
Chapter 250 - Blood Gourd Valley (Additional Chapters 24/110 for Baiyi Dye-Rimmed Frost Flower)

Translator: 549690339

"Actually, for us, not being able to save people in time or only arriving afterwards might be the best scenario."

Ye Weiming shook his head: "If I really wanted to save them, I would not have turned to other matters after defeating Cheng Kun."

Zang Xingyu countered, "After all, this task requires everyone's participation. Therefore, I still hope Brother Ye would be straightforward about your thoughts in advance, so everyone can be mentally prepared, right?"

As for this, Ye Weiming had no issues: "Time is precious, let's head towards Blood Gourd Valley now, we can talk while moving."


The group set off from the small woods. Each of them activated their movement techniques and bolted in the direction of Blood Gourd Valley. Meanwhile, Ye Weiming voiced his views and thoughts to everyone via the team channel.

"Firstly, this task Fan Yao arranged for us is a trap!"

The girl named Dao immediately inquired, "How is it a trap?"