
Domain Expansion: Adventure in DC

D.E.A.D. (Domain Expansion: Adventure in DC) Before you read anything: #1. This story gives a strong impression that it is a simulation, right from the start. Don't read if you're not a patient person. #2. Story is strongly plot-oriented and includes a lot of deep narrations. Again, don't read if you're looking for something simple. #3. Read if you're looking for something exciting, a lot of action and chaos, and, if you're patient enough to watch the story unfold (unlike The Cursed World). #4. Author may not give a F* (Synopsis) My name is Wan Juan. I was just a normal guy striving to climb the ladder of life when I walked into him. Little did I know of his nature: A Cursed Celestial. In his D.E.A.D world, my story began in the lovely island of Themyscira that instantly transformed into a battle ground. Slowly, I grasped my nature of being capable to use Cursed Energy and Cursed Techniques as I navigated the treacherous circumstance I had found myself in. Fate bind my story as a prophecy unfolded. Pacts were forged as the situation escalated, and I chose to exorcise the Amazons. But it was only until I met the Justice League that I grasped my true nature and the weight on my shoulders, as, The Cursed Millennial. The salvation and fate of all existence rested on my ability to hone my jujutsu and face threats beyond mortal understanding. C/N: The first chapter involves a rapid shit in POV like in the synopsis above. From I to He. Nothing wrong with it. Get used to it. Disclaimer: I own nothing in the realm of DC or JJK. Just my ideas.

TheCursedMillenial · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs

Chapter 1. Domain Expansion

He sat there quietly by the streets observing the by-passers one after the other.

"Such a busy life." He thought to himself. But those were the streets of New York, always packed with all sorts of people.

Not that he cared about any of it. He was just in between travels. This was the world he had recently come by in his quest for excitement.

So far, he was already so disappointed.

What a mundane world it was!

Not even one soul could see him. No one could even see curses! There were also no other curses in this world with the exception of this lonely traveller.

He could take on many forms as he desired. This time, he had taken on the form of Mahito, a curse he had grown to like once they crossed paths.

[Mahito: Images & GIFs]

He got up from the bench and stood up, ready to leave for the next world. He couldn't believe that he had landed to such a boring world.

"Watch it patch-face!" I said, not trying to sound polite at all as he crashed on me. It was as if he wasn't even trying to unblock my path and he just walked casually. "I'm walking here!"

"What?!" I had him murmur, sounding surprised.

"I said look where you're going." I repeated, but turned around to walk away. I had a busy life to get back to, and I didn't have the time for weirdos.

A busy life because... I didn't chose it. It chose me although I inevitably worked hard for it. I spent years in school mastering all sorts of business concepts just so I could end up in the corporate world and make money.

It wasn't something I was passionate about. If granted the time, I would use it to do all the things I enjoyed but didn't have enough time for.

"You can... S-s-see me?" I heard him stutter as I increased the distance between us. I was still close enough to hear him though.

What was with this guy thinking that he was invisible. I couldn't judge him though, because, in someway, I could relate.

He looked at me as I quickened my pace. I was already late for another dumb business meeting.

He had given himself a name ever since he had discovered what his unique abilities were. He called himself Noroi no Sekai, and all he desired was anything that could bring him excitement.

Watching me walk away broadened his smile as he thought to himself. "The only one in this entire world who can see a cursed spirit. Interesting."

I could have sworn hearing him say familiar words from a manga I had always procrastinated from reading fully, waiting for it to finish. But I knew these words clearly from the first few chapters, and what happened next confirmed my suspicions.

"Domain Expansion." Kaso Sekai said as he prepared for the ritual with his hands and fingers. "Isekai!"

In one minute, I was about to cross into the next street, but in the next, I was plunged into total darkness. I felt as if I my body was forcefully revolving making me nausea's.

I was too freaking stressed to even want to think about what was going on.

"Interesting mind." Kaso Sekai observed. "So much excitement lurking in the shadows, yet you lead such a boring life."

"Let's see how exciting your life might get in... " he slowly passed through my half-baked memories of all the things I had watched. Most I didn't even remember clearly, but some, I treasured into my heart.

"... This one." He finally selected a world from my memories. "DC."

The environment changed and I now found myself waking up from a bed.

"I wonder what he thinks about this location?" Noroi no Sekai wondered. "We shall see."

"Spend to earn." He whispered as all focus shifted to me. "Let's see how much Cursed energy you can synthesize for me."


The room was quiet. The air was still. The atmosphere looked polite and calming as I scanned the room.

It was just a simple bedroom with a bed with decent sheets, that I was somehow tucked in. There was no doubt about it. This was real.

The bed was just adjacent to a big window with long, flowing curtains. I pushed myself out of the bed and walked towards them.

I opened the curtains, and the blocked light filled the room instantaneously. The sun was high up in the sky.

Was it already midday?

I wondered how many hours had passed since I had passed out. I probably had passed out.

I scanned the area around as my eyes got used to the light.

Just where was I?

The buildings... I had never seen such structures before. They looked like something you only saw in the mind of a creative genius.

There was a balcony just past the window. I walked through the door and stood on it as I took in the scenery before me.

There was some chatter below me and I heard some giggling sounds.

Girls... My heart throbbed lustfully.

Of course this wonder land just had to have girls. It would be incomplete without them after all.

"Haaa... I was due for a vacation anyway." I thought to myself. "Why not make some bad decisions?"

"Hey there ladies!" I called out to them from the balcony. "How are you doing."

They looked up, their expressions spooked. Then they started mumbling, keeping their eyes towards where I was. They weren't audible enough, so I couldn't tell exactly what they were saying.

"Is-s that a man?" One of the girls asked.

"He most definitely doesn't look female." The other said.

"B-b-but... How?" Another asked. "H-how did he get inside that room?"

"What is that room even?" Another noticed.

"Let's capture this stranger and take him to the Queen." The first one now said, looking a bit calmer and sounding resolved.

"Don't underestimate him." The second one said. "He must be good if he has managed to make it this far."

They started running to take positions around the building, but to me, it looked like they were running away.

"Jeez... I just said hi." I sulked.

But what were they wearing. Was this some sort of cosplay sanctuary.

"I better get out and find out how I got in here." I thought as I turned to walk back in the room.

Beyond the door that led to the room I had woken up in was a corridor that seemed to stretch infinitely on one side. On the other side, I could see a set of stairs that led to the lower floor.

I was curious to go see what was on the end of the long side, but I decided to first see what was below the stairs.

The air in the staircase got denser as I took the first step. The light in the staircase was dim too, and my eyes had to get used to it to make out the steps clearly.

A few steps in, my thoughts raced back to the patch-face I had come across, and the nauseating feeling I had felt while my mind spined around.

"I have to stop overworking myself." I said to myself, thinking that I had just gotten tired. "Fuck that promotion!"

But just as I made it to the landing, a purple light hazed my vision, spooking me, and I stopped to observe closely.

The purple light seemed to be flowing like a color immersed in water, but it didn't illuminate the steps with it's glow.

I was startled for a moment, wondering what was happening as I watched the light flow.

As if blown by a gentle wind, the purple light ruffled and started concentrating on a central area. In a matter of seconds, a small round shape formed and the light dispersed, surrounding it like an aura.

I observed closely at the unusual scenery before me, carefully taking in the details of the round, purple, shape.

"Strange coin." I observed, starting to think I was hallucinating stuff. But why a coin?

Suddenly, the purple light started to shift and concentrate on all areas around, randomly, forming symbol that I recognized to be letters of the English alphabet.

The symbols rearranged and started forming words in a mumbled way before rearranging again to form clear sentences that I could read.

"Coin Toss."

"Toss this coin when it's time to acquire your first technique."

The words and the coin before me left be puzzled, but I didn't have enough time to read into it as the symbols and the purple light suddenly dissolved into thin air and disappeared.

But the coin remained and fell to the ground, disrupting the pin-drop silence with it's clattering sound. The sudden noise echoed through the quiet surroundings, and my attention was drawn to the fallen coin.

I shifted my body a bit and moved towards where it had fallen and bent to pick it up. I stretched my hand, but hesitated, unsure if it was the right call.

Things were getting stranger by the moment. I took a deep breath and let out a relaxed sigh and then picked up the coin. I then brought it closer to my eye for keener observation.

On one side was engraved a stylized, dark-furred wolf with a red triangle on its forehead, and, on the other was a distinctive eye with a vibrant blue color and white brows.

[Diamond Dogs: Images and GIFs]

[Six Eyes: Images and GIFs]

Thank you for reading my first chapter!

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