
306 is everywhere

Pass or run?

Second down with ten yards to go, facing the defensive group whose performance was steadily improving, how would the Kansas City Chiefs' offense choose their tactics?

The answer, of course, was... to run.

Mark's focus was intense, and he immediately noticed Smith and Li Wei's handoff. With a misstep, he drove his left shoulder into Fisher's right, this time, Fisher wasn't easily shaken off. He clung to Mark, steadfastly refusing to let him break through again and again.

Mark wasn't surprised.

Even though Fisher wasn't considered a top player, his ability to be the first overall draft pick was rooted in his physical qualities. Once he made an accurate prediction, Fisher could still carry out his offensive line duties, and do it very well.

As the game progressed, Fisher didn't allow Mark to have his way. The confrontation had begun.