

"Thanks" Maximilian said, turning around to said place.

So hot! Why none of the boy from International DeckerFord School were like that? She lamented internally, watching him go away. Maximilian not only was a delight for the eyes, but he also was admired simply by wearing the Honored Disciple's Academy uniform, so he was a good guy to associate with in every sense.

Meanwhile, Maximilian quickly found and approached a clueless hybrid, obliviously putting her empty food tray with the others. She was clearly irritated at having to show up to Fighting Concepts make-up class, which she detested with her soul.

"Hello, Bianca Hersey" Maximilian greeted her, in a serious but courteous tone.

Said girl jumped in fright, recognizing the voice almost instantly. As soon as her eyes fell over the intimidating giant, she moved a few steps back to keep a larger distance between them and was readying herself to run at any sign of a threat.

He sighed at her obvious fear, feeling a bit guilty.

"I won't do anything to you" He said, softening his gaze "I... I'm sorry".

His apology, far from relieving her, made her distrust him more. Magic users were very prideful creatures, he had to have an ulterior motive for this.

"Okay, have a good day" She hastily said.

She could only half turn before a big hand grabbed her by the shoulder. Maximilian knew Bianca was a small girl, but seeing his hand engulfing her was a hard reminder of it and he felt even worse at scaring her. He abruptly let her go like she was on fire.

"Can I talk with you in private?"

"Bu-but why!? Here is perfect!"

Yeah. It was perfectly perfect, with many witnesses seeing them in case something happens.

"Fine. Do you want to take a seat at least?"

Bianca nodded reluctantly, and Maximilian guided her to the closest table. As both sat, Bianca noticed the looks from a few of the other students, expecting something from them. Probably him attacking her.

"Every day that passes, I'm more convinced I was wrong" He said, sighing "I'm sorry for everything".

Maximilian clenched his fists in frustration, not used to asking for forgiveness. He realized that, even if his father and Bianca's mom were having an affair, the girl didn't have anything to do with it as she practically lived away with her father the whole time. Besides, he reasoned it didn't make any sense to support a supposed lover's family (Bianca and her grandmother) when she (Bianca's mom) was already dead.

Mr. Zachary also confessed that yes, he wasn't a saint and he did have an ulterior motive to help Bianca and her grandmother, but wasn't going to tell him because it wasn't 'his business'. Maximilian wasn't stupid, his father always liked to be in control of other people's lives: he most surely wanted them to submit to him. The boy heard Bianca's estranged relatives took everything from her and now her only source of livelihood was a miser monthly salary his father sent; knowing him, he wasn't going to let this opportunity to exert control go away.

In this sense, Maximilian was much like his father. He needed to be the one in power: the only one.

Then he found out the hybrid passed the purity test. No one was completely sure how to achieve it, but these people had some things in common: they were honest, and they rarely had any bad intention towards others. The girl was kind enough to call his father to tell him Alexander was being bullied, and even asked him to not tell anyone it came from her; but Zachary (being him) didn't listen to her and told Maximilian anyway.

"O-okay" She muttered as a reply "Is this what you wanted to talk about?"

He was a bit touched by her kindness, and how humble she really was. Anyone else would've asked for something in return as an 'apology', or at least taken this chance to complain or mock him.

"Yes. Also... my dad told me my idiotic brother was being bothered by some witch..."

Bianca's eyes opened wide. Had Mr. Zachary told him it was her who said that?

"... he said some teacher noticed him about it" Maximilian lied.

The girl sighed in relief. He didn't know.

"... I talked with my brother about it, but he's still in denial" He continued, rolling his eyes at Alexander's idiotic behavior "I can't blame him tough: no one wants to admit weakness".

"And you're telling me this because..."

Please don't involve me anymore, please don't. Bianca begged mentally.

"I want you to help me uncover that b*tch" He blurted out.


"I wish I could just barge in and break her skull into the table, but I can't, unfortunately. I have this reputation of being aggressive for no reason, I don't know why, considering I'm a very diplomatic person..."

Maximilian proceeded to ignore Bianca's horrified face, assuming she was oversensitive at mildly crude words, and kept talking.

"...so no one would believe I was defending my brother if I attack her. That's why I need you to record that b*tch being the b*tch she really is, so we have some prove to show to the Principal".

Bianca really didn't want to do any of that. Maximilian interpreted her reluctance to cooperate as a reaction for the mistreating she received from him before, so he softened his face and voice a little.

"I know I don't have any right to ask you this after how I treated you, but look at this as a repayment for all the help my dad gave you. We now need you to return it, so please..."

Now he was going for emotional blackmail!? Ah! How could she refuse now? Mr. Zachary could be a devious man and all; but if it wasn't for him, Bianca and her grandma would've literally died of hunger. Or worse, Child Protective Services would've come for her and she would've been another abandoned orphan.

Maximilian saw the mental struggle reflected in Bianca's face, but didn't say anything. He let her think about it for a minute, without interrupting her.

"What do you have in mind?" She asked, sighing in defeat.