
Chapter # 2

I just couldn't sleep. What should I do? He's just a stranger. I can never break my parent's hearts just for him. My parent's wish is far more important to me. And what does he mean he can't do it?

I am sure he'll change his thoughts after marriage. After marriage, people change. I am sure he will too. But, maybe I should not force him. Maybe he is forced into this marriage and can't say no. I shouldn't be selfish. I'll try.

Being delusional like always.

My mind mocked me but I ignored it because I know it's true.

1 Week Later:-

It's been a week. I tried to speak to my father about it but he is really busy. On the other hand, mother, She just doesn't listen. She tried to comfort me saying things like marriage is a big step and you are nervous and we have asked you about it already.

The problem is whenever she asked for a valid reason, I remained speechless. I have none, What should I tell you?

I saw my father talking with Mr Corte. I took a deep breath. It's alright, I am saving someone from being forced into a loveless marriage.

"Father!" I called entering the room. Mother, Father and Mr Corte looked at me.

"I can't marry Desmond," I announced; too much to everyone's surprise.

"What?" Father asked. What am I thinking? I am falling low in my own father's eyes just for someone.

"I like someone else," I said firmly. What an excuse, idiot. Everyone was shocked and the mother asked, "I-I mean, I don't want to." I quickly changed my words. Why am I so awkward?

"When we asked you back then you said that you don't have a love or fine with it." Father reasoned.

"I lied," I said.

"Tell me his name, the guy you like." Mr Corte joined the conversation. We all looked at him, then everyone looked at me. I opened my mouth to say a name but I couldn't think of one. I looked down. How am I supposed to tell them? I have no one. Only if I have a friend. But to no avail.

Mr Corte sighed and stood up. He walked toward me and patted my head.

"I am so sorry." I looked at him in shock. "What? Why?"

"Ester, You are a perfect match for my son. He doesn't get it now. But, after your marriage, he will." He reassured me. I smiled nervously at him.

"Can you tell us about it too?" Father asked.

"Well you see Mr Willows, Not everyone is blessed with a child like yours. Desmond must have told her that it's an arranged marriage and he didn't want to marry." Mr Corte explained.

"But, If he doesn't want to then, you can't force him," Mother said.

"He has to get married one day. And Ester is perfect for him" He smiled at me.

"Please forgive me, I shall take care that something like this won't happen again ... So, Are you still against this marriage, Ester?"Mr Corte asked.

I blushed and shook my head like 'No' and looked down. If Uncle is saying I should trust him that it won't happen. I can trust him, can't I?

"No," I said shyly. Everyone laughed,

"I knew it. My daughter will never disgrace my name." Father exclaimed proudly.

"I am really glad." Mr Corte went back to his seat.

"Ester. The marriage is next month. I hope you don't mind." Father asked.

"Okay," I said and left.

I can't believe I am getting married in one month. They are right. After marriage people change. He'll change too. If not, then I'll change myself for him. I smiled when I remembered him, But, His words suddenly scared me. I gulped from fear. Is this the right decision?

Desmond POV:-

I had just returned from work and was working in my study room. I'm really tired. I rubbed my temples and closed my eyes. But, my moment of calmness was taken when father entered. He looked furious. He slammed his hands on the table in anger.

"What the hell have you told her!?" Father hissed. I stood up.

"Didn't she tell you about it?" I asked in a calm tone.

"Like hell, she will!" Father walked to me and stood in front of me. His determination for my marriage is pissing me off. Why is he snagging me about it? I don't want to get married. I don't want to ruin a girl's life by loving her.

"Now listen, Desmond, You'll marry her," Father said firmly before I could protest he continued,

"Of course, I won't force you..." He is not that good that he's gonna let me do what I want. I am waiting for him to continue with a 'but' and he did,

"But, If in my testament I gave all my money to charity, then don't blame me." He threatened. How could he? He can't force me to marry any girl. Why can't he understand I can't do it?

"I am your son and I have rights on your money," I said angrily.

"The fact remains that it's MY money, MY property and it depends on me whether I give it to you or someone else." I grit my teeth in anger.

"Why are you going that far just to get me married?" I seriously don't get him.

"Because She's perfect for you."

"That's for me to decide," I scoffed. "Meaning you'll not marry forever?" he questioned.

"You know it, I cannot love anyone still you are forcing me?" I scowled exasperatedly.

"Because I want to eradicate the fear inside your heart."

"It's not a fear. It's the truth. I. Cannot. Love." I declared. He didn't listen and turned away from me. "I know. But you cannot stick on something which happened years ago, Desmond." Father said sternly.

"It's etched in my soul. It was all my fault." I said, remembering all those agonizing moments I have suffered. "Father, Please. Don't. It will ruin both of our lives. She'll break apart." I tried to make him understand.

"She won't." Father said. "How can you be so sure?" I asked.

"I know light can kill darkness but you are different, you need darkness as your salvation." Father said, taking a seat. "What are you trying to say?" I asked.

"Ester is a painfully delusional girl. If she swore to love you, she'll do it till her last breath." Father explained. "But it will break her from inside. If I broke the trust she put on me, she'll be shattered, Father. She might be like this but if break her illusions by pushing her away, she'll never recover from the pain. Please, Don't push her into more darkness. My darkness will kill her." I said, desperately, hoping Father might understand how toxic I am for anyone and it would be better if we forget about it.

"You are not getting it, Desmond. Let her love you once. I am sure you'll be liberated."

"I can't." I whispered, looking away.

He sighed and shook his head and handed me some papers.

"If you are not listening, I'll make you. Sign them." He said deadpanned.

"What's that?" I asked.

"Read it and give it to me tomorrow." He said as he left. Judging him, he must have made a contract. I opened it and began to read it.

I grit my teeth in anger.

How could he?

I pulled my hair in frustration. He really knows how to play games. He didn't leave me with much choice. I have told him I cannot do it. Why is he dying so much for me to marry that woman? I don't even like her. My love is deadly, it will take her life.

I don't want to destroy neither her nor my life.

I sighed and sat on the sofa. I am struck. The only thing I can do is to agree. I signed the papers and threw the vase on the table in anger. I will never forgive him for this. If he came to know about it...

No... It sends shivers down my spine to think about it. My love is lethal, I am not allowed to love, I will never love anyone. He'll never let me love her. And if by any chance love arouses between us, he'll break it. I cannot let it happen. I will never love her.

The important features of the contract are hitting my nerves.

*You have to get married to the girl of James La Corte's choice.

*The moment you get married all property of La Corte will belong to you.

*The moment you sign the marriage papers, You'll become the owner of every La Corte Property and Enterprises

*You'll be abided by your duties as a husband and infringement will cost the property granted to you.

*This marriage won't be annulled unless your wife wants to.

The deal isn't overall bad. But, I have to get married to someone just to get what should belong to me. I don't know why he is so obsessed about it but, It can work to my favor.

I can marry her and make her hate me. So, she asked for a divorce. It's not that bad.

After meeting her I know that she's not my type. She is a sweet and kind girl. Girls like her are difficult to break but, I will do it. But one thing is clear- this girl and I can never become one.

I will never let it happen and for it, if I have to break every boundary, I will.

The next day, I went to my father. He was sitting next to mother. I greeted them and hugged my mother as she kissed my forehead. I smiled. My smile faded as father smiled,

"Welcome Son, Have you signed the papers?"

"You didn't leave me much choice," I frowned.

"Believe me. In future, You're gonna thank me."

"I doubt that," I handed the papers to my father.

"What's this?" Mother asked.

"A business deal," We said at the same time. He smirked as I scoffed and turned to left,

"Wait Desmond!" Mother called and I looked at her.

"Yes, Mother?"

"Son, Do you like Ester? You don't have any objections to our choice, right?" Despite my urge to tell her the truth, I simply smiled and kissed her forehead,

"I don't have any doubts on your choice," Mother smiled and I left.